Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 43 Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko

Chapter 43 Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko

Kuroba Kaito?It was a very familiar name, Shengsi remembered that he had heard it somewhere.

Just when Shengsi was thinking about this question, he found that the Ayumi people in the telepathy were walking towards him.

After a while, Ayumi and his group appeared in front of Shengsi, not just three people, but four people!
There is another girl who looks very similar to Xiaolan, this must be the Qingzi that the man named Kaito is looking for, it really looks like it!
Wait, Kaito? !Qingzi? !Could it be Kaitou Kidd? !
In his previous life, Shengsi didn't see Conan very much, but he still saw Kaitou Kidd. He seems to remember that Kaitou Kidd looks exactly like Shinichi. He also has a girlfriend named Aoko Nakamori, who looks very similar to Xiaolan. Look. This Kaito children's shoes is Kaitou Kidd, but why are the two of them here?
Aren't they in Jianggutian?Why did you come to Kyoto?It was still at the wedding. Seiji was very puzzled.

Kaito was chatting with Ran after he mistook Ran just now, and Conan interrupted from time to time.

While chatting, Kaito suddenly saw Qingzi and a group of children walking over.

Kaito hurriedly ran over to Qingzi and said, "Qingzi, where did you go just now? Didn't you agree to wait for me there?"

Qing Zi was a little embarrassed when he heard the words: "Well, just now, these children took me for some kind of sister Xiaolan, and wanted me to accompany them to find a person named Brother Shengsi."

"Oh, I can't blame you, I just took this Miss Mo Lilan as you, but you two really look alike! Are you twins?" Kaito pointed to Xiaolan and said.

Qingzi had seen Xiaolan a long time ago, if Kaidou hadn't been talking to her, he would have gone over to say hello.

"Hi, my name is Aoko Nakamori, please give me your advice."

"Hi, my name is Mao Lilan, please give me your advice."

After finishing speaking, the two stared blankly at each other.

It seems!It really seems, it feels like looking in the mirror, except for the difference in hair and clothes, there is no difference between the two!

When everyone saw this scene, three words came to mind: Twins? !

While everyone was surprised, Seiji asked Ayumi what happened.

It turned out that Ayumi and the others were exploring in the yard. Except for the places they couldn't go, they played all over the place. After playing for so long, everyone was tired of playing, but it was only after five o'clock, and it was still short of six o'clock. After more than ten minutes, they started looking for Shengsi, and they found Aoko after looking for it. Ayumi and the others mistakenly took Aoko for Xiaolan, so that's it.

In the box of a nearby Japanese restaurant.

Kaito, Aoko, and Ran and his party are eating.

After the conversation just now, and at Shengsi's suggestion, everyone came to this restaurant to exchange feelings.

Now, everyone has gotten along very well.

"Right, Ran, where is that high school detective Kudo Shinichi you mentioned now? I really want to meet him, someone who looks exactly like me, I'm looking forward to it!" Kaito pointed at him with a mouthful of food Xiaolan said that he was looking forward to meeting that Shinichi very much.

Conan who was sitting next to Xiaolan rolled his eyes, who wants to meet you, but Qingzi and Xiaolan really look alike.

Xiaolan looked back at Conan beside her when she heard the words, and then sighed helplessly: "You said that guy Shinichi, he seems to have gone to handle some difficult case recently, and he hasn't come back for many days. I don't know when he will come back, so I'm afraid you won't see him recently."

"I see, that's a pity." Kaito was a little disappointed, after all, everyone would be curious about a person who looks exactly like you, Kaitou Kidd was no exception.

Xiaolan and Kaidou had nothing to talk about, so they just chatted with Shinichi, and also talked about their own situation, such as where they live, where they study and so on.

And Qingzi and Xiaolan chatted a lot, they just sat together again, and kept talking about girls' family whispers while eating, Shengsi looked at these two people and couldn't help sighing: They really look like a pair of twins!

That's right, Kaito and Aoko have both, and Seiji remembers that there seems to be a magician named Koizumi Hongko!I don't know what is the connection between this magician and those ninjas?

Seiji didn't remember Koizumi Hongko at all before, but now seeing Kaito and Aoko, Seiji remembered that there was such a magician, it seems necessary to meet her, I don't know this Koizumi What is the relationship between Hongzi and that Lord Diwen? This should be the key for Shengsi to open the mysterious door of this world.

However, it is still necessary to confirm in advance whether there is such a person as Koizumi Hongko, so Shengsi asked aloud: "Brother Kaidou, do you know that there is a person named Koizumi Hongko? He is about your age, and he is a girl. "

"You said Hongzi, I know, she is our classmate, she transferred to Jianggutian High School a month ago, she is very beautiful, she is very popular among the boys in our class, and she is very popular." Qingzi heard someone ask Koizumi Hongzi quickly said, Qingzi is very wary of Hongzi, because Hongzi seems to be interested in Kaito.

"By the way, do you know Hongzi? What can I do with her?" After finishing speaking, Qingzi realized that it was Shengsi who asked, so he asked back.

Shengsi rolled his eyes, and said with a cute face: "Well, I know, Sister Qingzi, can you give me a word for Sister Hongzi?"

Qingzi's personality is very similar to Xiaolan's, and he will not refuse other people's requests, "Well, it's fine."

"Forget it, I'll go directly to her in a few days." Shengsi thought for a while, and it's better not to be so troublesome. Anyway, Shengsi will go there to investigate in the next few days. How about giving Hongzi a surprise then? Not better?
"Oh, that's it, then when you come, Seiji, you want me to play with Kaito~"

"Ok, I will."

After eating, Kaito took Qingzi and left first. They probably didn't have time to do their homework when they went home now.

After Xiaolan separated from them, she led the crowd to find the drunk Uncle Mao Li who was drinking.

There was no other way, Shengsi had no choice but to help Uncle Maoli into the car.

They also want to go back early. They originally planned to go home after dinner at six o'clock, but now that they have made such a move, it is estimated that it will take more than half an hour at night to get home.

After more than two hours, everyone finally arrived in Tokyo.

Looking at Uncle Mori who was already asleep, there was no way, Seiji helped Xiaolan to push Uncle Mori from the car to the bed, and then he took Ayumi and the others away.

Mitsuhiko and Genta were sent home by Shengsi successively, and finally Shengsi gave Ayumi a hug, which was a surprise.

Well, today's trip is okay. Not only did I see Kaito Kidd, but I also got to know Koizumi Hongko, a magician. I have to find some time to see it in a few days. If Hongzi is really a magician, I have to have some snacks .

PS: How should I put it, since I don't have an outline, I seem to be stuck... I have saved the manuscript for two days, so I won't stop it, but I have to think about it these days.

(End of this chapter)

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