Chapter 304 Secret News
What does light ball mean?Could it be that there is a real source of time and space in Itomori's world? !What is the real source of time and space?Shengsi had new doubts in his heart.

'Yes, when you went to that world, didn't you read on the news that a comet will pass by the earth in a month?That comet!It is the projection of the source of time and space. When it passes through the earth, it will make the time and space of Itomori disorder. At this time, we can take advantage of the time and space disorder to go back! '

Hearing these words, Shengsi thought deeply and nodded secretly. When he watched the news at that time, he had a special premonition in his heart. Now it seems that there is indeed a problem.

At that time, the light ball said that the world would be able to enter in a month, and now counting it, it is only a few days.

Thinking of this, Shengsi planned to wait there after finishing the matter!
Just when Shengsi was thinking about this, the voice in his head rang again: "Also, let me answer your doubts for you too!"In fact, the universe you know is infinite, it has no boundaries, or it has boundaries, but the so-called boundaries are boundless chaos, and maybe after many years, there will be new stars there , the universe is expanding all the time, so the universe is infinite! '

'Of course, the universe I'm talking about is not the one you see now, I'm talking about the total universe!And in the total universe, some places are in the same place due to the influence of the law of time and space!There will be countless different universes existing at the same time!And these universes are collectively called the multiverse!These multiverses, big and small, are different, and for this reason they are also called: planes, planes, multiverses, etc. '

'And after a long period of development in these multiverses, each of them has its own world will. The role of the world will is to protect its own world and promote the development of the world. The bigger the world, the stronger the world will!And the earth you stayed on before and now here are all multiverses one by one! '

What? !After hearing this sentence, Shengsi's heart trembled. What shocked him was not his understanding of the multiverse, but that the ball of light knew that he came from another world!
From this sentence, it is not difficult to understand that the light ball in Shengsi's brain already knows that he is from another world.But how did he know? !Seiji was shocked!

Seeing what Shengsi was thinking, the ball of light continued: "I knew this from the first time you saw me. It is for this reason that we live in your mind. It's not because you have experienced two worlds, and you have a strong power of time and space on your body. This power of time and space can make it easier for me to return to the original, otherwise, who would ignore you? '

Cough cough, that's the way it is. Hearing Guangqiu's words, Shengsi was a little embarrassed for a while.

'Continue to answer your questions below. '

Hearing this, Shengsi straightened his face and acted as if he was listening. Shengsi knew that what the ball of light was saying now was news that he could not hear from other places, so now Shengsi was very serious and did not miss a single detail!
'I just talked about the multiverse. Let me explain to you in detail. In the multiverse, there is generally a limitation of power, because if you exceed this limitation, you will be repelled by the world will of this world and leave. here.Each world has different restrictions. Some worlds are small, and their restrictions are greater, and vice versa. Fortunately, the world you are in now is very large, so its restrictions are small. In this world, you It can reach the upper limit of the strength of the multiverse, which is the peak of the magician you know! '

'And above the wizard is the sage in your mouth. A sage is just a synonym for strength. In other planes, some are called Doudi, some are called gods, and some are called immortals. , but one thing is the same, people who have reached these realms will be rejected by the will of the world they were originally in, because these people are too powerful, if they continue here, it will cause the world to collapse, so they will be rejected! '

'And these outcasts generally end up in the total universe!Here, there will be a wider world!Of course, some people don't want to leave for various reasons, like that person you just met!He just took advantage of the space loopholes in this world to open another small world on the side of this world, and I just saw it. The Yagotai we went to before should also be opened by that person, because I felt the Same breath. '

'As for why he didn't care about you after just one glance, it's because I have been emitting strong spatial fluctuations. He was afraid that I would cause spatial riots and cause the small world to shatter, so he didn't dare to chase after me.Although he is not allowed to enter this world due to the rejection of the will of the world, it is still very easy for him to kill you in the hall just now, which is why I told you to leave quickly. '

'Okay, that's all I have to say, I'm going to step up the integration and get back to the original, I'll wake up in three days! '

After this sentence was finished, no sound came from Shengsi's mind, and Shengsi fell into deep thought after hearing these words.

What Guangqiu said to him really shocked him, it turned out that this world is so wonderful, there are so many universes!etc!

Photosphere!are you still there?still there?Now that you know I'm from another world, can I go back?Photosphere?Are you there?hateful!

Shengsi yelled into his head for a while, but the ball of light didn't respond at all. It seems that it really took three days when it said it would wait three days.

After sitting on the bed for a while, Seiji disappeared in a flash.

Since there are still three days left, then within these three days, Shengsi should finish what needs to be done.

First of all, Shengsi came to Xiaoyuan Village. He didn't disturb tomorrow's vegetables, but first used magic to make a stone that was exactly the same as tomorrow's vegetables, and then Shengsi used magic to make the stone and tomorrow's vegetables the same. In other words, in this case, Seiji got Yagotai's key, and Asuka also kept her father's 'relic'.

There is a reason for Shengsi to do this. Although he promised Tomorrow Cai to bring her into Yagotai last time, but now is not the time, so Shengsi plans to go in alone this time!

As for Yagotai's magic-forbidden environment, although Shengsi didn't have anything to do about it, he did!
Shengsi has tried it, as long as he makes a few element groups in advance, he can display his full strength even in a forbidden environment, and this element group, Shengsi can make hundreds of them at a time!

And each element group can let Shengsi play to its fullest for more than 10 minutes!Therefore, the magic-forbidden environment is of no use to him at all!
(End of this chapter)

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