Chapter 48
It turned out that Shengsi looked at Hongzi and kept silent, thinking that he agreed, and he knew the direction, so he left first.

Hongzi looked at Shengsi and went to the sky with a "swoosh", and the speed couldn't keep up even if he flattered himself!
She was already dumbfounded at this time, this speed? !Could it be that Shengsi is really a great magician?Hongzi saw that her father didn't ride a broom when he flew, and he flew very fast. No, her father didn't fly as fast as Shengsi. Could it be that Shengsi is a great magician of the wind system? !
She didn't even think about the level of a wizard, because it's impossible!

According to ancient records, during the prosperous period of magic, the youngest great magician was only seven years old!That is a peerless genius, rare in a thousand years, and the youngest mage is 17 years old!There is a difference of more than ten years, and the level of a mage cannot be compensated by a good magical talent.

Hongzi knew that the Special Department contained many types, and among them, the Wind Magicians flew extremely fast, more than twice as fast as ordinary magicians.

And now Shengsi is a great magician of the wind element in Hongzi's mind!
A seven or eight-year-old great magician should know that the current magic resources are extremely scarce, and since Shengsi is a wandering magician, the resources he can get are even less, so his aptitude is even more heaven-defying than the peerless geniuses in ancient books!

In fact, Seiji is not flying very fast at this time, it can even be said to be flying very slowly, not even a Mach (340 Mach = speed of sound = [-]m/s), how can it be fast, you must know that Seiji's current limit speed is Mach three!
Shengsi was just afraid of flying too fast, and it would be bad if he flew over the ground.

If Hongzi knew what Shengsi was thinking at this time, he would probably be paralyzed by fright.
After being surprised for a while, Hongzi quickly called out the broom and followed.

Waiting for Hongzi to leave, in a small alley not far away.

Two men dressed in black slowly emerged from the shadows. If Shengsi was here, he would find that these two men in black were the two ninjas he met in Mihua Park last time!
These two people are exactly Ying Shisan and Ying Fourteen who were ordered to protect Miss Hongzi!
After Hongzi Koizumi and Shengsi left the classroom, the two followed secretly, and they didn't show up because they didn't seem to be in any danger.

"Do you feel very familiar with that kid just now, Fourteen?!"

"Well, a little bit."

"Oh! I remembered, was this the person in the warehouse in Mihua Park last time?"

"When you put it that way, I feel like it's him! Although I don't see who it is, it feels like it's him! I didn't expect to be so young!"

"Go, let's go back and tell Master Diwen!"

"it is good!"

After a few minutes.

Shengsi had already flown more than [-] kilometers at this time. Along the way, he didn't find anything special. He must have missed it because he was flying too fast. Shengsi remembered that Hongzi said that there were more than a dozen people here. kilometers away.

It seems necessary to go back and find Hongzi to lead the way.

When going back, Sheng Si flew extremely fast.

In just twenty seconds, Shengsi saw Hongzi flying in the sky on a broomstick.

But that speed is no different from a snail crawling in Shengsi's eyes.

"Sister Hongzi, you are flying too slowly, let me take you flying."

Hongzi was flying, when suddenly a figure appeared beside her, which made her startled, her magic power was a little disordered, and she almost fell off the broom.

If Hongzi flies down at this speed, it will probably take several 10 minutes to arrive.

"That's really troublesome Lord Shengsi." Hongzi hurriedly stabilized his figure, and then said a little embarrassed.

My middle-level magician seems to have become a burden
Shengsi didn't care that Hongzi also called him 'Master Shengsi', it's just a title, just whatever you want.

Seeing that Hongzi agreed, Shengsi wrapped the two of them together with his thoughts and flew towards the direction just now.

The airflow generated by the two people's rapid flight in the air washed away the clouds, forming a long 'cloud road'.

From the ground, it looks like a fighter jet is flying by.
Because Shengsi was afraid of discomfort due to Hongzi's weak body, he didn't fly too fast, about the same speed as he flew over just now.

And Shengsi can fly as fast as Mach [-] by himself, it is because of his good health that he can withstand such a large force of thought, and he is very familiar with his own body structure. When flying, he can use the force of thought to adjust the point of force, so Only one person can fly so fast.

Another few minutes passed.

Shengsi had already flown to that place just now, but why didn't Hong Zi stop?
Shengsi stopped in the air, then turned his head to look at Hongzi, what the hell is En Hongzi closing his eyes?Why is your body still shaking?
I should use my thoughts to block the wind, how could it be cold?
"Sister Hongzi? Sister Hongzi?" Shengsi shouted.

"En, ah?! Arrived?!" Hongzi suddenly opened his eyes and said in surprise.

Shengsi's speed was too fast just now, and Hongzi, who had never flown so fast before, was a little frightened. Now that she heard Shengsi calling her, she thought she had already arrived.
I don't even know where the place is. How did I get there? Shengsi was a little depressed, "Well, sister Hongzi, we haven't arrived yet. Show me where we are now?"

As soon as Hongzi opened her eyes, she realized that they were in the air, and realized that she had asked a stupid question. Besides, her family was protected by a magic circle, which ordinary people couldn't find.

Hearing Shengsi's question, Hongzi looked down, "Master Shengsi, we seem to have flown over, let's fly back two or three kilometers, that's fine."

Before he could finish speaking, a strong force struck.

In just over ten seconds, the two reached the sky above a big mountain.

"Sister Hongzi, where can you find the place?"

Hongzi still hasn't reacted yet, the two of them arrived here in a blink of an eye, she looked down and said in a daze, "Master Shengsi, it's on the mountainside!"

Seeing that she will soon be in her family, Hongzi is also a little excited
Shengsi heard the words and flew down with Hongzi.

After approaching the mountain, Shengsi felt that the mountain was unusual.

This mountain gives people a faint sense of oppression, and the closer you get, the greater the oppression, making people want to leave here.

No wonder there are very few news about magicians. Ordinary people will never approach this place, so they will never see magicians at all. In this way, they have reached the point of seclusion, which is really a good way!

Although this sense of oppression is very strong for ordinary people, is Shengsi an ordinary person?
of course not!

The soul in Shengsi's head was shaken, and the mental film instantly covered the whole body, and the sense of oppression could not reach Shengsi's body.

Shengsi smiled, little KISS!

After a while, the two reached the mountainside.

Hongzi was just about to tell Shengsi about the magic circle, but she saw a trace of discomfort flashing across Shengsi's face, and then a smile in the next second. It seemed that the magic circle had no effect on her.

PS: Three more recommendations!In fact, there was an easter egg in the last chapter, didn't you see it?Friends who can see it can post it in the book review area!

(End of this chapter)

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