Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 303 The Youth Opens His Eyes!

Chapter 303 The Youth Opens His Eyes!

Just entering the aperture, Shengsi was taken aback, why is it a channel?And this passage is not usually long, and Shengsi can't see the end at a glance.

Although he was surprised, Shengsi didn't think too much about it, he exerted strength with both feet, and soon, Shengsi started to run rapidly.

After a few minutes like this, Shengsi looked at the bright light in front of him, and the next second, Shengsi had already exited this passage!

"Wow!" Looking at the scene in front of him, Shengsi sighed sincerely.

It's a small world, no!To say that the small world is a bit short, it should be said to be a medium world!

The exit of the tunnel is a high mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain, looking around, you can't see the end of the world at all. At the foot of the mountain is a plain. With a sweep of mental power, Shengsi discovered that there are indigenous residents in it!
And this is not surprising to Shengsi, what surprised Shengsi is that these natives are very strong!

Although they can't feel the breath of magic from their bodies, the saints can feel the oppression of the great magician level from some of them!This is the strength of pure flesh and body!
It's really shocking to be able to achieve such strength with only flesh and body!

However, this is not what surprised Shengsi the most. In this small world, Shengsi faintly has a powerful wave in the distance!This kind of power is beyond the imagination of Shengsi!

Extremely scary!
but!Sensi also breathed a sigh of relief when he felt this breath, because he found that although the breath was strong, it was very weak, as if he had fallen asleep.

With this thought in mind, Shengsi took all his breath away, and then flew in that direction. He was very curious about what this feared existence looked like!

In this way, Shengsi hurried all the way, avoiding people when he saw people, and detoured when he encountered villages or tribes. After half an hour, Shengsi stopped in front of a splendid palace.

This palace is very big, not much more than the hall just now!In front of this gate, Shengsi could only feel a breath that made his heart palpitate.

He knew that the terrifying person was in this hall. Although he was sleeping, Shengsi didn't dare to make a big move. After all, his power was beyond his imagination, and it would be bad if he accidentally capsized in the gutter. So now, Shengsi had to proceed with caution.

At this moment, the gate of the palace is open. Through this gate, Shengsi can see the whole picture of the palace. In the very center of the palace, there is a huge throne. An extremely charming young man, and that terrifying aura came from this young man!
Except for the throne, the palace was empty. At this time, the empty space was full of people. Judging from the costumes, these people were all members of the Esero family!

Seeing this scene, Shengsi was shocked. He said before that the relationship between the Esero family and this person was just a guess, but now, his guess has become a fact!

Eh!etc!Just now Shengsi was attracted by the scene in front of him, but he didn't find anything special about this palace!I saw above the palace, there are murals covering the sky!And the appearance of this mural, presumably Shengsi will never forget it in his life!

Those are big eyes, blood red, printed on the roof, looking very permeating.Of course, penetration is only secondary, and the most important thing is that the eyes here are quite similar to those seen by Yagoteri in terms of size, style, and shape.

Why do Yagotai have eyes here?Could it be that Yagotai was made by the man in front of him? !
Thinking of this, Shengsi came up with the idea of ​​turning around and running away immediately, that is the power to create a world!Shengsi couldn't imagine how powerful he would be. In short, Shengsi could only walk in front of him for a round!

However, just as Shengsi was about to turn around and leave, the young man on the throne opened his eyes!

In an instant, Shengsi only felt that he was locked in by a terrifying spiritual power. This spiritual power was so vast that Shengsi didn't even have the thought of resisting in front of it.

However, this mental power came and went quickly, just a little over a second, and when Shengsi's entire back was wet with sweat, that mental power suddenly faded away.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't even dare to turn his head, and immediately opened the space and ran towards the distance!

At the same time, the young man on the throne closed his eyes, as if he had never opened them just now, and those people in the open space of the palace were also busy with their own activities, and did not notice the strangeness at all.

When Shengsi passed the mountain and returned to the hall, his heart was still beating, thumping!Seiji hadn't experienced this extreme tension for a long time.

Just now, with the locking of that spiritual power, Shengsi felt a faint murderous aura, which was very faint, just like the faint murderous aura emanating from a person who accidentally trampled to death an ant.

Although Shengsi didn't know why that person just glanced at him and ignored him, but Shengsi knew that if he stayed there, he probably wouldn't survive for a few seconds, so Shengsi chose to run away immediately.

Now, staying in this hall, his heart has settled down slightly.

However, within a few seconds, a voice came out of his head: Get out of here quickly!

Eh?There is no sense of danger, why leave?

Shengsi was puzzled, now that he didn't feel any danger, why did the ball of light in his head ask him to leave.

Seeing Shengsi's thoughts, the voice of the ball of light in his head fluctuated slightly: "He said there was no danger. The man just now wanted to kill you. If I hadn't been emitting space fluctuations, he would have killed you long ago!"Why don't you leave here quickly, are you waiting to die? ! '

Hearing this, Shengsi was taken aback, no wonder!No wonder that person didn't pay attention to himself, it turned out to be like this!Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately ran towards the exit.

A few minutes later, Shengsi joined another 'Shengsi' who had returned home.

At this time, Shengsi had many doubts in his heart, such as: Who is that person?Why is he so powerful?why is he there . Why can the light ball block that person?Is the strength of the light ball in the brain comparable to that of a sage? .etc.

Perhaps Shengsi had too many questions in his head, and the ball of light in his head said: "It's about time, I should tell you."In fact, we are not the source of time and space at all, we are just two 'stones' separated from the source of time and space. Our purpose is very simple, to return to the source of time and space, and the source of time and space is in Shishou! '

You mean. that world? !
Shengsi was shocked when he heard the news.

PS: I have been waiting for a long time, because some things have been delayed, and I want to end, so this chapter was written so late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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