Chapter 49 The Valley
That's right, Master Shengsi is a great magician, how could he be affected by this kind of magic circle!
In Hongzi's heart, the idea that Shengsi is a super genius magician became more firm.

"Sister Hongzi, where is the magic family you are talking about?" Shengsi asked, looking at the primitive jungle in front of him.

This virgin forest doesn't look like it's inhabited, could it be hidden by a magic circle?

In fact, Shengsi was right. Because he was afraid of being photographed by satellites, a hidden effect was added to the magic circle, which originally only had a deterrent effect, more than ten years ago.

"Master Shengsi, please follow me." Hongzi led the way respectfully, but thought in his heart: Why doesn't this Lord Shengsi even know this common sense?
Could it be that Shengsi has been burying his head in hard training and has never had contact with other magicians, so he doesn't know anything about the magic world?

After Shengsi followed Hongzi for a few minutes, Hongzi stopped in front of a very ordinary tree.

Shengsi has seen as many as [-] trees like this one along the way.

When Shengsi was wondering, Hongzi touched the trunk of the big tree with her hand.

White light flashed.

A white light door appeared in the open space not far from the big tree.

A trace of surprise flashed in Shengsi's eyes, it actually appeared out of thin air!

"Master Shengsi, please come in!" Hongzi pointed to the light door and said with a smile, she was about to arrive at her home soon, and she felt relieved.

Shengsi heard the words and slowly approached the light gate.

Is this magic?so amazing!
Shengsi looked left and right in front of the light gate, looking like a curious baby.

Seeing Shengsi like this, Hongzi confirmed his guess more and more. It seems that Shengsi belongs to the kind of genius magician who has been practicing magic all the time, came out recently, and has never seen anything in the world. It's easy to talk!

The fact is also the same, the general great magician looks aloof and arrogant, how could he talk to a small middle-level magician like her.

But Shengsi is different, not only talking to her, but also kindly calling her 'Sister Hongzi'.

Thinking of this, Hongzi smiled sweetly.

After a while, Hongzi found that Shengsi was still walking around the Guangmen, but he never went in, so he couldn't help saying: "Master Shengsi, it's my home when you go in."

After a pause, he continued: "This is a branch of the Koizumi family."

Shengsi smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, "Then sister Hongzi, let's go in."

The embarrassment I had just now must have been seen by Hongzi, but magic is really amazing, I must learn it!

After Shengsi finished speaking, he stepped into the light gate. Seeing Shengsi enter the light gate, Hongzi also hurriedly followed.

After Hongzi also went in, the door of light flashed and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

After walking into the light gate, Shengsi was stunned by the scene in front of him.

This is a huge valley, almost ten times the size of Didan Primary School.

Taking a deep breath, Seiji immediately felt refreshed, it was many times better than the turbid air in Tokyo.

There are white clouds in the sky, and there are still people flying around from time to time, which is full of fantasy.

The valley is very empty, and there is a huge old castle in the center, which is majestic and magnificent, and a breath of history blows towards us.The surrounding area of ​​the castle is full of rice fields, and there are some scattered houses and so on. The forest is surrounded by the rice fields.

In the rice fields, some people dressed as farmers are working hard, watching them talking and laughing, Shengsi feels that they should live happily.

Just when Shengsi was amazed, Hongzi also came in.

Hongzi who came in from behind looked at Shengsi's stunned look, and said with a smile, "How is it? Lord Shengsi, this place is not bad!"

Shengsi nodded silently, not only is it good, it is simply great!

Is this the magic family?It's amazing!
After Shengsi saw Hongzi coming in, he couldn't wait to fly towards the castle. Seeing this, Hongzi hurriedly followed on the broom.

In the air, Shengsi quickly scanned the entire valley.

Except for the old castle in the center, there are only stretches of rice fields and some scattered houses in this valley. It seems that the most important place here is the old castle.

Shengsi stopped directly at the gate of the castle.

As soon as Shengsi stopped, two people flew over from the sky.

Maybe it was because Sheng Si flew too fast, those two people didn't know how Sheng Si got here, they just found a stranger at the gate of the castle suddenly, so they came over to inquire.

The two of them are patrolling magicians on duty today, and they usually inspect the rice fields and forests in the valley.

Since the release of the Magician Conference, there are generally no magician wars, and the number of magicians is decreasing, so now the magicians are very peaceful and there are almost no conflicts.

So the work of the two is very easy.

But today, the two suddenly found a stranger in their own territory!

And the two of them still don't know how he appeared, so they are very vigilant about the arrival of Shengsi.

After the two approached Shengsi, they found that it was just a child, and felt a little relieved.

After the two got off the ground, they stood directly opposite Shengsi in an outflanking state.

In this way, as long as Shengsi Yi makes any moves, both of them can react quickly.

Shengsi, who was just about to enter the castle, stopped when he saw the two of them.

One of the two was in his twenties, tall, thin, and quite handsome. At this time, his bright eyes were constantly looking at Shengsi, while the other was a man in his thirties. The middle-aged man looked much more stable than the young one, and he was also looking at Shengsi.

The two sides fell into a brief silence.

At this time, the middle-aged man said: "May I ask who you are?~"

Shengsi heard one of them asking himself a question, and he seemed to be a magician. Shengsi quickly replied: "My name is Gongshui Shengji, um. I am a magician just like you."

Hearing Shengsi's answer, a crow flew over their heads.
Of course we know you're a magician!How else could you come here?Also, what I really want to ask is not this, is it okay?
"Um, little Shengsi, why are you here?"

"Sister Hongzi brought me here!" Shengsi said innocently, don't you know?Isn't the magician in the novel able to transmit sound for thousands of miles?Made myself think you all knew I was coming.

Sister Hongzi?Could it be Master Diwen's daughter Koizumi Hongzi? !

But what about Miss Hongzi?Why leave him here alone?
"Sister Hongzi! There is an uncle here who is asking me something." Just as the middle-aged man was thinking, Shengsi shouted to Hongzi who was late.

When Shengsi shouted, the two of them immediately looked away.

really!It's Miss Hongzi!

It seems that this kid named Shengsi is no longer an enemy, and the two put down their guard.

"Master Shengsi, you are flying too fast, I can't keep up." Hongzi complained right away, maybe because Shengsi is approachable and he is only a child, Hongzi doesn't have that kind of face to Shengsi The great magician's awe, she felt very kind.

PS: Rolling all over the floor for collection!Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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