Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 57 Conan, the sinister foodie

Chapter 57 Conan, the sinister foodie

The whole morning passed quickly, and I was on my way to school.

"What, you guys are going today?" Shengsi looked helplessly at the expectant crowd in front of him.

As soon as school was over, Conan and the others showed their fangs. They all wanted to see who Seiji's sister was.

"Isn't it okay?" Conan gave Seiji a sideways look.

"Well, it's okay, but I don't know if she's back home." Shengsi said, he really didn't know if Xiaoxi and his mother came back after going to Didan High School, so he was a little hesitant.

"It's okay, we can wait, and we can also have a big meal from Aunt Yexiang, don't you think so! Conan?!" Yuan Tai said while pushing Conan.

Conan staggered from being pushed and almost fell, but fortunately Ayumi held him up.

"Genta, pay attention~ Conan was almost pushed down by you!" Ayumi complained to Genta.

When Ayumi said it, Genta immediately touched the back of his head with embarrassment and said, "I'm really sorry, Conan, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Conan was very helpless to Yuantai, a 'manly man'.

Seeing Yuantai like this, the corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched: "Okay, welcome to my house!"

"Yeah! Yes! Have a big meal!"

Looking at the people walking towards his home, Shengsi spread his hands helplessly on the spot, it turned out that their purpose was not to see his sister at all, but to have a big meal.
"Hey! Wait for me!"

"Hurry up, Seiji, you are too slow!"

Sheng Si's family.

"Wow! Seiji, Ayumi, are these all your classmates?" Xiao Xi looked at the group of people entering the door and said.

"Yes, these are my classmates. This is Kojima Genta, this is Edogawa Conan, and this is Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko." Seiji introduced Xiao Xi one by one.

Originally, Shengsi thought it would take a long time to complete the transfer procedures, but he didn't expect his sister and mother to come back.

"My name is Gongshui Xiaoxi, and I'm Shengsi's elder sister. Please give me your advice." Xiaoxi was able to say her new name calmly.

After talking, Xiao Xi took everyone to the living room, while her mother was watching TV in the living room, when she found the guests, she poured a drink for each of them, and then cooked with Shengsi's instructions.

Looking at the people who were having fun with Xiao Xi, Shengsi thought to himself: A bunch of foodies!
"Sister, they were clamoring to see you, so I brought them here." Shengsi said helplessly to Xiao Xi.

"Hehe. Really? What a group of lovely children!" Xiao Xi covered her mouth and chuckled.Then he thought of something and suddenly said: "Do you want to eat snacks? I bought a lot of snacks yesterday!"

In Xiao Xi's eyes, children love to eat snacks.

Of course, the fact is also true.


"I want it too, for three!"

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help complaining: Except for Ayumi, none of the little devils in this group are cute!
After a few minutes.

A group of people frantically ate around a large pile of snacks on the coffee table.

Conan smiled disdainfully at the people who were eating and eating. A group of brats are full now. No one will grab Aunt Yexiang's food from me, ahahahaha!I'm so smart!
Seeing Conan giggling and not eating by himself, Xiao Xi leaned against Shengsi and whispered, "Shengsi, look at that classmate named Conan who wears glasses, does he have a problem with his brain?"

"Well, it seems to be!" Seiji also felt that Conan's current appearance was a bit silly.

Conan seemed to notice the strange eyes of the two, he put away his smile with embarrassment, and then watched the TV silently.

Seeing this, Shengsi could only hehe.

More than an hour later, a group of people sat around a table full of dishes, eating and drinking.

After eating the delicious dishes, Xiao Xi felt more and more that her mother was amazing. The Chinese food made by her mother was better than any restaurant food she had ever eaten.

When eating yesterday, Xiao Xi didn't taste it at all because of her inner nervousness. Now eating it is really a kind of enjoyment!

"Aunt Yexiang, your cooking is delicious!" Guangyan praised while eating.

"Hehe. If it tastes good, eat more!" My mother is also very happy to see everyone eating her food, and anyone's hard work will be recognized by others.

Looking at Conan again, he didn't say a word, but when everyone was chatting and laughing, he kept silently serving food.
Shengsi saw it in his eyes and kept it in his heart. It seems that Conan is a real foodie!

Seeing everyone eating happily, Shengsi thought: Dad, you can only eat leftovers tonight, how pitiful! .However, why are you so happy?

After a while, all the dishes on the table were eaten up.

The people who finished their meal also returned home contentedly, escorted by Shengsi and Xiao Xi.

When Shengsi and the two returned to their home, they just saw their father who was eating leftovers with a dissatisfied face.

Seeing this scene, Shengsi immediately burst out laughing, and Xiao Xi couldn't help but smile when she saw it, her father is really depressed like this!
Seeing the two laughing loudly, Dad looked confused at the messy dinner table.
In the blink of an eye, two days have passed.

In these two days, many things happened.

Xiaoxi's school transfer procedures have been completed, and she has already started classes at Didan High School.

Shengsi also told Xiao Xi about the magician's conference in the past two days. Under Xiao Xi's strong opposition, Shengsi came to an uninhabited island in the Pacific Ocean not far from Tokyo, and showed Take a look at your own strength.

After the two left, the small uninhabited island completely disappeared in the Pacific Ocean!

Xiao Xi smiled at this, and did not object to Shengsi anymore.

Also, Shengsi has finished reading the magic book he got from Hongzi, and has already cultivated magic power.

According to Xiao Xi, she has never seen anyone like Shengsi who became an intermediate magician in just two days!It's incredible!
Of course, on the surface, he is only a middle-level magician, but with the addition of mental power, his combat ability is at the top of the list!
These magic books have been shared with Xiao Xi, and with the help of Sheng Si, Xiao Xi has also been promoted to become an intermediate magician!
On Saturday morning, Shengsi and Xiaoxi arrived downstairs at Ayumi's house early.

Xiaoxi just had a rest today, and she heard Shengsi said that she would go to Moon Shadow Island with Ayumi, so she also came along.

After a while, Ayumi walked over from the gate with a travel bag on her back.

"Brother Shengsi, why didn't you bring anything?" After approaching, Ayumi found that the two didn't bring anything, so she asked in doubt.

Seiji smiled, took Ayumi's backpack into his hands, and the next second, the schoolbag was gone!
"Brother Shengsi, where did you change my backpack?" Ayumi asked excitedly, she suddenly remembered that Shengsi said that he was a magician.

"Here, here it is!" Shengsi took the backpack out of the magic space.

"Wow! Brother Seiji, I want to learn! I want to learn this! Can you teach me?" Ayumi shouted excitedly after seeing this miraculous scene.

(End of this chapter)

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