Chapter 308
A few minutes later, Seiji found a comet in the sky—split!This also means that the fragment of the origin of time and space is about to fall.

At the same time, he followed Sanye. At this time, Sanye was lying on the ground. She was distracted by looking up at the sky just now, and she accidentally fell down. In addition to the scolding on the radio just now, and At this time, the soothing words played by the government personnel on the radio, Sanye knew that Sayaka had already been arrested.

So at this time, Sanye's heart had fallen to the bottom, seeing Sanye's decadent appearance, Shengsi unconsciously took a step forward, intending to help her.

But when Shengsi was about to get close to Sanye, she suddenly stood up, and she straightened her chest, with a resolute face, and ran towards the town hall not far away with vigorous steps.

The Sanye at this time is completely different from the Sanye just now. The previous Sanye was decadent, depressed, and had no morale, but now the Sanye is confident and imposing, as if nothing can trouble her!There is a fundamental difference between the two.

And it was the three words on the palm of her right hand that caused Sanye's change - I love you!

These three words should be written by that person. Although I don't know the name of that person, Shengsi can feel that the two are very in love!
And this kind of love spans time and space, and can give Sanye infinite power!

Seeing the rejuvenated Sanye, Shengsi continued to hide by the side of the road and followed closely.

After more than a minute, Sanye ran to the town government and her father's office.

Her father is not the only one in the office, Grandma Miyamizu and Yotsuba are also here.

As for Shengsi, he was hiding at the side, waiting silently. Shengsi knew that this meteorite was about to fall. If this momentum continues and Shengsi doesn't care about these people, then they may really She died in this disaster, so Shengsi watched from the sidelines at this time, if Sanye didn't persuade her father, then Shengsi would take action.

However, after watching for more than a minute, Shengsi found that he had no chance to make a move, because Sanye had already persuaded her father.

Maybe it was Sanye's self-confidence. At this moment, everyone in the room believed his words.

And Sanye's father, Gongshui Junshu, also called the fire brigade: "Although there is no danger of wildfires today, the incident at the power station has reminded us, so now we will perform a disaster avoidance show and start immediately." ! I'm going to see everyone in the Itomori area in 15 minutes! Remember! It's everyone in the Itomori High School playground!"

"Yes!" There was a powerful answer from the other end of the phone!

After finishing the phone call, Jun Jun got up immediately and said, "Today is the disaster avoidance drill, everyone go to Itomori High School! You, Mitsuha, grandma and Yotsuba go first, I'll be right there."

"En!" Hearing this, Sanye nodded fiercely, and then led Clover and grandma to go outside.

After Junshu watched the few people leave, he came to a photo alone. The person in this photo was seen by Shengsi before, it was Aunt Ye!
At this moment, Jun Shu was looking at the person in the photo with tenderness on his face. After a long time, he murmured softly: "I hope this time! I won't regret it!"

After speaking, he grabbed the photo and ran towards Itomori High School.

And this scene happened to be seen by Sushi who was hiding at the side. Seeing this scene, Shengsi's impression of Junshu changed slightly. A month ago, Grandma Ye told him that Junshu was an unfilial son. Now it seems that Grandma Ye It may be true, but who knows the hidden secrets in it? !

But now, Seiji didn't have time to think about those irrelevant things, because at this time, the fragments of the comet had already entered the atmosphere.

The moment this fragment came into contact with the atmosphere, it was impacted into more small fragments, but those small fragments would be worn away by the atmosphere, only the fragment containing the law of time and space would fall straight into Itomori , just like the mural in the secret room, it will make another big hole in Shishou!
Because of the approach of the law of time and space, the strength of the saint is further suppressed, and now he only has the strength of an intermediate magician, and according to the speed at which this power decays, when the meteorite is about to fall, the saint should become an ordinary person!

At that time, he had no mind power!No magic either!The only thing that can be shot is those killer skills!

As for now, it's time for Seiji to go to Itoshou High School. Seiji, who has become an ordinary person, can't stand the meteorite, so he has to find a safe place to wait until the meteorite is safe. , he was able to go there.

A few minutes later, Seiji came to the playground of Itomori High School. Because of the assistance of the firefighters, there were already some people on the playground at this time, but judging from the leisurely expression, they probably didn't take this drill seriously at all. thing.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi ignored them, but closed his eyes and waited. Now that the meteorite has gone halfway through the atmosphere, it is estimated that it will start to accelerate to fall after it escapes from the atmosphere. Not far away.

After another few minutes, there were more and more people on the playground, and even the small corner that Shengsi was looking for had some people now.Because Shengsi needs to be quiet, he chose a remote place. He didn't expect that there would be so many people in just a few minutes. It seems that he should change the place. After all, he will go to the center of the meteorite later. If he is in A place with a lot of people might be blocked by people, so Shengsi now wants to change to a place with fewer people.

However, just as Shengsi was about to change places, a shout came from his ear: "Shengsi! I have been looking for you for a long time, and I finally found you!"

Hearing this, Shengsi turned his head immediately, and then saw Sanye who had just opened his brows.

It turns out that Sanye has been looking for Shengsi since she settled Grandma Ye and Clover just now. After all, Shengsi is just a child in her eyes, which is really worrying. She just searched for a long time on the playground , finally, found Shengsi in this small corner.

"Eh, you found me." For a moment, seeing Sanye like this, Shengsi didn't know how to answer.

"Let's go, grandma and Clover are over there, let's go there." Saying that, Sanye stretched out her hand towards Shengsi.

"Uh..." Looking at Mitsuha in front of him, Shengsi could feel a deep concern from her, and it was precisely because of this concern that Shengsi could not refuse this kindness. After a while, Shengsi still Stretched out his hand, "Okay."

It's okay to go now, anyway, just find an excuse to leave later, so Shengsi, who had this idea, was dragged by Sanye to Grandma Ye and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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