Chapter 311 Anger

Shengsi's comprehension is not low. After meditating on the spot for 1 minute, he realized the laws of time and space!

At this time, the young man also opened a small opening in the air, and he is constantly expanding this opening with his hands. Judging from this speed, he will be able to open a small opening enough for him to pass in about ten seconds.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi put away his meditation and watched with interest.

At this time, Shengsi has found the law of time and space, and it is useless for him to meditate, so at this time, he chooses to watch from the sidelines, hoping to learn some knowledge of sages.

But after watching for a few seconds, Shengsi was stunned!
Because, a sentence popped out of his mind: 'Kill him!Now he is just like an ordinary person except for a little space power, as long as you kill him, you can take his core!As long as you refine this core, you can become a sage!Then you can find a way to return to your original world! '

This voice, Shengsi, is very clear, it is the voice of the light ball, but, according to the light ball, it should return to its original source at this time, and what's going on now?

As if sensing Shengsi's doubts, the voice sounded again: "I have returned to the original, and now I am talking to you through sound transmission." '

"Oh! It turned out to be like this, but this person in front of me doesn't look bad, so kill him? Isn't it good?" Although the person in front of him didn't give Shengsi a good impression, he wasn't bad either, and Shengsi He is not a person who kills indiscriminately, so Shengsi can't kill at this time.

'Oh, not bad?If I thought he was just an ordinary detached person before, then now I know that he is an origin thief!This kind of person specializes in stealing the origin of the world, thus causing the destruction of a world!And the person in front of you, his goal is your world!In that world, there are your parents, relatives, playmates, and all the people you care about! '

'If you don't kill him now, all these people will die! '

"What?! These are all true? Then... how do you know?" If it is true as Guangqiu said, then Shengsi really wants to kill him!This is not only for my loved ones, but also for all creatures on the earth!
'I am the source of time and space, I can see the future through the long river of time, how do you think I know?In fact, this kind of thing cannot be said, but because you helped me return, the power of karma has been contaminated between us, telling you this is repaying the karma, and from now on, we will never meet again . '

"So. That's it." Hearing what the light ball said, Shengsi started to think about it.

'Friendly reminder, the law of time and space will start to dissipate in ten seconds, and it will completely dissipate in one minute. By then, it will be too late.Well, the words have been told to you, you can figure it out, there will be no time in the future! 'Looking at Shengsi's thinking, after the light ball left a word, there was no more sound, probably he had already left.

Hearing this, Shengsi suddenly raised his head, his eyes fixed on the young man.

At this time, Shengsi already had murderous intentions in his heart. If what the light ball said was true, then this person should be a heinous person. Such a person, Shengsi must kill!
When Shengsi looked at him, the young man seemed to sense Shengsi's murderous intent, and suddenly turned around and said, "You want to kill me?"

Shengsi didn't answer, but asked back: "Are you going to devour the world origin of my world?"

Although Shengsi believed what Guangqiu said, he still had to confirm it again.

"Yeah, that's right!" The young man admitted frankly. In his heart, this kind of thing is normal, and there is no need to hide or lie.

"What?!" Shengsi thought of many things that young people would say, such as sophistry, deceit, lies, etc., but now, he admitted it openly!
"Do you know that if you do this, you will kill everyone on the earth?" Shengsi was already a little angry when he asked this question.

"So what? It's just a group of mortals who have no detachment." When he said this, the young man's face was full of disdain, as if those billions of human lives were like trampling an ant to death in his eyes.

In the hearts of young people, as a detached person, there is an essential difference from that group of ordinary people, the two are not the same species!
"You! Damn it!" Following Shengsi's roar, he threw a punch at the young man. With this punch, Shengsi shouted angrily and struck out, as if he wanted to blow the young man to pieces.

Since what the light ball said is true, then this person, damn it!

However, regarding Shengsi's punch, the young man only slightly raised his hand, and in the next moment, a faint spatial crack suddenly appeared in front of Shengsi.

This crack is so thin that it can't be seen with the naked eye. If Shengsi passes here, there will only be one fate, and that is to be divided into two pieces from the middle by this crack!
However, although Shengsi lost all his strength, his sense of danger did not disappear.

The moment the crack in the space appeared, Shengsi only felt a great terror in front of him. At that moment, he immediately turned around and moved his whole body half a meter to the right abruptly!

Even so, there was still a wound on Shengsi's left shoulder, and for a while, Shengsi's entire left arm was stained red with blood.

At the same time, Shengsi's heart suddenly calmed down, mainly because the young man's words were too irritating, billions of lives were like an ant in his mouth, that's why Shengsi was so angry, And Shengsi's anger was exchanged for injury.

When he was angry just now, Shengsi forgot that he still has the ability of space. Now that he calmed down, Shengsi narrowed his eyes and began to think about countermeasures.

"Overreaching!" Seeing that Shengsi was injured, the young man smiled disdainfully, and continued to expand his space rift. Compared with Shengsi, running for his life is more important.

But at this moment, Shengsi immediately stopped thinking, and saw that as soon as he stepped on his little foot, the person rushed towards the young man like a ghost walking in zigzag steps, and the young man had already noticed it, and immediately gathered his mind to prepare to use the power of space Come to kill Shengsi.

However, because most of the space power of the young man is used to expand the space cracks, he can use very little space power, and the speed of Shengsi is very fast, so Shengsi quickly approached the young man, and immediately moved towards the young man's body. A punch to the head.

At this moment, the panic in the young man's eyes flashed away, but in the next second, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he saw that the space channel he had worked so hard to expand was directly smashed towards Shengsi.

At this time, the space channel is like a sharp sword in the hands of the young man. If it is hit by this blow, Shengsi's life will be lost.

So in the face of this smash, Shengsi immediately stopped the offensive, and took two steps back to confront it.

(End of this chapter)

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