Chapter 42
Seiji didn't intend to let Conan see it, so Seiji dumped Conan.

As soon as Shengsi got out of the car, he led Ayumi and the others into the crowd.

A few minutes later, Shengsi and his party came to an open-air place with few people.

"You guys watch it, there will be fireworks soon." Shengsi said.

"En." Everyone nodded fiercely, looking expectant.

I saw Shengsi grabbed the box and smashed it on the ground, and then threw it into the sky with his thoughts. With a "boo", the black box broke through the speed of sound under the influence of Shengsi's thoughts, causing a sonic boom. Voice.

In about four seconds, the black box rose to a height of more than 1000 meters.Shengsi didn't use much force. If he used too much force, he would lose sight if he flew too high.

At this time, under the action of gravity, the box began to fall freely.

A few seconds later, when the box dropped to about 1000 meters, it suddenly exploded.

A small red dot instantly appeared in the sky, if it wasn't for Shengsi's good eyesight, he wouldn't be able to see it.

'boom! '

A few seconds later, the faint sound of explosion reached Shengsi's ears.

Uh. It seems that I used too much force. Let alone fireworks now, I guess there are no firecrackers.
Shengsi froze in place, not knowing what to say.

"Brother Shengsi, where are the fireworks? Why aren't they blowing up?" Ayumi pulled Shengsi and asked.

"Then that firework has already exploded." Seeing Ayumi's expectant expression, Seiji said embarrassedly.

It was agreed to show them fireworks, but it turned out to be like this, Shengsi himself felt ashamed.

As soon as Shengsi finished speaking, everyone looked at him with expressions of "Is this what fireworks are like?".

Shengsi felt terrified when he was watched by a group of people.

"That... I'll treat you to a big dinner tonight!" Shengsi had an idea, and this move was a deadly weapon for children.

Sure enough, when they heard that there was a big meal to eat, everyone smiled and completely forgot about the fireworks just now.

When Seiji and the others returned to the train, they found a policeman enthusiastically grabbing Uncle Mori's hand and saying some words of thanks, while Xiaolan and Conan sat chatting.

Seeing Shengsi came back, Conan and Xiaolan hurried over and asked, "Shengsi, where is the bomb?"

"Break up."

"Why didn't you hear the sound?"

"That bomb, it's not that powerful, it's just a little more powerful than ordinary firecrackers." Shengsi said seriously.

"So that's it." Conan and Xiaolan looked suddenly enlightened after hearing this.

Don't you believe this? !

Ten minutes later, the Shinkansen train started running again.

Sitting on the chair, Seiji thought about what happened just now.

Xiaolan and Conan believed their nonsense, which surprised Shengsi, but it was not bad. Later, the police also asked Shengsi about the bomb, and Shengsi gave him the same words, but the policeman believed it too!
Well, I lost.You guys are awesome!As expected of the Japanese police!

More than an hour later, Uncle Maori led everyone to get off at Kyoto Station.

After another half an hour's drive, everyone finally arrived at Tianchong Inoue's house.

Looking from a distance, it is a big courtyard. People are coming in and out of the gate of the yard, and it looks lively. There is a parking lot not far from the gate, which is full of luxury cars and the like. It seems that this Mr. Tian Chong's wedding is not easy.

After approaching, the courtyard became more specific. The gate is similar to the gates of some temples. It looks a bit old. The whole courtyard is estimated to have tens of acres of land. Although it is not the center of Kyoto, it can be found in the Living in such a large courtyard in Kyoto is not something that people with money can afford.

There were two masters of ceremonies standing at the gate of the yard. Uncle Mao Li went over to say something to them first, and then turned around and led the crowd into the gate.

As soon as he entered the gate, it was a bustling scene. Guests were coming and going in the entire yard, and there were waiters walking through it carrying food and drinks, giving Shengsi a feeling of having a party.

After Uncle Mao Li entered the yard, he went directly to greet his acquaintances, and there were no birds at all.

Seeing this, Xiaolan complained: "Dad, really, it's like this every time I take us out." After complaining, Xiaolan turned her head and said, "Okay, then let's go play by ourselves."

"Brother Shengsi, let's go exploring." Ayumi heard that she could go to play by herself, and quickly pulled Shengsi's hand.

Uh. Exploration, Ayumi, you should go play in the mud, Seiji thought so, but he said: "Ayumi, go play with Genta and the others, I will find you at six o'clock."

"Okay then, let's go play Luo." Ayumi was a little disappointed, but in a blink of an eye, she happily went on an 'expedition' with Genta and the others.

Seeing Ayumi and the others run away, Shengsi couldn't help but smile: "Children are really carefree."

"Shengsi, aren't you a child too? Why are you pretending to be an old man?" Xiaolan heard Shengsi's words.

"Yeah, Conan, sister Xiaolan, let's go play too!"

Shengsi quickly changed the subject with a naive face.

"Well, I also want to see what the wedding is like." Xiaolan held Conan with her left hand and Seiji with her right hand, and the three of them walked around the wedding together.

After half an hour.

The three of them sat boredly at the guest table eating fruit or something. It turned out that the wedding was like this, and it was no big deal.

Seiji found that the groom in Japan wore black clothes, while the bride wore white clothes and a white hat, and the etiquette was very cumbersome. Seiji felt very boring. If marrying Ayumi in the future is also so complicated, Seiji will go crazy
The three of them were talking about what they had seen and heard just now while they were eating. Suddenly, a person who looked like a high school student rushed out from the crowd. He grabbed Xiaolan's hand and walked out: "Qingzi, what are you doing?" Still here? Let's go, or we won't be able to go back today."

The man tugged at Xiaolan, but when he found that there was no tugging, he turned around and said, "Why are you still leaving? I really can't wait for the bus. I have to go to school tomorrow!"

Xiao Lan was about to speak when the man grabbed her hand, but when the man turned her head, she was stunned!

"You are. Shinichi?!"

But isn't Shinichi Conan?And this person is?
Just when Xiaolan glanced back and forth between Conan and the man, the man asked suspiciously, "What Shinichi? I'm Kaidou! What's wrong with you, Qingzi."

"I think you have misunderstood the person. My name is Mao Lilan. I am not the Qingzi you mentioned." Xiaolan finally recognized that he was not Xinyi. Everyone gave her a completely different feeling. Besides, the real Xinyi Isn't it right next to it?
Hearing this, the man quickly let go of Xiaolan's hand, with a look of embarrassment on his face, "Ah?! So that's the case! You look so much like Qingzi, so I accidentally made a mistake. Here you go I'm sorry for causing trouble. Also, my name is Kaito Kuroba, please give me your advice."

And Conan has been stunned since the first appearance of Kaidou Children's Shoes, it is so similar, this person looks like himself!It was carved out of the same mold!Conan was stunned for a while, Kaito had finished introducing himself.

PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!

(End of this chapter)

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