Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 47 Hearing about the Magic Family

Chapter 47 Hearing about the Magic Family
Hearing what Shengsi said, Hongzi was taken aback, could it be that he made a mistake? !
Wait, the surname is Miyamizu, Hongzi remembers seeing a Miyamizu family in a family book, it seems to be in Itomori Village in Hida City, there seems to be a magical family named Miyamizu there, but that family It seems to be just a third-rate family. I originally thought that the family that can cultivate such geniuses should be a very old family. Could it be that I really made a mistake?
"Then, Shengsi, are you a magician?" Hongzi said with some uncertainty. She was in shock and didn't know what to say.

"It can be said that it is. I am a wandering magician." Shengsi didn't know how to explain his identity, and now he could only lie.

Hearing what Shengsi said, Hongzi labeled him a special department, so that's why he was able to avoid his own divination.

Thinking of this, Hongzi immediately felt much better. He has been practicing magic for almost ten years and is only an intermediate magician. Seeing that Shengsi is only seven or eight years old at most, if he is now a great magician, he will die of anger ?

Hongzi thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "Then, Shengsi, are you interested in joining my Koizumi family?" No magic family would think that there are too many magicians in their own family. Only in this way can the family prosper, so every magician family spares no effort in attracting wandering magicians.

But Xiao Xi didn't tell Shengsi some questions about wandering magicians in detail. She planned to talk to him about wandering magicians and their families in detail after school today.

At this time, Shengsi didn't know that wandering magicians could join other families, so Shengsi asked in surprise after hearing Hongzi's words: "Sister Hongzi, can I join your family?"

"Of course, you will benefit a lot after joining our family. We will have a magic teacher to teach you, and there are magic resources to share with you, and you can even learn some advanced magic. How about it? Interested in joining Is it our Koizumi family?" Hongzi said excitedly, the reward for attracting a magician of a special department for the family is very generous.

Especially young and trainable magicians of the special department!Winning a reward is enough for her to benefit for life.

When Shengsi heard that Hongzi could join the family, he was a little excited. Isn't this a great opportunity to learn about the situation?
Shengsi nodded again and again, "Yes, I will join your family!" It seems that there are benefits to joining the family, and a fool would not add it!
At this time, Shengsi didn't even think about why Xiao Xi had been to the magician's family several times, but she didn't join.

In fact, if a wandering magician wants to join a family, he must sign a contract of selling himself. After signing this contract, you will be marked with the logo of a family. Although you can learn and gain a lot, you have lost Freedom!
A vagabond mage who has signed a prostitution contract is just like working for someone else. You have to do what others tell you to do. There is no freedom at all!

Of course, none of these saints knew.

"What else is there in our family?! You join?!" Hongzi didn't expect Shengsi to agree directly. You know, joining a family requires signing a contract, and the terms in the contract are enough to make people think about it for a long time Originally, Hongzi planned to show Shengsi the contract, and then spent several months guiding him to sign the contract.

I didn't expect Shengsi to agree directly. Didn't he know about the contract?
"Well, I'll join your family." Shengsi said with a confident face.

Hongzi was about to talk to Shengsi about the contract when he heard the words, but he didn't expect him to speak again: "Sister Hongzi, do you know Yuedao Xiaoxi?"

Hongzi had no choice but to change the topic.

"You said Xiao Xi, I know, she is also a wandering magician like you, and she looks very talented."

Not only did Hongzi know Xiaoxi Yuedao this year, but she was also very close. It can be said that she came here to study for Xiaoxi Yuedao!

Xiaoxi Yuedao went to her family three years ago. Because of her excellent aptitude, the family wanted to introduce her into the family, and offered very favorable conditions, but Xiaoxi did not agree, because she lost her freedom. She will never agree to the conditions.

Xiao Xi did not agree to join the family, so the family proposed a more generous contract every year to attract Xiao Xi, and even proposed three days of rest every month, but Xiao Xi was still unmoved. A while ago, the family thought that it was necessary to establish a good relationship with Xiao Xi first, so Hongzi came here.

It's not that the family has never thought of using strong ones, but if they don't voluntarily sign a magic contract, it will cause damage to the soul, and the road to magic will be cut off in the future. What the family wants is a future great magician, not a junior magician .

"Oh, sister Hongzi, when are we going to the family?" Shengsi looked impatient.

Looking at the somewhat excited Shengsi, Hongzi smiled even wider, "Then let's go now."

Let's not talk about the contract, first take Shengsi to the family for a while, let him see the situation in the family, so that it will be more convincing when he proposes the contract later!

"Okay!" Shengsi was a little excited, he was about to meet the legendary magic family, so looking forward to it.

In his previous life, because he was the only one with superpowers, Shengsi felt very lonely, as if he was the only one in the whole world, but now, he can see "similar" immediately, so Shengsi is very excited.

"In that case, let's go." After Hongzi finished speaking, she walked towards the school gate.

Shengsi hurriedly followed.

school gate
a junction not far away

A pure black Porsche slowly stopped in front of Hongzi.

Looking at Hongzi who was about to open the car door, Shengsi said, "Sister Hongzi, we are going by car? Why don't we just fly there?"

In Shengsi's eyes, ninjas can escape, and magicians can fly of course. Another point, Shengsi just wants to see the legendary magic family soon!

Hongzi was startled when he heard the words, "The family is far away from here. If I carry two people on my broom, the magic power will be consumed faster, so let's go by car."

Although she didn't know why Shengsi asked, Hongzi still explained.

"Sister Hongzi, I can fly by myself, you don't need to worry about me, you can just point me in the direction of your family." Shengsi said with a smile, it turns out that Hongzi didn't know that he could fly. Nothing was told to her.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Hongzi subconsciously pointed in a direction, "It's over there, about ten kilometers away."

"Sister Hongzi, then let's go!" Shengsi said before Hongzi finished speaking.

Hong Zi secretly paid, if the saint could fly, he should be a junior magician, but the flying speed of a junior magician on a broom is very slow, not half as fast as hers, and the flying is also very low, so it is easy to be spotted .

Just when Hongzi was about to say, 'You are flying too slowly, it's better to take a car faster'. Huh? !well? .Senior, how did you go to heaven?
Also, where's your broom?How did you fly without a broom?

Nani? !The speed is still so fast? !All of a sudden, there was no shadow!
PS: Please recommend!There is another update at [-]pm!
(End of this chapter)

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