Chapter 55

After eating.

Two people, one big and one small, were walking down the street holding hands.

"Could the Ayumi you're talking about be your girlfriend?!" Xiao Xi stared at Shengsi and said.

Shengsi blushed slightly and nodded, he was a little shy talking about his girlfriend in front of others.

After eating just now, Shengsi remembered that he hadn't bought beef curry rice for Ayumi, so he hurried out to buy it, and Xiao Xi followed after seeing this.

Xiao Xi still wants to be with Shengsi more than her parents.

Once outside, Xiao Xi began to tell Shengsi how she felt just now, and how happy she was now, and Shengsi also became a qualified audience.

After Xiaoxi finished talking about her thoughts, she chatted with Shengsi again. The two talked a lot. During the question and answer, Xiaoxi guessed that Ayumi was Shengsi's girlfriend. So the scene just now happened.

Seeing Shengsi nodding, Xiao Xi blushed, and thought to herself: Shengsi has found a girlfriend at such a young age, and I have no one I like at this age, what a failure!
"You're looking for a girlfriend at such a young age? Your parents won't tell you?!" Xiao Xi didn't think her parents would agree with Shengsi's puppy love behavior.

"Sister, shhh!" Shengsi put his little hand over his mouth and said nervously, "My parents don't know about this, so can you... help me keep it a secret!"

Xiao Xi tilted her head and looked thoughtful, "Well, this is it."

Xiao Xi suddenly discovered that her younger brother is so cute, not only courageous but also careful.

I couldn't help pinching Shengsi's little face, "Okay! Seeing that you are so obedient, Shengsi, I promise you!"

"Yeah! Thank you sister, I'll buy you a lollipop right away!"

Shengsi yelled happily.

What made him happy was not that Xiao Xi helped him keep the secret, but that he felt a kind of love from his sister, and this faint sense of happiness made him very happy.

Seiji still remembered that night.

In the dean's room of the orphanage, the conversation between the dean and him.

"Xiao Si, our orphanage's funds are also very tight, and you, with your appearance, almost no one will adopt you, so living here now is equivalent to living for nothing. But, ah, We don’t keep idle people here, so, shouldn’t you consider the job I told you about last time? Hmm?!” A fat middle-aged man sat on a sofa chair and blew out a smoke ring.

And in front of him stood a shivering little boy. It was just autumn and it was quite cold. When the evening wind blew, the little boy wearing only a thin shirt couldn't help shivering.

"Uncle...uncle, didn't that fat brother say yesterday that he wanted to adopt me?" Because of the cold, the little boy spoke intermittently.

The middle-aged fat man slammed the cigarette in his hand, "You said Mr. Zhang yesterday, he was just talking, don't take it seriously!"

"Look at you! Who will adopt you?" The middle-aged fat man glanced at the little boy's thin body and said with disgust.

The little boy forced a smile, but that smile was full of bitterness and self-mockery, "So that's the case. I'm such a clown!"

"So, what do you think? We don't raise idlers here!" The middle-aged fat man said with a ferocious expression, as if he was a ghost in hell!
Looking at the ferocious face of the fat man, the little boy was not frightened, but tightened the clothes on his body that had been blown away by the wind again, with a calm expression on his face.

"Give me some more time!"

The moment he heard these words, the middle-aged fat man stopped when he was about to take out the lighter.


With a chuckle, the fat man continued to take out the lighter from his trouser belt, slowly lit the cigarette in his hand, and took a deep breath.

"I'll give you three days to think about it! After three days, if you don't agree, you will be at your own risk!"

The little boy smiled after hearing the fat man's words, "Okay! It's only three days, then I'm going to sleep now!" The little boy walked towards the door.

"Actually, it's not bad to serve those young masters. At least you won't have to worry about life in the future. I'm doing this for your own good!"

After hearing these words, the little boy who was about to open the door stopped.

He clenched his fist tightly!

Fu let go again, opened the door, and walked out.

"Shengsi! Shengsi! What's the matter with you?" Xiao Xi squatted down, and patted Shengsi worriedly. Xiao Xi was very concerned about the younger brother he had just met.

Just now Shengsi said that after buying candy for her, he suddenly stopped moving and didn't speak, and Xiao Xi didn't know what was going on.

"I am fine."

After hearing Xiao Xi's shout, Shengsi came back to his senses and shook his head.



After Xiao Xi repeatedly confirmed that Shengsi was really fine, she was relieved.

"Sister, let's go, otherwise Ayumi has already eaten, and there will be no rush."


Xiao Xi took Shengsi's hand and walked to the nearby curry shop.

'Boom boom boom! '

Shengsi knocked on the door of Ayumi's house, then stepped back and stood with Xiao Xi, both of them had a lollipop in their mouths, which was very interesting.

"It must be Brother Shengsi!" Ayumi's voice came out before the door opened.

"Hehe, Shengsi, you are really good!" Xiao Xi secretly gave Shengsi a thumbs up.

Shengsi shrugged innocently.

"Brother Shengsi!" Ayumi opened the door and immediately hugged Shengsi, ignoring Xiao Xi who was standing aside.

"Uh, how are you doing this?" Xiao Xi looked at the two people who were embracing with jealousy, and said quietly.

"Ah!" Ayumi yelled, and quickly let go of Seiji like a frightened bunny.

"Brother Shengsi! Who is this?" Ayumi said in fear, she was very afraid that her parents would know about her relationship with Shengsi.

Looking at Ayumi in panic, Seiji patted her head and said: "It's okay, this is my sister, her name is 'Miyashui Xiaoxi', she won't say it, you can call her sister Xiaoxi Bar."

Ayumi let out a sigh of relief when she heard the words, "Hello, sister Xiaoxi!"

"Hello, Ayumi, I've heard about you from Seiji, you're such a cute girl!" Xiao Xi said with a smile.

"What? Uncle and aunt are not at home?" Seeing that Ayumi dared to be so bold just now, there must be no one at home.

"En." Ayumi said as she led the two into the house.

"Look, I brought you your favorite curry beef rice and dessert - lollipop!" As soon as he sat down in the living room, Shengsi raised his hands, and the two things placed in the magic space appeared In the hands of Shengsi.

"Wow! Thank you Brother Shengsi!" Ayumi said with surprise after taking the things from Shengsi.

"Let's try it!"


Xiao Xi looked at the sweet conversation between the two, with a smile on her lips, brother and sister?What a blessing!

PS: Let me have a look, hee hee.

(End of this chapter)

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