Chapter 312 Eight Years
"I'm protected by space power, you can't kill me!" The young man grabbed the space crack with both hands and looked at Shengsi with disdain.

In his heart, Shengsi is just a mortal, if it weren't for the law of time and space here, he could be killed with a single hand!So he looked down on Shengsi!

Well, what the young man said was right, with him protected by space cracks, Shengsi had nowhere to attack him, but Shengsi knew one thing, that is, the will of the world would reject this person.

As long as Shengsi keeps consuming him, his spatial rift will not be able to expand. In this case, he will not be able to run, and then he will be attacked by the will of the world!

So at this time, listening to the young man's words, Shengsi didn't pick up at all, and planned to waste time with him. Anyway, it's only less than 1 minute. If you can't escape by then, you will die!

At this time, the young man also seemed to have discovered Shengsi's intentions, and the disdain on his face gradually disappeared, but in the next second, his original disdainful expression reappeared.

Because the law of time and space has begun to decrease at this time, and the seal on his body has also begun to loosen. At this time, he already has the strength of a junior magician.

"Boy, I see that you are talented. Now I will give you one last chance to offer your soul and be my slave, or you will die!" Because of the recovery of strength, the young man's mood improved a lot.

And he also found that Shengsi realized the laws of time and space, and it was only a matter of time before he became a sage, and a slave at the level of a sage would be tempted just thinking about it.

"Oh? Really?" Looking at the young man in front of him, Shengsi smiled at the corner of his mouth. The law of time and space was loosened, and Shengsi also felt it, because his strength has also returned to the level of a junior magician, and with the law of time and space gradually lost, His strength will gradually increase, but this is not the reason why Shengsi smiled. The main reason is that Shengsi's mind power has also recovered.

At this time, Shengsi's thought power had already turned into a sharp cone, piercing straight towards the young man's brain.

And the young man also felt his sharp cone, and saw that he waved one hand, and a space barrier appeared in front of him, "Little trick, how can it be?"

But he stopped abruptly after speaking halfway, because another spike of thought force had already formed against his forehead, and penetrated the young man's head the moment it formed!The previous sharp cone hit the space barrier and shattered.

"This is not magic!" With these last words, the young man fell to the ground.
Seeing this scene, Shengsi walked over slowly, looked at the young man and said, "Yes, this is not magic, but mind power!"

Although Shengsi's mental power has not recovered much, there is still a [-]-meter radius, and because of the characteristics of mental power, Shengsi can find any place within a [-]-meter radius to launch an attack, so Shengsi first feinted a shot from a distance, And the sharp cone near the youth's forehead is the real killer!

Looking at the dead young man, Shengsi sat paralyzed on the ground, looking very tired. Yes, although the two sharp cones of Shengsi killed the young man, it also emptied his mind power that had not recovered much , which made him very uncomfortable.

But soon, a few seconds later, as Shengsi's strength continued to recover, his mind power replenished, and his injured arm also began to recover.

At the same time, the body of the dead young man in front of Shengsi began to dissipate slowly. After a few seconds, his entire body completely dissipated, and at the place where his body was originally, there was a small white light ball.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Shengsi held the ball in his hand.

This, is the core of the light ball, right? Refining this thing can become a sage?
Thinking of this, Shengsi began to use his own strength to wear down the small ball. After a few seconds, the small ball flashed white, and the next moment, Shengsi disappeared.

After a few more seconds, the laws of time and space around the meteorite completely dissipated, and the originally blocked lake water poured in. Soon, the huge crater was filled with a lot of water.

On the playground of Itomori High School, most people were still kneeling towards the meteorite at this time, only a few people did not kneel because of other things, and Sanye was one of them, and she suddenly found that Shengsi was gone.

"Grandma! Shengsi is gone."

"What?! Why don't you hurry up and look for it!"

A few minutes later, the entire guard was looking for Shengsi, but no matter how they searched, they did not find Shengsi.

It is estimated that they have already died, this is what Sanye and the others think.

At the same time, in the empty space of the total universe, a white light flashed, and a little boy appeared here. The boy was very handsome, but judging from his closed eyes, he was sleeping soundly.At this time, he was holding a small white ball in his hand, and the small ball exuded a faint light, rushing towards the boy's body from time to time.

This boy was none other than Shengsi who was originally in the deep pit!And now, he is refining the power of this little ball, and this is not the only thing, while Shengsi is refining this little ball, the laws of time and space in his mind are also gradually transforming him.
And this transformation took eight years!

One day eight years later, the small ball in Shengsi's hand——broken, and the moment the ball shattered, Shengsi suddenly opened his eyes!
"Where is this?" Looking at the vast galaxy in the vast universe, Shengsi was a little dazed for a moment.

However, this daze only lasted for a short time. After a few seconds, Shengsi's eyes gradually cleared up, and at the end, they even released a bright light!It reflected a different color on his handsome young face.

Shengsi knew that his sleep was too long, so long that he missed many, many things!
However, he has no regrets, because he deserves more!

That small ball is very special, because of the seal of the law of time, all the strength of that young man was sealed in the small ball, and this small ball that contained all the strength of the young man was absorbed by Shengsi.

Coupled with the influence of the law of time, the saint at this time is not just a sage, but another world beyond the sage!
But now Shengsi has not fully controlled this power, and it will take some time for him to get familiar with it.

A month later, Shengsi crossed the vast galaxy and came to the world where the meteorite fell before. In fact, there are two reasons why Shengsi is so slow. One is that he doesn't know the coordinates there, so he searched for more than half of the total universe.

The second is that on this road, Shengsi met his original world, the earth world with the killer organization.

In that world, Shengsi visited many people and did many things, some heart-warming and some bloody.

At the same time, there are many strange worlds along the way, and Shengsi went there once. Because of the crushing of the realm, when Shengsi entered these worlds, the will of the world could not find him, or even if he found them, he would not dare to say What, they are afraid that Shengsi will destroy them accidentally.

PS: The new book "Super Learning System of Planes" has been released, and everyone is welcome to read it.

(End of this chapter)

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