Chapter 307 Explosion
After coming out of Itomori Power Station, Seiji had figured out what Mitsuha and the others were going to do.

For their plan, Shengsi also secretly praised it, but the implementation of the plan still needs to be based on facts.

Sanye's plan is very simple, that is to blow up this power station!Yes, that's right!It is to blow up this power station, then hijack the radio in this town, and Natori Sayaka broadcasts the mountain fire crisis on the radio, thereby guiding the people in the town to evacuate to Itomori High School.

This plan was completed by Mitsuha Miyamizu, Katsuhiko Kawamoto, and Sayaka Natori. Among them, the thing Seiji admired most was this person.

Just because of Sanye's one-sided words, he dared to blow up the power station. You must know that if Sanye's words were not fulfilled, he would lose money, and the most important thing was that he might go to jail!It can be said that the emissary is gambling!He bet that what Sanye said was true!

For this kind of person, especially when he is still a high school student, Seiji admires him very much!

The three Shengsi were riding towards the town government on the e-bike. The emissary knew that although their actions were correct, without the cooperation of the town government personnel, their guidance work would become very difficult. Some people think it’s not a big deal and stay at home, or don’t take it seriously at all, and the result is that some people will be rescued, while more people will die in this disaster !
This kind of situation is not what they want to see, so now the three of them are rushing to the town government. Sanye's father is the village head. As long as Sanye persuades her father, then this matter will be handled easily.

On the way to the city hall, Sanye was on the phone with Sayaka Natori in the studio of Itomori High School. From the conversation between the two, Seiji knew that Sayaka was a little undecided, but in Mitsuha's After persuasion, Sayaka still hijacked the town's radio.

At the same time, the Itomori Power Station issued a 'Boom!Boom!Boom! 'The explosion.

After a while, Sayaka's voice came from the roadside radio.

'This is the Itomori Town Government, just now there was an explosion at the power station!The explosion may happen again, and it may even cause a wildfire. People in the following areas please evacuate to Itomori High School as soon as possible: Monnri area, Sakagami area, and Monshita area.'

Hearing this voice, the emissary and Sanye both heaved a sigh of relief, but it was not the time to relax, so they raised their breath again and rushed towards the town government.

Soon, several people stopped at Gongshui Shrine, because this is a winding mountain road, and it will take a long time to go around by bicycle. If you get off from here and walk down the stairs, it will be much closer.

So now the three got out of the car and ran straight to the shrine.

After arriving at the shrine, Seiji was stunned, because there were many people here, and there were many shops in the square, and many people were walking around in special costumes. It seems that there should be some special activities at the shrine today.

At the moment when Shengsi was stunned, something happened to Sanye.

"What's the matter with you?" Looking at Mitsuha whose eyes were filled with tears suddenly, the Imperial Envoy was stunned,
Wasn't it fine just now?Why did she burst into tears right away, the imperial envoy was completely confused by Sanye's appearance.

Not only him, Shengsi also felt strange at this time, why did he suddenly cry? !

Hearing this, Sanye was stunned for a moment, and then shouted with grief: "I can't remember the name of that person!"

That person's name?Is it the name that Sanye called before?Not called. Huh? !

Shengsi suddenly found out!He even forgot that name!Obviously!Obviously, Sanye kept yelling before, but judging by Shengsi's current memory, it is impossible to forget it!
But!Now Shengsi actually forgot!It's incredible!

wrong!It's not forgotten!Shengsi discovered that he hadn't forgotten at all, but was erased by a force!And this power is very mysterious, Shengsi never discovered it!

This kind of power is really terrifying. If it wants to erase all of Shengsi's memories, isn't it just like playing?
Thinking of this, Shengsi immediately asked the light ball in his head. Since Shengsi didn't know, it's impossible that the light ball didn't know either!It is the source of time and space!
However, regarding Shengsi's question, there was no wave in his mind, as if the ball of light did not exist.

Seeing this situation, Shengsi had no choice but to shake his head helplessly. In fact, since Shengsi entered this world, he has called the light ball no less than ten times, but he has not received a response every time. It seems that it should be in the Prepare for the arrival of time and space later!So there is no time for Bird Seiji.

Although there is no answer, Shengsi also has some answers in his heart, because the origin of time and space is about to come, so it should be responsible for all this
Perhaps it was because of Mitsuha's change that the imperial emissary's heart was also in a mess. He growled and said, "I don't care! You took the lead! Now that this matter has come to this point, the evacuation cannot be completed without the assistance of the firefighters." Yes! You go! Go to the town government to convince your father! Otherwise it will be too late!"

For everyone in Itomori, and for himself, the Imperial Envoy did everything he could!
"Hmm!" Sanye also responded to the envoy's roar, now is a very important moment, and she can't think about anything else.

Sanye responded to the edict and ran away to the distance, even Shengsi couldn't control it.

The imperial envoy looked back at Shengsi, as if about to say something.

But before he could say it, there was another burst of explosions in the distance!

This is the time bomb they set up before. In order to create a terrifying atmosphere, they did not set it to explode at one time, but divided it into two. No, the second bomb exploded!
Seeing this scene, the emissary didn't have time to take care of Shengsi. He ran towards the crowded place and shouted, "Run, everyone! Take refuge in Itoshou High School! Run!"

Seeing the emissary gradually going away, Shengsi withdrew his gaze. At this time, Shengsi's evaluation of this person went up to a higher level. Just now, he could clearly see that the emissary had panicked, but, in In a very short time, he not only calmed down, but also quickly issued a command to Sanye!
If this person is in troubled times, he must do something!
This was Shengsi's evaluation to the imperial envoy. After the evaluation to the imperial envoy, Shengsi calmed down and ran towards Sanye instead.

Now, because the source of time and space is getting closer and closer to the earth, Shengsi found that his strength has been suppressed a lot, especially the power of thought, which is suppressed only a few hundred meters away, so watching Sanye quickly run out of his senses Out of range, Shengsi hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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