Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 38 Shinkansen Train

Chapter 38 Shinkansen Train

After Shengsi sensed that Ayumi had returned home, Shengsi wrapped himself with mental power and flew back to his home.

Psychic sensing is a special use of the psychic power of Shengsi in his previous life. His current telekinetic sensing range is about 100 meters, which is also the range of his telekinetics. The principle is that within a radius of 100 meters, you can use your Mindfulness covers what you want to see, just like a layer of plastic wrap, and then a three-dimensional model will appear in your mind.

This three-dimensional model gives people the same feeling as seeing it directly with the eyes, except that the color is not colorful, but a kind of outline, and Seiji can distinguish what it is based on the sensed outline.It is similar to an item in a game League of Legends in the previous life, and that is the accessory - scan.

Back home, lying on his soft bed, Shengsi still can't believe that Ayumi would suddenly tell him to be his girlfriend today. Shengsi originally planned to cultivate feelings with Ayumi, and has been with Ayumi since childhood. Let’s talk about high school, but now it’s pretty good, but Ayumi’s bad habit of being jealous needs to be changed.
Eight o'clock the next morning.

Seiji came to the corner where Ayumi had a regular appointment early. He thought he had arrived early enough, but Shengsi found that Ayumi was already there waiting for him.

"Brother Shengsi, really, I want Ayumi to wait for you again, I don't want to talk to you~" Ayumi shouted when she saw Shengsi approaching.

Shengsi could only smile wryly when he heard the words, what about ten past eight as agreed?I came 10 minutes early, you still think I'm slow?Can you still have fun?

"Huh?! Ayumi, look at the time. It's only eight o'clock. Our agreed time is ten past eight o'clock, so Brother Shengsi is not late." Shengsi said helplessly.

Ayumi looked at the time and found that it seemed to be the case. She felt a little embarrassed, but she still insisted: "I don't care, anyway, it's Brother Shengsi and you want me to wait for you,"

Ayumi wanted to find a reason, but after thinking about it for a while, she couldn't figure out what to say.

Seeing this, Shengsi quickly said: "Okay, okay, it's brother Shengsi's fault, I'll buy you a lollipop at noon! Okay?" He gave Ayumi a step down, don't wait for Ayumi to say something suddenly Nonsensical words will make Seiji laugh, and will be 'beat' by Ayumi again.

"Okay, Brother Shengsi, if you buy me a lollipop, I will forgive you."

"En" Shengsi nodded, took Bumei's hand and walked to the school. Along the way, Shengsi changed the topic instantly, and the two went to school chatting and laughing.

After arriving at the classroom.

Conan told them that Uncle Mao Li's old classmate was getting married today, and sister Xiaolan invited them to go and see together in the afternoon.

Everyone readily agreed, there is such a big scene to go and see, why not go.

During class, Ayumi had been discussing with Shengsi about the wedding, and even asked Shengsi when they would get married, Shengsi was speechless when asked, and Ayumi blushed when she saw that Shengsi did not speak No more questions.

Yuan Tai was also discussing this topic with Mitsuhiko, there was no way, they had never seen such a big scene, it was very fresh.

Seiji has never seen what a Japanese wedding is like, so he is also a little curious.

On a Shinkansen train.

Uncle Maori sat on one side, and Xiaolan, Conan and Shengsi sat on the other side.

"What, bring so many brats, just don't make trouble for me when you go somewhere!" Uncle Mao Li still has some opinions on Xiaolan bringing so many people to his classmate's wedding.Really, Xiao Lan brought so many little ghosts, I hope that guy Tian Chong doesn't mind.

"Don't worry, Dad, Shengsi and the others won't make trouble. Right, Shengsi?" Xiaolan said with some embarrassment, after all, it always feels weird to bring so many people to someone else's wedding at one time.

Shengsi and the others went home for dinner after school at noon, and then went directly to Xiaolan's house.

Under Xiaolan's sweet words, Uncle Mao Li finally agreed to take them to the wedding of his classmate Inoue Takaki.

There is now this picture.

Speaking of this Inoue Tianchong, Seiji also found it very interesting. This is an older leftover man, in his 30s and almost [-]s. He is only married now. This Mr. Tianchong has been single for so many years, so he must be very fast. , Shengsi thought evilly.

Hearing Xiaolan asking him, Seiji quickly replied: "Yes, Uncle Mori, we won't make trouble." After speaking, he looked at Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko who were playing in the distance with some guilt. The trio, the three of them won't believe that they won't mess with Shengsi, anyway, try to be optimistic about them.

Uncle Maori nodded slightly when he saw Shengsi said that they would not make trouble. He was a little relieved at what Shengsi said. This kid looks much more pleasing to the eye than Conan.

Since the 1000 million US dollars that Shengsi gave Xiaolan was a 'gift money', Xiaolan did not tell Uncle Maoli, otherwise Uncle Maoli would not look at Shengsi as calmly as he is now.

Seeing that Uncle Mori nodded, Xiaolan quickly changed the topic, while Seiji and Conan couldn't get in the way, they were reading the magazine boredly, Ayumi had invited him and Conan to play before, but neither of them Promise, playing with kids is more boring than reading magazines.

Ayumi had no choice but to play with Genta and the others in disappointment. After all, she was still a child, and she didn't care about anything when she started playing. Now she was running up and down in the car with Genta and the others, having a great time playing.

Suddenly, two tall and burly men appeared in Shengsi's telepathy and they were passing Ayumi, but there was no danger.

Seiji has been turning on telekinesis and has been paying attention to Ayumi now. As long as Ayumi is within 100 meters of Shengsi, she can immediately kill the danger in the cradle with her telekinetic power whenever she is in danger.

This kind of dual-purpose distraction can be done casually, and even the holy priest can be distracted and triple-purpose, but the efficiency will be a little lower.

The two people in the induction were walking towards the carriage where Shengsi was. Shengsi quickly looked back. Shengsi was very curious about what these two people looked like. According to his induction, the two people should be at least 185 or above. You must know that the Japanese It's rare to be that tall.

After a while, the door of this carriage was opened.

Huh? !Gin?Vodka?No, these are not those two people. Although they wear similar clothes, they look completely different.

Could it be Yi Rong? !etc?Is this the Shinkansen? !kindness?What is this plot? .It's the Shinkansen blasting incident!

Shengsi remembered, it seemed that these two men in black were trading something with someone here, because of wearing black clothes, Conan thought they were from the organization, but they were not at all!And the thing that was traded was the bomb, and Shengsi remembered that the person who traded with these two people seemed to be a woman.

Shengsi watched the two pass by, he poked Conan next to him, he wanted to see what expression Conan would have when he saw the two.

"Shinichi, look, those two feel good or bad!" Seiji whispered against Conan.

PS: I just looked at it and found that the starting point has not been sent out, so I reposted it, and Fengyun is here, please ask for tickets and collections!

(End of this chapter)

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