Chapter 45
"Sister Xiaoxi, I'm not going around the bush anymore, I want to read your book about magicians or ninjas, and there are some weird characters and patterns on it!" Shengsi said with a smile, and at the same time, he was on guard in his heart. Immediately, it diffused, enveloping the entire school.

Shengsi didn't know anything about magicians, he was afraid that Xiao Xi would suddenly get into trouble when he heard his words, so he fully activated his thoughts at this time, so that no matter what happened, he would have time to react.

When Xiao Xi heard what Shengsi said, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a happy face: "Shengsi, are you... are you also a wandering magician?"

Eh. Nani? !What the hell?Wandering mage?I'm also the guardian of time!

Shengsi thought of dozens of Xiaoxi's reactions after hearing his words, but Xiaoxi's reaction was not expected by Shengsi, it was really unexpected.

"That. Sister Xiaoxi, yes, I am!" Seeing this, Shengsi put away his thoughts and said rightly.

Shengsi originally planned that as long as Xiaoxi Yuedao was in trouble this year, Shengsi would catch her and torture her for useful information, but now the other party mistakenly regarded him as some kind of wandering magician, so it would be better to make the mistake and break into the interior to obtain information.

Hearing Shengsi nodded in agreement, Xiao Xi waved her hand and erected a soundproof barrier, and at the same time said excitedly: "That, Shengsi kid, what level are you now?"

Shengsi only felt that a thin film similar to his thought power suddenly appeared around the two, but the shape of this thin film was more delicate, but Shengsi felt that his thought power could tear this thin film at once.

Of course, Shengsi went to tear up the film. The film was not dangerous at first glance, and it seemed that Xiao Xi released it to block the sound.

When Shengsi heard Xiao Xi ask him about his level, he was stunned for a moment, how did he know?Shengsi couldn't help hesitating when he heard the words: "That, that"

Shengsi had an idea: "Then sister Xiao Xi, what level are you?"

Xiao Xi is only a saint. I am embarrassed to say that such an older child is probably a magic apprentice at most, and Xiao Xi looks like "I know it".

"Me, I'm already a junior magician. It seems that I will break through to the intermediate level soon, so I've been studying magic books recently." Xiao Xi was very proud when she spoke. She was almost an intermediate magician when she was 15 years old. That's very talented.

Magicians are divided into elementary and intermediate levels, so there must be advanced levels, Shengsi thought.

Just when Shengsi was thinking about the problem, Xiao Xi continued: "Right, what department are you, Shengsi, a mage?" She subconsciously thought that Shengsi was a magic apprentice.

"Then sister Xiao Xi, what department are you in?" Shengsi was still in the old routine, he had no choice but to use clichés because he didn't know anything.

Xiao Xi smiled, "Shengsi, you are really shy, sister, I am a fire magician~" A small flame appeared on Xiao Xi's hand as she spoke.

"Wow, Sister Xiaoxi is so amazing! Actually, I don't know much about magic, can you tell me about the classification of magic and some professional knowledge?"

Shengsi intends to get straight to the point, otherwise he won't be able to get any useful information if he continues like this for a long time.

When Xiao Xi heard that Shengsi praised her for being great, she couldn't help but feel a little happy. This was the first time someone praised her for being great. In addition, Xiao Xi felt that taking Shengsi, a magic apprentice, was like being a master, so Xiao Xi was very fond of Shengsi. Questions are answered very simply.

After talking for a while, Seiji almost figured out what happened to the magician and the ninja.

Although Xiao Xi is a wandering magician, she has been to the magician's family several times, so she knows quite a lot.

It turns out that magicians are a very old profession in Japan, especially female magicians, who are generally called witches. There are witches in many stories and legends in Japan, while men are called magicians.

In the last 100 years, due to the rapid development of science and technology, the development of communication, and environmental pollution and other problems, the magicians who were already in a semi-hidden state have been hidden, and they seldom show their reality in front of the world.

Now there are very few people in the world who know magicians, so Xiao Xi will think that Shengsi is also a magician when Shengsi mentions magicians and ninjas.

From Xiaoxi, I learned that magicians have five main departments and one outer department. The main departments are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The outer department is called the special department. The magician of the main department belongs to the special department.

The magician level is divided into eight levels: magic apprentice, apprentice magician, junior magician, intermediate magician, advanced magician, great magician, wizard, and sage.

The level of a magician increases with the improvement of one's own magic capacity and magic understanding. To become a magician, one must learn to meditate, which is similar to Taoist meditation.

Meditation has a special method, and the method of meditation, more than 100 years ago, basically belonged to the kind of bad street, and everyone basically knew it, but with the disappearance of magicians and the continuous development of technology, meditation The method has been gradually lost over time, and now basically no ordinary people know it.

Of course, not everyone can become a magician with the method of meditation. If you want to become a magician, you must have the qualifications to be a magician. Meditating all day long won't do any good.

Xiao Xi became a magician because she found a magic book from her grandfather's relics, and because she was qualified. She has been practicing magic for almost seven years now.

The ninja that Shengsi saw last time was a kind of magic that can only be understood after the magician reaches an advanced level. This kind of magic can cultivate a person similar to the ancient dead warrior, that is, the ninja that Shengsi met a few days ago.

Also, magicians generally have families, but those without families. For example, Xiao Xi is called a wandering magician. Generally, at least a senior magician is required to establish a magic family, so that ninjas can be cultivated. With the magic of ninjas Teachers have strength and influence.

Shengsi also asked Xiao Xi about Lord Diwen and Hongzi Koizumi, and Xiao Xi also gave him a shocking answer.

The two people mentioned by Shengsi turned out to be a father-daughter relationship, and that Lord Diwen is a great magician of the gold system, super powerful, and his family is also in charge of the entire magician power in Nagoya. Diwen's family is one He was sent to manage Jiang Gutian many months ago, and his daughter Koizumi Hongzi also transferred here. It is worth mentioning that Koizumi Hongzi is also an intermediate magician of the special department!

After Shengsi learned the information from Xiaoxi, the bell for the end of get out of class just rang.

"Saint, get out of class is over, I'm going to the classroom, that."

"Sister Xiaoxi, you're in class B, first grade, right? Then I'll go find you after school, and I'll go to your house when the time comes. Please." Shengsi said with a smile.

Just now Shengsi proposed that the two should talk after school, and Xiao Xi readily agreed. After all, it is very rare to meet Shengsi, a "wandering magician". You must know that Xiao Xi has been practicing magic for nearly five years. Meet the wandering magician three times!
Nowadays, there are really too few wandering magicians.
PS: I just received the short message from the website, and there will be a recommended position tomorrow, I think I should work hard for three more, and Fengyun is here to ask for a ticket!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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