Chapter 39 Bomb!

Conan was asking when Xiaolan would arrive, when he was poked by Shengsi, he turned his head quickly.

The moment he saw the two men in black walking past him, Conan was shocked, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of surprise. People from the organization? !
How could they be here?

However, now is your chance!
As long as I can get the medicine that can make people smaller from them, then I have a chance to restore Kudo Shinichi's identity!When the time comes, expose their dirty deals to the world!
"Well, it looks like a bad guy at first glance." Conan looked away after seeing the two sitting not far in front, and then nodded towards Shengsi.

When Shengsi saw Conan's surprised face just now, he almost burst out laughing, but he still controlled it.

"Do you want to play a detective game?" Seiji asked Conan jokingly.

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched when he heard this, he already knew he was your new brother, and still playing detective games?
"Hey, those two people are going that way." Conan couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the two people who had just sat down suddenly get up and walk towards that side.

"Let's go, let's catch up." Conan said in a low voice as he watched the two go away. Now Conan didn't treat Shengsi as a child at all, and Shengsi's performance made it impossible for Conan to treat him as a child!

Conan grabbed Seiji's hand and followed.

Seeing this, Xiaolan shouted, "Conan, what are you doing with Shengsi?"

"Go to the bathroom!" Conan raised his voice.

Xiaolan smiled when she heard it, Xinyi is really, but he really looks like a child now.But can he still grow up?No matter how I asked him a few days ago, he just didn't tell himself why he became smaller, which is really distressing.

Conan and Shengsi quickly ran towards the two men in black, chasing after them, watching the men in black walk into the dining car on the second floor.

Conan and Seiji also quietly followed.

Conan peeked over and found that the two men in black were sitting there as if they were waiting for someone.

Seeing this, Conan said to Shengsi: "Come on, let's install bugs on their seats! Then we can hear what they say later."

"Bug?" Shengsi pretended not to know, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"That guy, Dr. Ali, made it for me." Conan was a little embarrassed, after all, bugs are not so popular.

"Go ahead and pretend, I'm here to monitor them."

Conan thought for a while, and then said, "Well, I'll go then."

In fact, Seiji was too lazy to continue looking for that woman, he wanted to follow her to find which car she was in, so he knew where the bomb was.

In the plot of this episode of the previous life, Shengsi only knew that the bomb was in a carriage, but Shengsi didn't know where it was at all, and Shengsi also forgot what the woman looked like, so Shengsi has to figure it out now.

After waiting for a while, here it comes!
I saw a middle-aged woman in red walking towards the opposite side of the dining car. The woman stopped halfway, and then she sat on the seat opposite the two men in black.

Seeing this, Shengsi pretended to be a passerby and walked from one end of the dining car to the other. During this time, Shengsi did not look at them, he was afraid that the man in black would become suspicious.

After walking through the entire carriage, the two men in black didn't find anything wrong with Shengsi's telekinetic perception.

At this time, Shengsi only needs to wait for their transaction to be completed, and then follow the woman, so that he knows where the bomb is.

Seiji sat down on a nearby chair, ordered a cup of coffee, and waited quietly.

He knew that the woman would go this way after a while, so waiting was the best choice.

At the same time, Conan also installed a bug in Shengsi's telepathy, which is different from Xiaolan in the original book when Xiaolan discovered Conan. Shengsi saw that Conan said something to Xiaolan first, and then Xiaolan returned to her seat. There is also no scene of Ayumi touching chewing gum in the original book.

Fortunately, no, even if there was, Shengsi would use his thoughts to stop it, Ayumi really, how can you touch something that is slobbered with your hands?It seems that it is necessary to educate Ayumi on hygiene.

The woman in red didn't keep Shengsi waiting for long, and within a few minutes, Shengsi saw the woman in red passing by, and the two men in black had long since disappeared. A few minutes later, Seiji smiled and left his seat.

The woman in red had already sat down on the seat in Shengsi's telekinesis, and Shengsi wrote down the carriage number.

Seiji got up and was about to go back when he found Conan who had just entered the carriage.

Conan saw Shengsi and hurried over and asked, "Shengsi, what did you do?"

"I followed the person who talked to them, how about you? Is the bug installed?" Shengsi said with a smile.

"Installed, let's go back." Conan was very disappointed because he found out that the two people were not members of the organization, and felt that the bug he installed just now was useless.

"it is good"

"Ash?!!!" Conan suddenly shouted from his seat.

After Conan and Shengsi returned to their seats, Conan didn't take the two men in black seriously, but when he accidentally heard the news that there was a bomb here, he was surprised. Behind him, one of the men in black even Said, the whole train will be bombed to ashes!Conan screamed out in fright.

Conan's call not only attracted Seiji Ayumi and the others in front of him, but also attracted the people in the entire carriage.

When Conan saw so many people looking at him, he became very nervous and his forehead was sweating.He was particularly afraid of being heard by the two men in black, so Conan turned his head in a nervous state and shouted, "Craft!"

Seiji and Ayumi immediately shouted: "64!"

Uncle Mao Li was also attracted by Conan's yelling just now, and now seeing that Conan was just memorizing the nine-nine multiplication table, he was dissatisfied: "The nine-nine multiplication table is eight eight 64 is correct!"

Conan immediately followed up and said: "Hehehehe. That's right, 64. Then [-]!" But he said in his heart: Uncle Mao Li performed well this time.

"72!" Everyone continued in cooperation.

"Stop arguing, you little brats." Uncle Maori watched Conan's endless appearance and directly smashed a big bag on his head.

"Oh" Conan was extremely aggrieved.
However, Conan looked at the two men in black who had been attracted by his yelling just now, and withdrew their suspicious gazes, and he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was dangerous.

Conan looked back and found that the man in black didn't pay attention to this side any more, so he pulled Seiji back and walked back.He didn't want Ayumi to let them know, to prevent them from exclaiming.

"You guys do well here, we'll be back later." Shengsi said.

Ayumi and the others sat obediently on their seats and started playing on their own.

"Conan, where are you going?" Xiaolan has been paying attention to Conan, and now she sees that Conan is leaving, and asks a little worried.

She knew that Conan's exclamation just now must have discovered something, so she was a little worried.

Also, Conan never told herself how he became smaller. She knew in her heart that the reason why Conan became smaller must be very dangerous, so he didn't talk about it because he was afraid of hurting himself, so Xiaolan was even more worried now.

(End of this chapter)

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