Chapter 52 Magic Space
Seeing this, Hongzi continued: "Third-rate families go up to second-rate families. The standard for second-rate families is to have at least one senior magician, and some powerful second-rate families even have newly promoted great magicians. However, since they have never participated in magic That’s all for the Master’s Conference, and the Magician’s Conference not only competes for resources, but also has a procedure for grading magic families.”

"Every five years, there will be downgrades and upgrades of families, and the amount of magic crystal mines obtained will change! It is impossible for a family without the strength corresponding to the resources it has to enjoy its resources safely, and vice versa."

"Then there is a first-class family, that is, like our Koizumi family, there must be at least one great magician in a first-class family!"

Hongzi was a little proud when he said this, after all, the first-class family is already a very powerful family.

After saying this sentence, Hongzi paused, and then said with some awe: "The one that is stronger than the first-class family is the top-level magic family. In this kind of magic family, there are wizards!"

"That's a magician! According to the legend, people who have reached the level of a magician can even revive people who have just died!"

"Wow, the mage is so powerful?! What about the sage?" Shengsi was a little surprised that he could resurrect the dead!How powerful that is!The wizards are so powerful, isn't the sage above the wizards even more powerful!
Hongzi's expression darkened when he heard Shengsi's question, "You said sages, in fact, it is still a question whether the realm of sages exists or not. There has never been any record about sages in ancient books, and no one has listened to them." It has been said which magician can reach the realm of a sage! Therefore, the highest state of a magician may be a wizard, and as for a sage, heh, it is probably just a delusion of people's higher realm."

"Ah?! So that's how it is?" Shengsi was also a little disappointed after hearing what Hongzi said. Is it just a delusion?
"That's right, Shengsi, after listening to me, do you still want to go?" Hongzi asked with some expectation. After all, the risk was so high, she was afraid that Shengsi would not go, so the people in their family's battle would be His father died, because his father is the only great magician in the family who prefers to fight.

"Of course I'm going, why not?!" Shengsi smiled, not exercising for a long time.

A desire to fight arises spontaneously, and the aura of "death" in the previous life slowly rises in Shengsi. He wants to see what kind of sparks will be created by the collision of mind power and magic!
Seeing Shengsi's temperament quietly changing, Hongzi was secretly startled. If Shengsi was a cute child last second, then in her eyes now, Shengsi is a giant beast that devours people. Hongzi is still there. Shengsi saw a strong fighting spirit in his eyes!

This is a beast out of the cage!

Hongzi was so frightened in front of Shengsi that he didn't dare to move an inch, as if he would be swallowed by him in the next second.

Seeing Hongzi's frightened look, Shengsi immediately withdrew his aura.

She smiled, "Sister Hongzi, I'm really sorry, I thought of something bad."

Hongzi calmed down a little, and exhaled: "It's okay, then... I must leave this matter to you!"

"Well, no problem, that's right, sister Hongzi, do you still have this kind of magic book? I want to read it."

Shengsi pointed to the magic script not far away.

"Yes, yes." Hongzi took out a lot of books from her magic space and piled them in front of Shengsi. "You can look at these as you like, and it doesn't matter if you take them away."

"Really? Thank you so much." Shengsi was ready to be rejected. After all, the magic book is the most important thing in a magic family. He never thought that Hongzi would let him read it and return it. Feel free to take it back!
Taking a casual glance at these books, Shengsi saw "Intermediate Magic General Explanation", "Advanced Magic General Explanation", "The Essence of Magic", "Advanced Use of Magic", "Elementary Magic Circle" and other books that were useful to him.

Looking at the pile of books, Shengsi remembered a little magic called magic space that he read just now. This magic is to use magic power to build a magic structure, and then use magic power output to make it stable, so that it will become a dimensional space.

This dimensional space is generally called magic space by magicians. It can be used to store items. Because it is airtight, it cannot store living things. It is a very simple and practical magic, and it can be learned by junior magicians.

But Shengsi has no magic power now, so he tries to use his mind power as magic power.

The thought power in Shengsi's brain gradually formed a special structure under his control. When the structure became stable, Shengsi's soul shook. In an instant, Shengsi felt a dimension of about ten cubic meters appeared in his body. The space is like a rough house, with nothing in it.

It turned out to be a success!I never thought that mind power could be used as magic power!

Under the continuous output of Shengsi's mental power, this dimensional space is very stable. Shengsi felt it and found that maintaining this space consumes very little mental power, and even his own recovery speed can't match it. No wonder magicians use this space to store things. Ah, it's just a mobile warehouse.

It took Shengsi a few seconds to get a little familiar with the charging principle of this magic. With a thought, the pile of books in front of Shengsi disappeared instantly.

Wow, it's amazing!
Shengsi put the book out again, and then put it back in again, repeating this many times.

In the end, Shengsi stopped his movements in Hongzi's eyes of "caring for the mentally handicapped".

It seems that I am quite stupid like this.
Shengsi looked at Hongzi and said with some embarrassment: "Because it's too fun, so."

'Is it the right choice to send Shengsi to attend the magicians conference?It feels so unreliable, a kid is a kid' Hongzi was roaring in his heart at this moment.

Although she was extremely helpless, Hongzi still smiled, "It's okay."

As soon as Hongzi finished speaking, Shengsi yelled loudly.

"It happened!"

"What's the matter?!" Hongzi asked.

"I made an appointment with Elder Sister Xiaoxi to find her after school, oh my! It's almost time for school now, no, I have to hurry over."

Shengsi ran out while talking, Shengsi is a very honest person, the last time he gave in and waited for him, Shengsi still felt guilty for a long time, and now he is about to miss the appointment again, Shengsi will not allow this to happen again matter!
Shengsi was very fast, and he went out the door in no time. Hongzi couldn't keep up at all, so he had to shout from behind: "Shengsi, you have to remember, you will come here in three weeks~"

"I see!" Shengsi's voice drifted into Hongzi's ears.

After watching Shengsi walk away, Hongzi walked towards the castle hall. She had to report this good thing to her father quickly!
It turned out to be done, I think my father will be very happy to hear that, after all, Shengsi looks very strong, he is really a peerless genius!

PS: The starting point recommendation votes are single digits every day. I wonder if I voted for the wrong website. 55555555555
(End of this chapter)

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