Chapter 56 Birthday
It was already seven o'clock in the evening when I left Ayumi's house and returned to my own house.

Open the door, huh?Why is it dark in the room?Why is the light off?Is there no one at home?Where are Mom and Dad?
Just when Xiao Xi was puzzled.


The room lights are bright!

"Xiao Xi! Happy birthday to you!" Mom and Dad walked towards Xiao Xi carrying a birthday cake with candles.

Seeing this, the corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched slightly, and he walked over to stand with his parents and took the lead in singing the birthday song.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~" The birthday song of the trio chord lingered in Xiao Xi's ears.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Xi was so moved that she couldn't help herself, she froze in place, covering her mouth with her hands, looking surprised.

Happy birthday.

The three of them, Mom, Dad and Shengsi, brought the weeping pear blossom and tearful Xiao Xi to the seat.

Yes, these were all planned by the three of them, they wanted to give Xiao Xi a surprise.

Today is Xiao Xi's first day in our Gongshui house, so today is her birthday!

So the three carried out this plan in secret, and seeing Xiao Xi's appearance, Shengsi knew that their plan was a success!

Xiao Xi sat on the chair and sobbed slightly. At this moment, she was so moved that she didn't know what to say.

Today is almost her birthday!

Not only did I have my parents again, but I also had a birthday that I haven’t had for a long time!
"Thank you!" Looking at the caring eyes of everyone, the thousand words in Xiao Xi's heart finally turned into the two words of thank you.

"Silly girl, we are all family members, how can you say thank you?" Dad happily patted Xiao Xi's head, he liked this daughter very much.

"That's right, from now on, we will be a family! No need to say thank you!" Mom wiped Xiao Xi's crying face and said with a smile.

In fact, the idea of ​​celebrating Xiao Xi's birthday was thought up by my mother. My mother wanted to help Xiao Xi integrate into the family more quickly, so as not to feel strange.

When Shengsi heard about this plan, he gave his mother a thumbs up!

Looking at Xiao Xi who had calmed down a little, Shengsi said, "Sister, make a wish, today is your birthday~"

"That's right, Xiao Xi, hurry up and make a wish!"

"En!" Xiao Xi nodded heavily.

Close your eyes and put your palms together.

"May my parents and brother Shengsi be happy and healthy every day!" Xiao Xi gave everyone a deep look after speaking.

"Xiao Xi, hurry up, blow out the candles!" My father yelled quickly when he saw Xiao Xi was stunned to blow out the candles after she finished speaking.

"Oh." After Xiao Xi heard what her father said, she blew out the candle in front of her in one breath.

"Wow!~" After watching Xiao Xi blow out the candles, everyone cheered.

"Sister, cut the cake for us to eat!"

"it is good!"

Not far away, a small camera under the control of Shengsi's thoughts captured the entire warm scene.

Xiao Xi, who was lying on the bed, recalled today's scenes, feeling really incredible!

Really happy!And all these changes were brought about by Shengsi, a lovely younger brother. Shengsi is really his lucky star. Thinking of this, Xiaoxi showed a knowing smile on her face.

With a sound of 'squeak~', Xiao Xi found that her bedroom door was opened a crack, and a small figure moved in through the crack.

"Sister?! Sister? Are you asleep?" Shengsi approached Xiao Xi and said quietly.

Of course, Shengsi sneaked into other people's rooms at night not to do something bad, but to give Xiao Xi a birthday present!

When Xiao Xi heard Shengsi's voice, she quickly pretended to be asleep. She wanted to see what Shengsi was going to do.

In fact, when Shengsi was talking, he found that Xiao Xi was not asleep, but now Xiao Xi is pretending to be asleep, what is she trying to do?

But that's good too, Shengsi didn't point out Xiao Xi, but quietly put the gift box in her hand on the bedside of her, and then slowly backed out, closing the door behind her.

After confirming that Shengsi had left, Xiao Xi opened her eyes.

What catches the eye is a cartoon greeting card with four large characters of "Birthday Gift" written on it, and a line of small characters underneath——Sister, I wish you a happy birthday, from Shengsi!
Xiao Xi wiped the greeting card in front of her carefully, and smiled foolishly.

Shengsi is really a careful brother
Xiao Xi sat upright on the bed, put the greeting card on her chest, and then picked up the gift box.

This gift box is exquisite, pink, very cute!It can be seen that Shengsi packed it with great care!
It took about half a minute for Xiao Xi to open the gift box.

Looking at the things in the box, Xiao Xi was taken aback.

It's a camera!What did Shengsi send me this for?Do you want me to learn photography?At this moment, Xiao Xi was full of doubts.

Xiao Xi slowly took out the camera from the box, looked it over and over, and found nothing special.

Is there something in there for me to see?Xiao Xi thought.

Click on the storage bar in the camera, hey, Xiao Xi found that there is only one video in it, with a movement of her finger, Xiao Xi clicked on this video.

Looking at the familiar scene in the video, the teardrops in the corner of Xiao Xi's eyes slipped quietly.
"Thank you... Shengsi!" Xiao Xi kept repeating these words in her heart, besides these words, Xiao Xi really had nothing to say.

At the same time, the corners of Shengsi's mouth in the next room turned up slightly.
The next morning, Shengsi got up early and went to the next room.

Seeing Xiaoxi sleeping soundly with the camera in her left hand and the greeting card in her right, Shengsi smiled, covered her with a quilt quietly, and then backed out.

What a little sister.
The moment Shengsi closed the door, Xiao Xi closed her eyes and smiled.


"Mom, remember to take your sister to Didan High School to go through the transfer procedures!" Shengsi told his mother.

"Got it, you have to be careful when crossing the road! Come back early in the afternoon!" Mom handed the bento to Shengsi.

"Well, I know, goodbye!"


Seiji walked into the classroom holding Ayumi's hand and whistling cheerfully, causing the students in the classroom to cast strange glances, and the cheerful Seiji didn't care about these gazes.

But Ayumi quietly let go of Seiji's hand, she was a little scared.

"Seiji, why do you look happy today?" Conan couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw Shengsi and Ayumi holding hands again.

Since going to the wedding that day, Xiaolan kept asking herself how she got smaller as soon as she got home. Fortunately, she was clever enough to fool her, but all of this was caused by the little ghost Shengsi, so Conan didn't have a good face give him.

"Because my sister is back!" Seiji explained the explanation he gave Ayumi yesterday.

He fabricated a sister who was studying abroad, the kind who just came back yesterday.

"That's great!" Everyone looked envious after hearing this.

Conan curled his lips, he didn't expect this nasty kid to have a sister!
This unscientific!

After Shengsi said that he would introduce his sister to everyone when he came to his house for dinner next time, everyone finally changed the topic to Masked Rider. After discussing again for a while, the class bell rang.

PS: Please take care of the new book!

(End of this chapter)

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