Chapter 40 Alarm
"Sister Xiaolan, I'm going to play with Conan over there." Seeing that Conan opened his mouth and was about to say something, Shengsi quickly gestured OK to Xiaolan.At the same time, he whispered to Conan: "No matter what bad things you find, don't tell Xiaolan, she will be worried! Okay?"

Conan nodded to show that he knew, and then gave Xiao Ran an OK gesture.

Seeing Shengsi's OK gesture, Xiaolan immediately calmed down. In Xiaolan's heart, Shengsi felt very safe, and he said it should be fine if nothing happened.

After Conan and Shengsi came to a small corner.

Conan said solemnly: "Shengsi, the person who traded with those two men in black has a bomb that can blow up the entire train!"

Seiji pretended to be surprised, "Really?"

Conan nodded heavily.


Seiji suddenly laughed, um. He couldn't pretend anymore, Conan's 'it's serious, I'm not joking' look was too funny, I couldn't help it, so Seiji laughed .

Conan saw Shengsi suddenly laughing, and asked suspiciously: "Shengsi, it's already this time, you still laugh?!"

"Anla. Anla." Shengsi waved his hand, signaling not to panic.


Conan wanted to say something but was interrupted by Seiji.

"I see, isn't it just a bomb, it will explode at ten past three o'clock, right?!" Shengsi stopped laughing, and said with certainty even though he was asking.

"Well, how did you know?" Conan was puzzled, how could Shengsi know?I didn't tell him just now.

Shengsi smiled, did not speak, turned his head and walked towards Xiaolan and the others, leaving Conan who was puzzled in place.

When he left, Shengsi pointed to his head with his finger, Conan looked at Shengsi's gesture even more puzzled.

When he came back to his senses, Shengsi had gone far away, and Conan quickly chased after him, "You will solve it, right?!" For some reason, Shengsi gave people a feeling that everything was under control, as if these bombs were nothing big deal.

Seeing Conan following up, Shengsi nodded with a smile on his face, "The detective game is over, isn't it? Huh?!" Shengsi had already burst into laughter at this time, and this feeling of being questioned by Conan still It's really cool to see Conan's puzzled look!
A sense of déjà vu of beating Conan.
Conan is becoming more and more ignorant of Shengsi now. He just found out about the bomb, and Shengsi can already solve it!My own reasoning ability is really not at the same level as his, and Conan has a feeling of being defeated.

no!I must surpass him!I don't believe it, a high school student detective can't compare to a primary school student's detective game!
When Conan and Seiji returned to the crowd, Conan was still thinking about the information in his mind, and he was looking for all the information about the bomb from the conversation between the two.

"Uncle Maori, borrow your mobile phone." Seiji said to Uncle Maori.

Uncle Mao Li took a look and found that it was Shengsi, so he readily borrowed it.

Seeing Shengsi borrowing the mobile phone, Xiaolan asked, "Shengsi, don't you have a mobile phone yourself?"

"Eh, this." Shengsi was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this to happen.

When Uncle Maori heard what Xiaolan said, his eyes narrowed, "Shengsi, you brat, do you want to play a prank like Conan?"

"No, I forgot to bring it~" Shengsi touched his head, with an embarrassed expression on his face, so cute.

"Oh, so that's the case, then you can use it." Uncle Mao Li looked at the cute Shengsi, thinking that Shengsi would not do that, so he put away his vigilant eyes.

Conan rolled his eyes from the side, the uncle really treats himself and Shengsi completely differently!
Who told Shengsi to have a good image in the eyes of Uncle Maori?It's really nerve-wracking, ahahahahaha.
Shengsi took the phone and immediately walked towards the toilets. Just as he was about to close the toilets, that fellow Conan followed.

Shengsi dismissed Conan, didn't speak, and made a phone call on his own, Conan could only wait when he saw this, he didn't know what Shengsi was going to do.

"Hey, is this Police Officer Megure? I'm Seiji Miyamizu! ... Yes, that's the elementary school student who broke Yoko-san's case last time."

"It's like this. Uncle Mori wants me to call the police. Someone is carrying a bomb on a Shinkansen train from Tokyo to Kyoto. This train will stop at Nagoya Station at the next stop. Can you send the police to deploy?. Yes Yes, we're in the car, it's safe now."

"No, the train doesn't need to stop.. Yes, you just need to deploy the police. The bomb has been controlled by Uncle Maori! Yes, there are three suspects. When we get to Nagoya Station, two of the suspects will get off the train." , you just need to catch them. We have already controlled the remaining accomplices!"

"Those two people are easy to identify. They are all dressed in black, and one of them is carrying a black box in his hand. One is about 185 and the other is 190. The compartment should be compartment 12!"

"Well, goodbye then!"

After hanging up the phone, Seiji looked at Conan who was standing aside with a dazed face.

Seeing Conan stunned, Seiji waved his hand in front of his eyes, "Conan, what's the matter with you?"

"You said. You already know where the bomb is?! Oh, yes, you followed that person just now, and your idea is very good." Conan reacted and said, secretly admiring him at the same time.

"Thank you for the compliment, let's go there now." Shengsi said and opened the door of the toilet. Shengsi still enjoyed being praised by Conan.

After opening the door, Shengsi looked at Conan motionless, "Conan, what are you still doing? Let's go!"

Conan didn't speak, and raised his finger to point behind Seiji.

Shengsi looked back and saw Xiaolan who was thrusting her waist and her eyes were burning, and she looked angry.

"Ahhh. Found out"

Although Shengsi's telekinetic induction is always on, he only covers an area near Ayumi, which consumes very little telekinetic power and can't match the speed of recovery, which can be said to be zero consumption.

But if Shengsi's induction is fully activated, after more than an hour, Shengsi's mind power will be exhausted.

Therefore, Shengsi didn't realize that Xiaolan was at the door.

Besides, Xiaolan, he watched Shengsi and Conan leaving one after another just now, so he followed up suspiciously. When he followed here, he found that Conan had entered a toilet, and Xiaolan leaned against the door to eavesdrop.

At this time, Shengsi was already focusing on two things, and the phone was loud, so he didn't find that Xiaolan was eavesdropping, and it was even more impossible for Conan to find out.

So. This is so embarrassing.

"Do you need to give me an explanation? Huh?!" Xiaolan looked at the two of them and said each word, as if three feet of flames were rising from behind, really!Shinichi didn't tell himself that there was a bomb in the car, and Seiji didn't even tell him about it!These two people are really disgusting! You must teach Xin Yi a good lesson, and ask him why he became smaller by the way.

PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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