Chapter 53
Shengsi came to the exit of the valley in a short while. Shengsi, who had just read a little magic book, knew that the magic circle covering the valley only had the function of concealment and deterrence, and it was a public magic circle.

It means that as long as a magician can basically pass through the magic circle, the method is very simple, just input magic power into the circle.

Shengsi directly input thought power into the magic circle, Shengsi couldn't open it, so he went back to find Hongzi to open it, but Shengsi found that his thought power could be opened!

It seems that the essence of mind power is not much different from magic power, and now it is more convenient to practice magic by yourself.
After leaving the valley, Shengsi flew directly in the direction of Jiang Gutian High School without stopping.

A few minutes later, Shengsi landed in an unoccupied corner of the playground.

After confirming that no one saw it, Seiji walked quickly towards Class B of the first year.

It is the time when school is over, and there are people coming and going in the corridors of the teaching building.

Seeing a child from Shengsi walking around here, the students after school all cast curious eyes.

Shengsi turned a blind eye to everyone's gaze and ran directly to his destination.

When he came to the door of Class B of the first year, Seiji found Tsukishima Kou who was sitting alone by the window.

Maybe it's because school has been over for a while, the classroom is empty and there is a sense of desertedness.

"Sister Xiao Xi! I'm here." Shengsi called out sweetly after approaching Xiao Xi.

Shengsi has a good impression of Xiao Xi, a girl.

Xiao Xi turned around when she heard the words, and found that it was Shengsi, she smiled slightly, "Oh, it is Shengsi, come to my house to have dinner tonight! By the way, let's exchange magic knowledge."

Shengsi thought for a while, then nodded, "En!"

Xiao Xi put her schoolbag on her back and stretched out her hand.

Shengsi smiled and passed her hand, Xiao Xi took Shengsi's hand and walked out of the classroom.

When the two left the classroom, there was no one in the corridor.

"Seiji, why are you here? Where's Hongzi?!" Not long after the two left the classroom, they met the duo of Kaito and Qingzi in the stairwell.

"Sister Hongzi has gone home, I'm going to eat at sister Xiaoxi's house now." Shengsi pointed to Xiaoxi next to him and said.

"So it is"

"Hello, my name is Yuedao Xiaoxi, please give me your advice." Xiaoxi introduced herself in a timely manner.

"Hello, my name is Kaito Kuroba (Aoko Nakamori), please give me your advice."

While talking, Qingzi was secretly looking at Xiao Xi. She felt that Xiao Xi had a special aura, similar to Hongzi's. Could it be that she was wearing perfume?

But Kaito didn't think about that, he was thinking about Seiji in his mind, he was obviously an elementary school student from Tokyo, but he knew a student from Ekoda High School so far away from Tokyo, what a strange little ghost.

After the two parties introduced each other, Xiao Xi said, "Well, if there is nothing else, Shengsi and I will leave first."

She can't wait to exchange magic with Shengsi. Although those magic families say that they accept all magicians, as long as you don't join their family, they won't show you useful things at all.

Therefore, they generally can only exchange magic with those who are also wandering magicians. This is also a kind of mutual support between the weak.

Kaito and the others had nothing to do with Seiji, but they saw Seiji but didn't see Hongzi who went out with him, so they just asked, "Goodbye then."

"Well, goodbye Brother Kuaidou, goodbye Sister Qingzi." Shengsi now called his brothers and sisters more and more familiarly, without the initial jerky at all.

In fact, being a child is pretty good. In the previous life, Shengsi didn't have a happy childhood at all, so he must live happily in this life!
Well, the most important thing in life is to be happy!
Seeing Shengsi and Xiaoxi walking away, Kaidou looked away, and said to himself: This brat, I must find some time to find out about him in the future.

"I said Kaito, what are you still looking at? Let's go home soon." Looking at Kaito in a daze, Qingzi shouted.

"Oh well, let's go!"

Ten minutes later, Shengsi and Xiao Xi stopped in front of an apartment building.

"This is my home, let's go up."

Walking into the elevator, Xiao Xi pressed the sixteenth floor.

After a while, the elevator reached the sixteenth floor. Xiao Xi led Shengsi out of the elevator and came to a dark red door.

Xiao Xi skillfully took out the key and opened the door.

"Sister Xiaoxi, do you live alone?" As soon as he entered the door, Shengsi could tell that there was only one person living in this house for a long time.

Xiao Xi's expression darkened when she heard the words, "Well, because my parents passed away when I was young, I have lived alone since I was in junior high school."

Orphans?Shengsi, who is also an orphan, can understand that kind of insecure life, everything depends on himself, there is no one to comfort you when you are wronged, and there is no one close to you to confide in.

Shengsi has a deep understanding of that kind of lonely and helpless life.

Xiao Xi is also practicing magic while living alone, and she seems to be a bit out of touch, but she can still maintain a normal heart. This is really a strong girl.

Shengsi suddenly felt sorry for Xiao Xi.

"Sister Xiaoxi, we will be family from now on." Shengsi couldn't help saying.

"En?" Xiao Xi was startled for a moment.Family, what a strange word!
Looking at Shengsi's pure eyes, Xiao Xi's nose was sour, and then she nodded fiercely, "En!"

While speaking, Xiao Xi hugged Shengsi tightly in her arms.

Shengsi also hugged him with his backhand, and at this moment, it seemed that the world fell silent.

The two hugged each other tightly, silent for a long time.

Looking at Xiao Xi's slightly swaying shoulders, Shengsi patted Xiao Xi's back lightly, "Sister Xiaoxi, don't cry, as long as I, Shengsi, will not let you get hurt in the future!"

Maybe it's because of the sympathy for each other, Shengsi now sincerely recognizes this sister.

Under Shengsi's comfort, Xiao Xi stopped crying, "Thank you, Shengsi!"

Shengsi gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Xiao Xi's eyes and said softly, "Sister Xiao Xi, come live with me in Tokyo!"

Xiao Xi was stunned, and thought about it for a while. In fact, Xiao Xi didn't have any friends at school because she didn't fit in with others. In addition, Hongzi kept looking for her to discuss joining the family. Xiao Xi didn't want to stay in this place anymore. up.

After thinking about it, Xiao Xi nodded to Shengsi, "Okay!"

"Yeah! That's great!" Shengsi shouted happily. In his previous life, Shengsi wished to have a big brother and sister who would protect him, and now this wish has finally come true.

"Then sister Xiao Xi, pack your things quickly, we'll leave right away, I can't wait to go home with you! I'll take you to see Mom and Dad!"

Dad, Mom?I haven't heard these two words for many years, can I see them again?
Seeing Xiao Xi who was in a daze, Shengsi urged: "Sister Xiao Xi, hurry up and clear things, we'll be leaving soon~"

"Why don't you have a meal here first?"

"No need, mom's cooking is delicious! Go and pack your things!" Shengsi pushed Xiao Xi.

Xiao Xi came back to her senses and began to pack her things.

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(End of this chapter)

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