Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 46 Koizumi Hongzi

Chapter 46 Koizumi Hongzi
Seeing Xiao Xi walking towards the teaching building, Shengsi looked away and started to think about it.

Although I learned a lot of information from Xiaoxi, more doubts and curiosity came one after another. It seems that it is still necessary to find that Koizumi Hongzi.

Taking advantage of the dismissal of get out of class, Shengsi came directly to the door of Class B of the second year. Along the way, Shengsi's cute appearance attracted a lot of attention, and some girls even 'molested' him!

As soon as he arrived at the door of the classroom, Seiji ran into Kaito children's shoes who were about to go out.

"Seiji!? Why are you here?" Kaito was a little surprised. He didn't expect to see him here. Didn't he come in a few days as agreed? coming.

Shengsi smiled, "Brother Kuidou, I'm here to find Sister Hongzi." At the same time, he glanced at everyone in the classroom, and soon he found the target, a girl surrounded by a group of boys, with flowing hair With red hair and aloof temperament, this should be Hongzi Koizumi.

When Kaito heard this, he turned his head and shouted, "Hongzi, someone is looking for you!"

Shengsi waved his hand at the same time, "Sister Hongzi!"

Shengsi didn't care whether Hongzi knew him or not, anyway, it was enough for him to know her.

Koizumi Hongko was thinking about how to kill Kaito Kidd at this time, when she suddenly heard a familiar voice saying that someone was looking for her, looking for her reputation, she found that Kaito was standing at the door calling her, and there was another kid standing beside Kaito Beside waved his hand and called himself 'Sister Hongzi'.

Who is this little kid?How do you know your own name?
Hongzi walked towards the door with some doubts, and the boys surrounding her moved out of the way one after another. They almost obeyed Hongzi's orders now, with full legs.

Seeing Hongzi get up and walk towards him, Shengsi could clearly feel a very special soul wave permeating around Hongzi, this kind of wave is fatally attractive to the opposite sex, presumably this is why she is so The reason for the popularity.

After Hongzi approached, Shengsi found that the energy around Hongzi also affected him, but it was very weak. When Shengsi moved his mind, the strange feeling was swept away immediately.

"Little brother, what do you want from me?" Hongzi asked condescendingly, with a look of arrogance on her face, but under her arrogance was a touch of shock, this little kid herself couldn't see through it? !And it is not affected by its own magic power!Either this person is an ordinary person like Kaito, or this person is the kind with unfathomable strength!

But Hongzi is more inclined to the latter in his heart, knowing that he is a fortune teller!In my previous divination, there is only Kaitou Kidd, an ordinary person in the world, who will not be affected by his magic power. If this child is also an ordinary person, then she will definitely be divined out by her.

But this child did not appear in his divination, so there is only another possibility, that is, this person is stronger than her!And at least the kind that is two ranks higher than her!In this way, she will not be divined out by her.

Such a young age, the strength is a great magician!What a terrifying qualification is that? !Could it be that he started learning magic in the womb?

And just now, without the slightest fluctuation of magic power, the influence of her magic power has been eliminated. This is something that can only be achieved by a great magician, returning to the realm of innocence!The magic will be released at will and will not cause fluctuations in the surrounding magic power.

Thinking of this, Hongzi immediately put away her frivolous posture, and said solemnly: "I don't know. What do you want to do with me, my lord?" She didn't know why a strong man who was as strong as her father came to her suddenly, Could it be that she was looking for divination?But there are also a few divination magicians in Japan, and some are better than me, so what do you want me to do?
Hongzi maintained a respectful attitude towards strong men who were on the same level as his father.She has seen how terrifying it is for a great magician to cast spells!Like his father, Lord Diwen, a ten-storey building would be wiped out with one spell!
Kaito on the side looked at Hongzi with a face full of surprise, and he would talk to Shengsi so respectfully. He knew very well that a person as arrogant as Hongzi suddenly spoke in a low voice to Shengsi. It seems that this Shengsi It's not easy.

Looking at the men and women in the classroom again, they all stared at this scene dumbfounded, with a look of disbelief.

And Shengsi was also very surprised, he could see very clearly that Hongzi, who was originally extremely arrogant, at the moment he disrupted the energy around her with his thoughts, Hongzi's whole attitude changed, Shengsi changed from her I saw respect in my eyes!
All expressions can be faked, but the eyes cannot be faked, so Shengsi was also very surprised at this time, why did she just move her mental power, and then she became like this?

"Sister Hongzi, my name is Seiji Miyamizu! I want to ask you something, are you free now?" Although Seiji was surprised, he still said calmly. He needed answers to some questions.

"I'm free, of course I'm free!" Hong Zi nodded. Could the invitation from a great magician be free?If there is no time, make room for it!
After Hongzi finished speaking, she turned to Kaito who was beside her and said, "Student Kaito, can I trouble you to ask for leave for me, I might not come to class this afternoon."

"Okay." Kuaido replied in a daze, he was guessing in his heart who this holy priest was and what his relationship with Hongzi was.

Hongzi nodded, but thought to himself that Kaito knew Shengsi, so he couldn't kill him yet.

"Sister Hongzi, come with me, let's go outside to talk." Seeing that Hongzi agreed, Shengsi walked outside.

"En" Hongzi hurriedly followed.

Watching the two walk away, Kuai Dou murmured, "It's really rare for Hongzi to be like this."

"Kai Dou, did the saint come here just now?" Qingzi walked over from the side. She was just preparing for the next lesson. Come over, but Shengsi has already left.

"Yeah, he came here to find something for Hongzi, and then the two went out together."

"So it is."

Shengsi took Hongzi all the way to a big tree next to the playground. This is where Shengsi and Xiao Xi stayed just now. Shengsi thought this place was very good, so he came again.

"Master Shengsi, what do you want to ask?" Just as Shengsi was choking out how to ask, Hongzi spoke first.

Shengsi was very puzzled and not used to Hongzi calling him an adult, "Sister Hongzi, you should still call me Shengsi, and you should take it back as an adult."

"How can I do that? You are a distinguished great magician! You should be called that! Also, you can just call me Hongzi." Hongzi showed a strange expression on her face, thinking to herself: Isn't this the rule in the family? ?When you see a magician with a higher level than yourself, call it an adult!But why didn't this Lord Shengsi play his cards according to the routine?

Great magician? !What the hell?When did I become a great magician?Shengsi just heard Xiaoxi say that the great magician is a very powerful magician, but why does Hongzi call himself a great magician?

"Sister Hongzi, when did I become a great magician?" Shengsi asked doubtfully.

PS: Please recommend!

(End of this chapter)

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