Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 41 Thanks to the Man in Black for a Firework

Chapter 41 Thanks to the Man in Black for a Firework

"Eh, so, that's it." Shengsi looked at Xiaolan who was furious, and he was already a little incoherent.

If Shengsi is facing a furious enemy, then it is very simple, today is his death day next year, but Shengsi is facing Xiaolan now, so there is no way.
Looking at Conan again, he was already there with sweat on his forehead. He knew how terrifying Xiaolan was. Possibly dead.
"Brother Shengsi, and Conan, what are you doing here?" Ayumi and the others also rushed over.

Seeing a group of people stuck here, the target was too big, Shengsi quickly waved to them and motioned to come in.

Ayumi and the others came in directly when they saw Shengsi waving, Xiaolan hesitated for a while, and then came in, she knew that Shengsi would tell them the reason later.

There were so many people in the toilet at once, it seemed a bit crowded, but luckily the toilet door was closed from the outside, otherwise Shengsi wouldn't even be able to close the door.

When Shengsi closed the door and turned back to speak, he found that Conan was hugged by Xiaolan with a look of pain on his face.

Seeing this, Shengsi could only give him a gloating look, Xiaolan tried harder, harder
Looking at Conan's painful expression, Yuantai wondered, "Conan, what's wrong with you?"

"Yeah, Conan, why are you blushing?" Mitsuhiko Jingmoto asked and found Conan's abnormality.

Ayumi was led by Seiji, who was whispering to her.

"Conan is just a little uncomfortable, isn't it?! Conan!" Xiaolan said with a smile, and the last four words were accentuated.

"Yes, it is!"

Conan is suffering.

Seeing that Conan had been taught a lesson, Shengsi hurriedly said: "Okay, let me tell you the truth. Actually, there is a bomb in this car! But I already know where the bomb is, and the bomb is still controllable. I also called Police Officer Megure just now, and Police Officer Megure will also deploy police force at Nagoya Station, which is the next station.” Before speaking, Seiji covered the toilet with his mind, so that it was difficult for the voice to come out up.

"Wow~ So cool! There's a bomb!" Seiji just finished speaking, and Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko exclaimed.

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched as he watched. Do these three brats think bombs are fun?
And Xiaolan looked at Conan even more angrily after hearing Shengsi's words, and at the same time thought in her heart: I must teach Xinyi a lesson tonight.

"Okay, don't shout anymore, follow me later, I will lead you to find the bomb, and then control the bomb, you must follow me well and don't make trouble, hear?" Shengsi said to everyone .

"But, how about going to find the bomb and take them with you?" Xiao Lan asked.

Shengsi glanced at Xiaolan and said, "Trust me!"

After speaking, he opened the door and led Ayumi out.

Conan broke free from Xiaolan, Yuantai, Mitsuhiko and the others followed.

Xiaolan was stunned for a moment, and then followed. Shengsi's "trust me" just now was really great!I feel so safe!
After a while, under the leadership of Shengsi, everyone walked to the car where the woman in red was, which is the No. [-] car.

At this moment, the radio in the car shouted: Nagoya is here, Nagoya is here, passengers who want to get off, please go to the exit, and please leave your belongings.
Hearing the sound of the broadcast, the two men in black who were sensed by Shengsi's telekinesis also got up and walked out. As Shengsi expected, the two who had just left were directly pointed at by a group of policemen. The two stood there in a daze, what the hell is this?None of them knew when they were exposed.

After seeing that there was no major problem there, Shengsi withdrew his telekinesis and continued to lead the crowd forward.

After everyone came to a woman in red who was reading a newspaper, Seiji suddenly stopped.

"Ma'am, can you give me the black box next to you? I really want to need it." Shengsi said with a smile to the woman in red.

Seeing such a large group of people suddenly approaching her, and one of the children asking for the information she bought for 1 million yuan, the woman in red immediately became nervous.

The woman in red forced a smile and said, "Little friend, what do you want this box for? It's very precious~"

Shengsi didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, so he said bluntly: "If there is a bomb in that box that can blow up the entire train, is it still valuable? Ma'am?"

"What?! Bomb?!" The woman in red terrified and stood up.

The scream of the woman in red immediately attracted people nearby.

Especially the man in front of her, who also stood up and said, "What bomb, so loud?"

No one answered what the man said, and no one wanted to answer.

After the woman in red screamed, she asked Shengsi tremblingly, "Little friend, is what you said true?"

"That's absolutely natural! Brother Seiji's words can't be wrong!" Before Seiji could speak, Ayumi spoke first.

What a little housekeeper, she even wants to steal her own lines, Shengsi thought.

"Look outside, the police will be here soon, and the two men in black have also been arrested. Do you have anything else to say?"

Hearing this sentence, the woman looked out the window, and there were indeed many police officers. Seeing this, she slumped on the ground as if resigned to her fate, murmuring that she didn't know what she was talking about.

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help curling his lips, it's really fragile
Xiaolan had already protected Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Conan and stepped back a few steps when she heard that the bomb was here, while Ayumi had been led by Seiji to stand where she was, what better place than near Seiji Is it safer?

Seiji saw that the matter had come to this point and the overall situation was settled, and suddenly turned his head, "Ayumi, do you want to watch the fireworks?"

"Fireworks? I want to see them!" Ayumi first thought about what fireworks are, and then said happily.

"Okay, then I'll take my Ayumi to watch the fireworks!" Seiji picked up the black box and walked out holding Ayumi's hand.

Conan, Genta, and Mitsuhiko hurriedly followed when they saw Shengsi took the bomb.

"Seinji, what are you doing with the bomb? Give it to the police?" Conan asked.

Shengsi ignored Conan, but turned and pointed at the woman in red and said to Xiaolan who was about to follow: "Xiaolan, just watch her, let's take the bomb out, I'll take care of it, don't worry."

Seeing this, Xiaolan nodded, she was relieved that Shengsi was doing business, so she followed the words and looked at the woman in red here.

After Shengsi finished speaking, he continued to walk out, and everyone quickly followed.

As they walked, the crowd passed by a group of policemen, but Shengsi did not hand over the bomb to them. Seeing this, Conan quickly asked: "Shengsi, didn't you say to hand over the bomb to the police? Didn't you just hand over the bomb to them?" pay?"

"That's just what I told Xiaolan, you can believe it, I'll save this thing to set off the fireworks later."

"What?! Use a bomb to set off fireworks?!" Conan's head was a little out of control.

"Fireworks?! Are there fireworks?!" Genta and Mitsuhiko looked surprised, delighted to see the fireworks later.

When Conan was in a daze, Seiji and the others had already walked out of the Shinkansen, and by the time Conan chased them out, everyone had long since disappeared.

PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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