Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 54 Miyamizu Xiaoxi!

Chapter 54 Miyamizu Xiaoxi!

ten minutes later.

Seeing Xiao Xi standing in front of him, Shengsi couldn't help exclaiming, "It's so cute!"

A beige patterned dress and a light yellow round hat on the top of the head, for a while, the youthful vitality is undoubtedly displayed.

Maybe it's because she seldom dresses like this in front of others, Xiao Xi is a little shy at this time, "Where is that?"

Seeing Xiao Xi's shy look, Shengsi shook his head, then stretched out his little hand and said, "Sister Xiao Xi, let's go!"

Xiao Xi nodded slightly, a little restrained and a little nervous.

This is the first time she wears this dress. She has never worn this dress since she bought it. The main reason is that she has no chance to wear it. She is usually in class and wears school uniforms. Xi was practicing magic at home, so she had no time to wear it out.

Because Xiaoxi wanted to give her new parents a good impression, she put on this new dress.

Looking at Xiao Xi who was stunned and at a loss, Shengsi took the initiative to hold her hand. The moment his hands touched, Shengsi could clearly feel Xiao Xi tremble all over.

Shengsi turned his head and smiled at Xiao Xi, signaling not to be nervous, and then led her to the door.

Xiaoximumu's Ren Shengsi walked into the elevator, but he didn't find out why Shengsi pressed the top floor instead of the first floor.

"Shengsi, why did we come to the roof?!"

After Xiao Xi was led by Shengsi to the rooftop, Xiao Xi realized that they were not going downstairs.

Hearing Xiao Xi's words, Shengsi smiled and said nothing.

Just when Xiao Xi was puzzled, a slight sense of weightlessness hit her, and when she regained her senses again, she found that the two of them were already above the clouds.

"Shengsi! You can fly?!" Xiao Xi came to the sky suddenly, and hugged Shengsi tightly in fright.

"Of course! I'm a magician!" Seeing Xiao Xi's nervous look, Shengsi couldn't help being a little funny.

This sister Xiaoxi, like a younger sister, feels less courageous than Ayumi
Shengsi carried Xiao Xi and flew towards Tokyo,

After flying in the sky for a while, Xiao Xi gradually became familiar with the feeling of flying like this, and she gradually became less afraid, but she still didn't dare to let go of Shengsi's hand.

On the way home, Xiao Xi asked Shengsi a lot of questions, and Shengsi answered them all.

When the two arrived at the door of Shengsi's house, Xiao Xi had already asked almost all the questions she wanted to know.

When Shengsi was about to knock on the door, Xiao Xi suddenly tugged at the corner of his clothes.

"Saint, I... I'm afraid."

Seeing this, Shengsi was quite helpless, and with a thought, he said cutely: "Sister Xiaoxi, please be good, didn't you just say that you are not afraid?"

Hearing what Shengsi said, Xiao Xi gave a 'puchi' smile, and for a while, her nervousness eased a lot.

Although Xiao Xi had said that she was not afraid on the way here, but for some reason now, she suddenly felt very nervous.

"Still, I'm a little bit."

"It's okay, parents are very nice, they will definitely like you very much, this will be your home from now on!"

Shengsi can understand Xiaoxi's current mood very well. When Shengsi was in the orphanage in his previous life, every time someone came to adopt a child, Shengsi would look at them expectantly and nervously, hoping that they could adopt him, but It didn't work out as expected, no one would fall in love with Shengsi, because he looked malnourished at the time.

Thinking of this, Shengsi's expression darkened, but he immediately shook his head, the past is over.

Now that he has such a happy family, and he will soon have an extra sister, what is there to be dissatisfied with?

"Let's go! Let's go in quickly!" Seeing Xiao Xi's hesitant expression, Shengsi quickly knocked on the door, and then pushed behind her.

Just when Xiao Xi was fighting against Shengsi.

There was a 'click'.

The door opened.

A beautiful middle-aged woman came out of the door.

Xiao Xi immediately froze in place.

"Mom!" Seeing the familiar face, Shengsi shouted.

"Xiao Si is back?! Who is this?" Mom first yelled in surprise, then looked at Xiao Xi suspiciously and said.

Shengsi came out from behind Xiao Xi and pulled Xiao Xi, who was stiff all over, and said, "Mom, this is sister Xiao Xi, and her name will be Gongshui Xiao Xi from now on!"

Mom turned into peas eyes in an instant, "Nani?!. What the hell?."

in the living room.

"Oh~ so that's the case, what a poor child, Xiao Xi, come, mom hugs me." After hearing what happened to Xiao Xi, my mother also sympathized with this poor girl.

Xiao Xi hesitated for a moment, then threw herself into her mother's embrace under Shengsi's encouraging eyes.

The two hug each other very warmly.

Xiao Xi, who hadn't felt a mother's love for a long time, cried into tears in her mother's arms.

"Hey, Xiao Xi, this will be your home from now on, and you will be from my Gongshui family! Your name will be Gongshui Xiaoxi! How about it?"

"En!" Xiao Xi responded with sobs, her heart was already so excited that she couldn't control herself.

"You should be happy now, come on, Xiao Xi, call mom!"

Xiao Xi stopped crying when she heard the words, and called out timidly, "Mom~"

It has been many years since she has called this familiar and unfamiliar name, and Xiao Xi suddenly feels so happy at this moment!

"Hey, dear girl! Dele, I'm going to cook a super luxurious meal for my daughter today, and how about you, Xiao Xi, let's take my sister to see the room first!" Mom said with a happy smile.

Having a beautiful daughter, my mother is probably already happy, Shengsi thought.

"En! Elder sister, come with me." Hearing his mother's words, Shengsi who was beside him responded excitedly, and then led Xiao Xi into the house.

Although he knew that his mother would agree, Shengsi couldn't help being excited when he heard her agree with his own ears.

When decorating the room, Shengsi noticed that Xiao Xi had only one expression on her face——smile, which hasn't changed since just now. It seems that Xiao Xi is very happy!

If he had been adopted in his previous life, he would probably be as happy as her, Seiji thought.

"Shengsi, thank you!" Xiao Xi suddenly said when the two were arranging things together.

"Actually, I should thank you!"

The dinner table.

Dad is constantly adding vegetables to Xiao Xi's bowl, "Xiao Xi, eat more, the dishes mom cooks are delicious!"

Just now after Shengsi and Xiao Xi finished decorating the room, they sat in the living room and watched TV. After watching for a while, Dad came back.

After Shengsi explained, Dad's enthusiasm for Xiao Xi's daughter really burned the entire desert!
All kinds of booing and caring, all kinds of doting and so on, immediately indicated that he would take Xiao Xi out to play at night, and treated Xiao Xi better than his own son.

The main reason why Dad is so happy is that he actually wanted a daughter a long time ago. When Mom was pregnant with him, Dad had high hopes and thought it would be a daughter, but unexpectedly he gave birth to a boy.

Shengsi was well-behaved and sensible since he was a child, and was deeply loved by his parents. Seeing this, his father gave up the idea of ​​having a second child, but now he suddenly recognizes Xiaoxi as a daughter, how can he be unhappy?Just like a lost and found treasure, it is natural to love it in every possible way.

Xiao Xi was also full of happiness at the dinner table. It can be said that today is the happiest day in her life!

PS: I have an extra sister, Ula Lala
(End of this chapter)

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