Chapter 306 Surprise
Not to mention what's going on outside, let's look at Seiji first, I saw that after he entered this world, he flew towards the center of Itomori without even thinking about it.

Shengsi knew that next to the circular lake, that was where the comet would fall, where the law of time and space would have the greatest impact!As long as I stand there for a while, I have a great chance to comprehend the laws of time and space!

It was already nighttime, looking up, the comet's brilliance illuminated the entire night sky, it looked so beautiful, accompanied by the gentle evening wind, Shengsi was flying fast in the sky.

And the moment after Shengsi left, a young man with an evil appearance appeared in the place where he was standing just now. After this young man came to this world, his face was happy at first, but he restrained his smile in the next second.

I saw him wave one hand, his body gradually faded, and soon, he escaped into the void.

And not long after the youth disappeared, the dark cloud that had just gathered above his head trembled twice, and then slowly dissipated.
Looking at Shengsi again, at this time Shengsi did not fly to the center of Itomori, but stopped at the foot of a mountain near Itomori.

As for the reason, it was because Shengsi discovered Mitsuba!

When Shengsi saw Sanye at the foot of the mountain, Sanye was staggering towards the village. She was dirty and looked pitiful.And Shengsi could see from her constantly opening and closing mouth that she should be shouting something, and when her ears moved, Sanye's shout fell into Shengsi's ears.

' Tachibana Taki!Tachibana Taki! .Your name is Tachibana Taki! .' This is what Sanye shouted, and it sounds like a person's name.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi stopped and slowly landed behind Sanye.

"Sanye!" Seeing the running figure, Shengsi shouted.

Anyway, there is still some time before the comet passes the earth. During this time, Seiji should not be in a hurry.

"Who?!" Hearing this, Sanye turned around abruptly, because the light here was very dark, and the sudden voice startled Sanye.

"It's me, Seiji!" Said, Seiji walked towards Sanye.

"Eh?! Shengsi, why are you here? Didn't you go back?" After seeing the person coming, Sanye said in surprise.

Since the last farewell, Sanye and Shengsi haven't seen each other for a month, and now they suddenly meet Shengsi at the foot of the mountain, surprised and puzzled why Shengsi suddenly appeared here.

Just like the sudden departure last time, the sudden appearance of Shengsi became mysterious in Sanye's heart this time.

After hearing Sanye's question, Shengsi chuckled: "These are not important, but you, why are you so dirty and in such a hurry, what are you going to do?"

"Ah!" Asked by Shengsi, Sanye immediately yelled, and then said: "Ishou will be hit by a meteorite falling from the sky later, I am in such a hurry to go back to evacuate the crowd! Si, hurry up to Itomori High School, it's a safe zone! I'll go first!"

Saying that, Sanye turned around and continued running towards the distance.

Huh? !Hearing Sanye's words, Shengsi was stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought, how did Sanye know this?You must know that the comet in the sky has always been one, and there has been no division at all. If it wasn't for the light ball in his mind to remind him, he wouldn't know about it.

Thinking of this, Shengsi took a few quick steps and caught up with the running Sanye in an instant.

"Sanye! How did you know about this?"

"Eh? Seiji, why did you keep up, go to Itomori High School quickly! As for how I know, it's because I saw it!" Seeing Seiji follow up, Mitsuha stopped and persuaded.

"En!" Hearing this, Shengsi nodded in a daze. At this moment, the words 'I saw' echoed in his mind. As for what Sanye said later, he didn't listen to a word.

In Sanye's eyes, Seiji's appearance was a promise, so, looking at the nodding Seiji, Sanye didn't wait any longer, but ran towards Itomori's power station.

As for Shengsi, he was contemplating.

He knew that the Gongshui family in their world had been in contact with the source of time and space for a long time, so the space-time magic was extremely powerful, but this world!It seems that there is no source of time and space, even the source of space that came here later was taken away by Shengsi a month ago, but what is going on now?
Can Mitsuba see the future?Also, she just said to evacuate the crowd, how to evacuate?
Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately followed Sanye, he wanted to see how Sanye would save the village.

The gate of Itomori Power Station.

Sanye was holding on to the iron fence out of breath. She was really tired. The Itomori Power Station was built on the hillside, and she ran all the way uphill just now. Mitsuha was so exhausted!

However, when Sanye was out of breath, Shengsi also followed up 'out of breath'.

"Shengsi?! Why are you here too! Didn't you promise me to go to Itomori High School?!" Seeing Shengsi follow him again, Sanye seemed to be angry.

However, before Shengsi could utter the excuse he had thought up, a light suddenly appeared behind the two of them, and as the light approached, a figure riding an electric bicycle appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Seeing this, Sanye immediately let go of Shengsi, and turned to the figure and shouted: "Emissary!"

"Sanye! Where did you go, I couldn't find you just now, I didn't expect you to arrive early!" The emissary stopped the electric car and shouted at Sanye.

Hearing this, Sanye didn't answer, but asked instead: "How is it? Have you brought everything?"

"Well! Bring them all!" As he spoke, the emissary patted a bag behind him.

Seeing this, Sanye said: "Okay, let's start quickly! Time is running out!"

Saying that, Sanye led the emissary and walked towards the gate of the power station.

After walking a few steps, the emissary found Shengsi standing at the door, "Sanye! Who is this kid?! Why is he here?"

Hearing this, Sanye just wanted to explain, but Shengsi spoke first, "I'm here to help!"

When speaking, Shengsi's eyes were shining with a strange light, looking extremely alluring in this dark night.

Shengsi knew that he couldn't say anything for a while, so he used magic directly.

"Yeah! Oh, okay! Let's start then!" After hearing Shengsi's words, the emissary nodded in a daze.

Seeing this weird scene, although Sanye was confused, she didn't say anything, but concentrated on it. After all, the most important thing now is to implement the previous plan. As for Shengsi, he can just follow, anyway. I won't be hurt either!

With this thought in mind, Sanye entered the Itomori power station together with the imperial envoy and Seiji.

(End of this chapter)

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