Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 305 Entering Itomori

Chapter 305 Entering Itomori
This time Shengsi went to Yagotai with only one purpose, and that was to get to know that person as much as possible!After all, he was staring at him now, the so-called know yourself and the enemy, and you will win every battle, so now Shengsi will go to Yagotai to find clues.

A few minutes later, Shengsi stood in front of the stone door with Gevis in his hand.

However, Shengsi's face was not a kind of apprehension that he was about to enter the magic-forbidden environment, but a look of shock.

Yes!That's right, Shengsi was shocked at this time, because he found that Ge Weisi in his hand had failed. Not only that, but now in Shengsi's induction, the back of this stone door is not a certain space, but a whole piece of rock !

In other words, this entrance has been blocked!
Thinking of this, Shengsi didn't stay too long. The next second, a white light flashed. When Shengsi appeared again, he had already arrived in a cave deep in the East African Rift Valley.

In the past few days, Shengsi has been looking for a way to enter Yagotai and maintain his strength. Although he did not find a perfect solution in the end, this method is still very satisfactory to Shengsi.

At the same time, while searching for these, Shengsi also discovered a lot of other information about Yagotai.

Shengsi discovered that besides the entrance of Xiaoyuan Village, Yagotai had many other entrances, such as the cave in front of him.

However, to Shengsi's disappointment, the entrance here also collapsed.

Looking at this ancient stone gate, Shengsi's eyes shone with a strange light. After a long time, a white light flashed in front of the stone gate, and Shengsi disappeared again.

Then there are the North Pole, the Great Wall, and the Dead Sea. Half an hour later, when Shengsi had gone through all the entrances he knew, he finally confirmed one thing, that is, the space of Yagotai has been separated from the earth. !
As for the reason, Shengsi also had a little guess in his heart. It should be that he went to that small world before, and that young man discovered something, so he cut off Yagotai's connection with the main world!

Seeing that he couldn't enter Yagotai, Seiji curled his lips, and then left here with a flash of white light.

Now that Yagotai is far away from here, Shengsi's previous plan has come to nothing, but it's okay, these are small things, the most important thing now is the return of the light ball in three days.

Seiji learned from the ball of light that when the source of time and space dropped fragments on Itomori, at that time!Itomori's space will be filled with a lot of power of law, as long as one can comprehend a little power of law in it, then the door to the sage can be opened!
And as long as you digest the power of this law, then the sage is no longer a dream for you!And because you are a sage who comprehended the laws of time and space, in terms of strength, you will be much stronger than ordinary ones!

For this matter, Shengsi is looking forward to it!

So at this time, Seiji came directly to the sky above Itomori, meditating and waiting.Since there are important things to be done in three days, Shengsi must adjust his state to the best during these three days!
As for some other things, such as Mom and Dad, Bu Yuantai, and Xiao Ai, Shengsi can only use the avatar technique to separate a few 'Shengsi' to deal with them.

In this way, three days passed quickly.

This morning, Sheng Si, who had closed his eyes tightly, opened them suddenly.

'Awaited! '

A slightly excited voice sounded from Shengsi's head.

"You're finally awake, when shall we go in?" Shengsi immediately asked after hearing the sound of the ball of light.

After three days of meditation, Shengsi's heart has completely calmed down now, he has abandoned distracting thoughts, and there is only one thought in his mind, that is to enter Shishou!
Although Shengsi doesn't know how he can return to the original world, he knows a truth - as long as he becomes stronger, he can do more things!

So, now Shengsi is eager for strength!Eager to reach the realm of the sage!
'immediately!We'll be in right away. 'After hearing Shengsi's words, the ball of light in my head couldn't suppress the excitement.

More than 1000 years ago, a comet passed by the earth. At that time, they were separated from the origin of time and space. Hundreds of years later, they were discovered by the first patriarch of the Miyamizu family, Miyamizu Shozo, and Miyamizu Shozo returned With the help of their powerful power, they quickly developed into a top magic family.

Hundreds of years later, because of the turmoil in the magic world at that time, those people who had been misbehaving with the Miyamizu family for a long time took the opportunity to act!

That night, the Patriarch of the Gongshui Clan at that time fought ten magicians of the same level in a forest!
After that great battle, more than half of that forest was destroyed, but none of the people inside came out!

They all died together!
And the source of time and space at that time was separated from the source of time and space because of the excessive use of the Miyamizu family master during the war!
Since then, Shi Zhiyuan returned to the family secret room and fell asleep, while Kong Zhiyuan broke through the space and came to another world!This world is another Itomori that Seiji went to before!
Hundreds of years later, due to a coincidence, Seiji discovered the source of time in the secret room of Miyamizu's house, and got its approval, and the accident of the source of time also affected Itomori's life. Time and space, caused Shengsi to enter another world later, and thus obtained the source of space!

They have been waiting for more than 1000 years from the time they fell down to the present return!

Although these 1000 years are just a blink of an eye for the original body of time and space, it is a long time for them who have just been born with wisdom!
so!They are excited!
With the excitement of the light ball in his head, Shengsi felt his forehead itch, and the next second, a beam of light shot out from Shengsi's forehead.

The speed of the light beam was extremely fast, and it fell on the transparent barrier in the blink of an eye.

With a 'puchi' sound, a circle-shaped passage dissolved above the barrier.

At this time, a slightly hasty voice sounded in Shengsi's mind: "Quick!go in!This channel can only last for a few seconds! '

Needless to say, Shengsi has also discovered this problem, because Shengsi has discovered that the aperture is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and judging from that speed, it will disappear within three seconds.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi's thoughts wrapped around his whole body, and he rushed into the circle of light with a sound of 'swoosh'.

At the same time, in a certain space, the evil young man that Shengsi saw suddenly opened his eyes, but he didn't close his eyes quickly this time. Guarding the sky, the next second, the other person has entered the aperture, and the moment the young man entered the aperture, the aperture also closed!
After the young man left, the sky above Shishou was filled with black mist, lightning flashed and thundered, and the lightning like a giant python struck towards Shishou from time to time. The scene of annihilation seemed to split the earth, even It's horror!
(End of this chapter)

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