Chapter 51

And Shengsi, who was in the Koizumi family library, had no idea what Hongzi, her father and daughter were discussing.

He is already addicted to studying at this time, unable to extricate himself!

After hanging out with Hongzi for a while just now, he proposed to read the family's magic book, so Hongzi brought him here.

After arriving at the place, Hongzi just threw him here, and then she left.

Shengsi wished that she would leave, as soon as she left, he could look at it casually.

The reason why Hongzi let Shengsi stay here alone is because the books here are all high-end goods, only some magic knowledge and some basic small spells and low-level meditation methods, and some advanced things are all in her It's in Dad's magic space!Not afraid of losing at all.

But Hongzi didn't know that what Shengsi lacked now was this kind of low-level books, and he still couldn't understand high-level magic books if he was given them. Reading these low-level things now would be the best for Shengsi.

In this way, Shengsi happily read the book here.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

Shengsi has already read more than a dozen useful books here, and he has a certain understanding of magic.

Stretching for a while, Shengsi patted his face tiredly, this time he really used his brain too much, Shengsi read these books not just reading books.

He has developed his own understanding of the things in the book. It can be said that as long as Shengsi goes home and digests the magic knowledge, he may really become a magician!
During the more than an hour when Shengsi read the book, Hongzi came to him three times, and each time he found Shengsi reading the book seriously, so Hongzi didn't bother him.

But she looked at Shengsi's extremely serious look and secretly slandered: I am a great magician, so is it useful to look at these low-level things?

If Shengsi knows what Hongzi thinks in his heart, he will return: When did I say that I am a great magician?These are all guesses by you alone, okay? !What a shame!

"Shengsi, how is it?" Seeing that Shengsi had finally stopped reading, Hongzi hurriedly asked. At the request of Shengsi just now, Hongzi finally stopped calling Shengsi Lord Shengsi.

After watching Hongzi come in, Shengsi put down the books he had finished reading, and said with a smile: "These books are very beautiful, and they have really benefited me a lot. Thank you so much!"

Shengsi is sincerely expressing his gratitude, these books have had a great impact on him!

It simply opened the door to a new world for him. Shengsi can foresee that if he can digest the knowledge he just read, let alone whether he can become a magician, his thought power alone will be destroyed by his own understanding of the soul. Understanding deepens and continues to strengthen!
Only now did Shengsi realize that his previous use of mind power was really bad!It is simply a waste of this superpower.

It wasn't until this moment that he understood what the essence of his mind power was, and how to quickly enhance and use it, so now Shengsi is really grateful to Hongzi.

Seeing this, Hongzi smiled helplessly, Shengsi, you are really joking, this kind of "primary school student" knowledge, you, a "university professor", have also benefited a lot, so could all the magic I have learned these years be learned from dogs? up?

Thinking this way in her heart, Hongzi said, "As long as you like it, Shengsi, that's fine. I have something to ask you."

As soon as he heard that he had something to ask him, Shengsi, who was in high spirits, waved his small hand directly, "Tell me, what is it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!"

Hongzi was overjoyed when he heard that, at first he thought he would have to talk a lot, but he didn't expect Shengsi to be so eloquent.

"Shengsi, it's like this. Our family is going to participate in the magician conference in three weeks. Can you be the elder of our family and participate with my father?" The conference has to take a lot of risks, and it may even be life-threatening.

"Of course, but what is the magician's conference?" Shengsi readily agreed. The magician's conference sounds like a gathering of magicians, so that he can communicate with others and learn. more knowledge.

"You agreed?!" Hongzi was very excited.

"En!" Shengsi nodded, isn't he just attending a gathering of magicians?Hongzi must be so excited?

"Well, Shengsi, let me tell you about the rules of the magician's conference." Hongzi restrained her smile, looked at Shengsi's puzzled little face, and said with a straight face.

Shengsi also listened carefully.

"The magician conference is a conference organized by all magicians on the earth. It has been held for decades and will be held every five years. The location is uncertain. The location of this conference has not yet been determined, but the time is already known. , Just three weeks later! At that time, every magic family will send people there."

"The reason for this conference of magicians is because of a very important magic resource - magic crystals! Magic crystals are a special kind of ore, which can greatly promote the cultivation of magicians. It has been used for a hundred years, and it has become less and less at this time."

"More than 100 years ago, due to the reduction of magic crystals, magicians launched a war of magicians in order to plunder other people's magic crystal mines. In that battle, a large number of magicians died, which is also an important reason for magicians to hide from the world. .”

"Magicians have gradually realized that the harm caused by war is too great, so under the joint discussion of several top magic families, the Magician Conference came into being."

"At the magician conference, the magicians compete with each other with their own skills, and the winner can get the ownership of the opponent's magic crystal mine. However, the battle between magicians is full of danger. That's the end of death!"

"Of course, the fairness of the Magician Conference is very good. High-level families cannot attack low-level families. The number of magic crystal mines obtained by victorious battles at each level is different. Low-level families generally have less. So the winning side also gets less, and some families don't even have magic crystal mines at all!"

"And high-level families generally get more. This is also a manifestation of the strong being respected. Of course, the strong will have more. In this world, big fists are the last word!"

"That's right, I haven't told you about the classification of the family. The magic family is divided into four levels. The last one is the third-rate family. After the establishment of senior and above magicians, it has not fallen due to some reasons, but there are still magic. Master's family, this is a third-rate family, at first I thought you, Shengsi, came from a third-rate family."

Hongzi smiled after finishing speaking.

"Then this third-rate family is...?" Shengsi asked, he was also a little curious about what kind of family this family was, so that Hongzi would think that he came from this family.

"That family is the Miyamizu family. It has the same surname as yours. That family is located in Itomori Village in Hida City. It is a lonely family." Hongzi explained.

Shengsi nodded upon hearing this and did not answer.

PS1: Fengyun had diarrhea for two hours in the middle of the night, and now his stomach still hurts, like gastroenteritis. Even so, there will be two updates today!Fengyun hereby warns everyone that when the weather is changing, don't catch a cold, pay attention to your health, and drink more boiled water!And the last situation is here to ask for a ticket!
PS2: That. I created a penguin group, everyone is welcome to come in and discuss, water group.The group number is 499323604
(End of this chapter)

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