Chapter 37 First Kiss
After the meal, Ayumi proposed to go to karaoke, and Seiji was the first to agree!If you don't show your loyalty at this time, when will you wait?

Ayumi's proposal was also approved by everyone, so everyone went to the summer KTV near Mihua Hotel.

In fact, Shengsi is not very fond of singing. Although the assassin organization in his previous life taught him to sing, and his songs are also very good, Shengsi still doesn't like singing.

Because Shengsi felt that the singing voice was too loud and easily attracted attention, thus exposing himself to danger. Of course, this was all Shengsi's thoughts when he was a killer in his previous life.

Now, just entering the KTV, everyone asked Shengsi to sing first, because he invited everyone to dinner and this time singing K was the reason why he paid the bill, Shengsi should be the first to sing!

So Seiji chose a very classic Japanese song and sang it first. As soon as he sang the first line, the noisy box suddenly fell silent, and everyone listened to Shengsi's singing.

Because Shengsi sang really well, with superb physical fitness, unique vocal skills and that immature childish voice, it's hard to think whether it sounds good or not.

finish the song
Everyone applauded unanimously.

"It's great~"

"Seiji is amazing~"

"Shengsi, you are great! I feel that you can sing better than the lead singer of the band. Have you ever thought about becoming a singer? I can introduce you to the top band!" Sonoko rushed over and hugged Shengsi happily Qi kissed him on the face, and then said, I didn't expect Shengsi to sing so well besides playing the piano very well, and he's also so handsome, what will happen when he grows up?Really like!I like it so much!
Seiji was hugged by Sonoko, which felt good, but Seiji saw Ayumi who was staring at him with a puffy face, and smiled helplessly: "Sister Sonoko, can you go first?" Put me down, I think we'd better sit down first."

Sonoko froze for a moment, but still put Seiji on the chair.

Seiji was thinking at this time, since Ayumi agreed to be his girlfriend at noon, it has become more and more difficult to serve, and she has learned to be jealous at such a young age, what a brat.

After sitting in the seat, Seiji suddenly turned around and smiled at Ayumi.

Shengsi looked back at Ayumi, because everyone's focus was on Shengsi now, so everyone also looked towards Ayumi.

When Ayumi saw so many people staring at her, her little face immediately turned red. She felt as if she was secretly dating Seiji now, and she was very embarrassed to be stared at by so many people all of a sudden.

Seeing Ayumi blushing, Seiji smiled and looked away and said, "Sister Sonoko, I don't want to be a singer~" But he was thinking in his heart: Ayumi is so small, fighting with me? !

As soon as Shengsi spoke, everyone's eyes turned back again, and Ayumi breathed a sigh of relief
" will become popular as a singer with such a talent." Yuanzi intends to persuade her, because then she can find a reason to visit Shengsi every day.

"Sister Yuanzi, it's your turn to sing~" Shengsi handed the microphone to Yuanzi and pushed her in front of the crowd. He didn't want to be a singer. In fact, he didn't want to go to that piano competition, because he was exposed to many people. In sight, Seiji always felt uncomfortable, but he had promised Mr. Miyai to participate in the piano competition, and Seiji would not go back on his word.

Because of the loud noise of the KTV, everyone didn't hear what Yuanzi said to Shengsi just now, and now everyone saw Yuanzi being pushed up by Shengsi, and immediately applauded.

Seeing this, Yuanzi had no choice but to sing.

Seiji had a tricky smile on his face, and then smiled and sat beside Ayumi, holding Ayumi's little hand and listening to Sonoko singing quietly.

Because Sonoko kept staring at him, he couldn't do other actions, such as teasing Ayumi, so Seiji could only whisper to Ayumi.

After a while, Sonoko finished singing a song, and then Yuantai and Mitsuhiko couldn't wait to take the microphone from Sonoko's hand and started singing directly, but the voice... was really ear-piercing!
In the end, everyone sang K for more than two hours. During the period, everyone sang hi, Seiji also sang a few more songs later, and even sang "Lover's Heart" with Ayumi.

After singing, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Conan looked at the two of them differently, and Shengsi didn't explain anything. It is estimated that only Yuantai and Mitsuhiko are still in the dark.

After singing K, it was past nine o'clock in the evening.

On the way home, Sonoko kept asking Shengsi if he had any intention of becoming a singer, but Shengsi could only refuse with a wry smile, and asked seven or eight times, Sonoko really has perseverance.

After sending Genta and Mitsuhiko back first, Seiji proposed to leave with Ayumi first.

The two left under the ambiguous eyes of everyone, Ayumi's face was flushed with embarrassment.

Looking at the two people leaving, Xiaolan and the others looked at each other and nodded slightly.



On the way to Ayumi's house, both of them walked very slowly, didn't speak, just walked quietly, holding hands and enjoying the rare world of two people.

When Ayumi's house was downstairs, Shengsi suddenly pulled Ayumi beside her to the front, and then slowly kissed her small mouth.

Ayumi was still at the side of Shengsi just now, but suddenly she came to the front of Shengsi, she looked at Shengsi who was slowly approaching, Ayumi closed her eyes in shame, as if a deer was bumping into her heart.

Could it be that Brother Shengsi is going to do something embarrassing to me?I'm so nervous, will I be pregnant with a baby? !

The moment Shengsi and Ayumi's lips touched, Shengsi clearly felt her trembling.

Shengsi knew that Ayumi was nervous, so Shengsi just touched it.

Then Shengsi looked at Ayumi's shy little eyes, and his heart blossomed.Shengsi hugged her tightly, and then whispered in her ear: "My little Ayumi, you have already been stamped by me ~ From now on, you belong to Brother Shengsi and me alone!"

After a while, Shengsi heard Ayumi's voice respond like a mosquito.

After hearing Ayumi's affirmative agreement, Seiji patted her on the back, then let go of her, looked into her eyes and said: "Okay, it's already so late, you should go up quickly, otherwise Mom and Dad will worried."

"Well, then I'm going back."

"Well, you go."

Ayumi turned her head three times and walked towards the door of the apartment building.

Just a few steps away, Ayumi suddenly turned her head and ran towards Shengsi, and quickly tiptoed to kiss him on the mouth under Shengsi's surprised eyes, then Ayumi turned and ran, saying at the same time: "Saint Brother Si, you are also stamped by Ayumi now~ Also, remember to come early tomorrow, if you continue to let Ayumi wait for you, I will never talk to you again!"

Shengsi looked at Ayumi who ran away and smiled. This girl is so bold, mainly because she is so naughty.

After Ayumi walked into the door, Seiji still stood there with a smile on his face, and he would not leave until Ayumi, who was telepathic, walked into his house.

Because Shengsi remembers that Ayumi was kidnapped in an episode of Conan in the previous life. Although he was rescued by Conan in the end, he was still frightened. Now that Shengsi is here, he will never allow this to happen!

If Seiji met the person who kidnapped Ayumi, then he would no longer exist in this world!

(End of this chapter)

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