Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 44 Jiang Gutian High School

Chapter 44 Jiang Gutian High School

The next afternoon, Ayumi's house was downstairs.

"Brother Shengsi, can you take me with you?" Ayumi held Shengsi's hand and said coquettishly. This morning, Shengsi told her that he would go to Jianggutian High School in the afternoon to do something, and he would go alone No matter what, she refused to take her with her, and now she is still thinking about it.

Shengsi looked at the coquettish Ayumi and sighed helplessly: "Ayumi, it's not that I don't want to take you there, but I'm afraid of danger, how about it, I'll come back tonight and bring you beef curry rice, how about it?" ?”

"But I just want to go." Ayumi still persisted.

"Ayumi, good boy, beef curry rice and I will take you to Moon Shadow Island this weekend. Moon Shadow Island is so much fun, there is the sea, there are forests, and there are many interesting things, how about it?" Shengsi added a little weight code.

"Wow, really?" Ayumi said in surprise, she was excited when she heard that there were delicious and fun things, let alone having both.

"Of course it's true, when did Brother Sheng Si lie to you?"

"Okay, then you go, remember to bring me delicious beef curry rice~"

"No problem!" It's not easy, ever since Seiji told Ayumi that she was going to Eguda High School for business, she has been pestering herself to take her there, and now she finally solved this problem.

"Jiang Gutian High School!" Shengsi read the five big characters on the school gate. "Well, it should be right here."

It seems that I have finally found the right place.

After Seiji separated from Ayumi, he flew directly towards Jiang Gutian, and found several schools along the way, including Jiang Gutian Elementary School and Jiang Gutian Junior High School, but he couldn't find Jiang Gutian High School. Now he finally found the right one.

Now that he has arrived at the place, Shengsi is not so impatient, anyway, Koizumi Hongzi can't run away, and he has plenty of time, so Shengsi plans to take a good look around this school.

Walking into the gate, you will see a simple and elegant teaching building. The three-story structure gives people a very compact feeling.The asphalt road connecting the teaching building and the school gate is dotted with some potted plants. On both sides of the road, some landscape trees are planted, giving people a feeling of entering a garden.

Perhaps it was because the class had already started, so Seiji didn't see anyone on this road.

Shengsi directly bypassed the teaching building and walked towards the back of the school.

Behind the teaching building is a big green playground. In Japan, students have many extracurricular activities, such as football, basketball, baseball, archery, etc. Now many people are doing this kind of sports on the playground.

In short, the playground is full of excitement. It seems that there should be a physical education class here.

Seiji looked around at the surrounding environment, planning to find a place to take a nap, and wait for Kaito and the others to finish their get out of class, so he couldn't go in to find Hongzi when others were in class.

Huh? !When Shengsi was looking for a place, he found a girl who didn't fit in with the lively environment of the playground.

The other girls were playing in groups, but she was sitting alone under the shade of a tree by the playground, holding a book in her hand, reading with relish.

The girl has long hair in a shawl, and the way she reads a book gives people a sense of tranquility.

Getting closer, Shengsi found that she didn't seem to be reading a book related to learning, and the cover was not written in Japanese. The main reason was that she kept frowning and thinking about the book, which aroused Shengsi's concern. Curious, Seiji now especially wants to know what book this unusual girl is reading.

Thinking of this, Shengsi strode directly towards the girl. Due to the instinct of his previous life, Shengsi did not make the slightest sound when he walked with the help of his thoughts.

After walking to the girl, Seiji discovered that the words in the book were not Japanese at all, nor were they in other languages. When Seiji was a killer in his previous life, although he only learned to speak seven or eight foreign languages, he had seen all the books in the world. Languages ​​and scripts, but none of them are identical to the scripts in this book.

Shengsi suppressed the doubts in his heart, and began to introduce himself, who said that he is a good young man, politeness is at least a drop!
"Hi, my name is Seiji Miyamizu, I don't know."

But before Shengsi finished speaking, the girl's next action made Shengsi frowned.

The girl first closed the book abruptly and put it behind her back, and then looked at Shengsi with a worried expression, as if seeing Shengsi as a child, her worry gradually turned into a look of fear.

"Um, this big sister, I'm scary?" Shengsi asked with a puzzled expression, what the hell are you doing?Scared her like this as soon as I came over?Please, I am such a handsome and cute little brother, you see my performance is too exaggerated.

Xiaoxi Yuedao sat here alone and read her magic book. She is already a junior magician and is learning how to become an intermediate magician, so she was more absorbed in reading, but she found a person suddenly appeared beside her. And introduced herself, so Xiao Xi was taken aback.

She hurriedly put away the magic book in her hand, and wanted someone to read it, and when she saw that it was just a child, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, it turned out to be a child.

At this time, Xiao Xi, whose heart was in turmoil, didn't think about why a child couldn't even make a sound when walking.

"No, my name is Yuedao Xiaoxi, please give me your advice."

Xiao Xi was a little embarrassed, after all, she felt a little guilty for scaring such a cute child.

Shengsi sat down next to Xiaoxi, and he was 100% sure that this girl named Yuedao Xiaoxi was not an ordinary person, because Shengsi just felt a soul wave in her!
"Sister Xiao Xi, what book were you reading just now? Can you show it to me? I think it looks good." Sheng Si said cutely. He wanted to see if his cuteness could make her lose her guard.

Xiao Xi's face changed when she heard the words, it seemed that she was still seen, but Xiao Xi thought for a while and said with a smile: "Okay."

As he spoke, he took out a book from behind his back.

so easy?Sheng Si couldn't believe it.

really!Shengsi took the book and looked at it, the corners of his mouth twitched, what the hell is this high school math book you gave me?etc!Shengsi could 100% confirm that Xiao Xi only had one book in her hand!But how did this math book come about?Does she have storage space or something? !
Shengsi's heart was full of turmoil, but he still said calmly: "Sister Xiaoxi, did you take the wrong book? The book I just saw was a book with many pictures!" Shengsi planned to speak slowly, Who told him not to like to use force?

Xiao Xi was a little nervous when Shengsi asked this question, but she still smiled and turned the page of the math book to the page with patterns, and then said, "Look, little brother Shengsi, isn't this the same as the patterns just now?" .You just read this book!"

Hehe, I'm not a three-year-old kid, do you think I'm so easy to deceive?I'm already six years old, okay?

snort!If you want to lie to me, you are still a little tender.

PS1: Please recommend!Ask for collection!There are also friends who think the update is slow, Fengyun really tried his best, because I am a novice, so my writing is relatively slow, and now that school has started, I am also relatively busy, so it is not easy to guarantee two updates every day, but I will try to save more manuscripts on weekends. Also, Fengyun would like to thank all friends for their support. Your encouragement is the motivation for my code words, thank you!Thank you!

PS2: Again, Fengyun is updated at 12:30 noon and [-] pm every day.

(End of this chapter)

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