Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 58 Moon Shadow Island

Chapter 58 Moon Shadow Island

"Okay, I can teach you, but not now, our first task now is to go to Moon Shadow Island!" Shengsi thought for a while and then said.

Shengsi used a detection magic just now, and he found that Ayumi has magical aptitude, although it is not very good, but after learning magic for a few years, he can still become a junior magician!
Of course, Shengsi will not give in to Ayumi to wait so long, he still has another way, that is to make a space ring!
That's right, it is the kind of interspatial ring that can store things in the novel.

Shengsi read about the development history of the magic of the magic space from a magic book.

300 years ago, the magic world at that time did not have the practical magic of magic space, and magicians could only use space rings for storage.

And the space ring is a kind of equipment that uses a special ore as the main material and some auxiliary materials to refine it with magic, and it can be used as long as there is a trace of magic power!
And this kind of ore that can make space rings is called space stone because of its particularity.

The size of the space ring is determined by the number of space stones. At that time, the price of space stones was extremely expensive. The space stones needed to make a space ring with a size of one cubic meter were worth more than 1000 magic crystals!

The magic crystal has a wide range of uses. It is a common currency among magicians. In addition to being used as currency, it can also be used for cultivation, using magic, as materials, etc. It is a kind of material like panacea.

And one magic crystal is enough for a junior magician to practice for a whole day, which shows how expensive the space stone is!
Therefore, the interspatial ring was a particularly luxurious item at that time, and only a small number of magicians could own it.

A magician without a space ring can only use the conventional method to check things, which is extremely inconvenient compared to the space ring.

The founder of magic space, Sovin Thun, is also one of the extremely inconvenient people. Thun is a magician of a special department, who awakens the attribute of space. As a junior magician, he was born in a third-rate family. He didn't have the money to buy such a luxury as a space ring.

But Tuen is a magician of the space department. 12-year-old Tuen is a lively and active age. He began to study how to use magic to build a stable dimensional space.

Due to his high savvy and good luck, when Thun was 14 years old, he finally developed a slightly stable dimensional space!

And he also restored the magic model, so that this dimensional space becomes a magic!

Gradually, this matter was spread, and magicians came to ask for this magic model one after another.

Although this magic has some flaws, such as consuming mana quickly, it may cause items to fall into the dimensional crack.

But Thun still made a lot of money by using this magic. He used the magic crystals he earned to practice hard, and finally became a great magician.

In the process of becoming a mage, Thun repeatedly strengthened this magic model, and finally created the magic of "magic space" that is still used today!
At the same time, this magic is also called dimensional space, Thun space, etc., but the most widely spread name is magic space.

Because the magic space is much stronger than the space ring, the space ring was gradually eliminated, and the price of the space stone also dropped. Finally, it is not so expensive anymore.

However, space stones are still relatively expensive now. One aspect is that there are very few space stone mines, and another aspect is that it is one of the main materials for arranging teleportation arrays.

However, Shengsi saw the refining method of the space ring in a book "Elementary Magic Alchemy". beautiful this.

"Oh, so that's the case, brother Shengsi, let's go to the island!" Ayumi said expectantly when she heard Shengsi said that she had to go to the island first to teach her.

Because it was only past seven o'clock, and there was no one on the street at this time, Shengsi looked around, and when no one was looking this way, Shengsi gestured for silence.


Then, Shengsi wrapped his mind, and the three of them immediately flew towards Moon Shadow Island.

Moon Shadow Island.

It is a small island not far from Tokyo, with beautiful scenery and fresh air, it is a good place for leisure travel.

Ten minutes later, the three of Shengsi landed in front of a villa not far from the Moon Shadow Island base.

This is a two-storey villa, very conventional, but there is no swimming pool, and the sea is nearby. If you want to swim in the sea, who would swim in the small pool at home?
Shengsi will buy a villa like this near each base for resting.

Shengsi silently opened the door of the villa with his thoughts. In fact, Shengsi usually never uses the key, because it is troublesome, it is better to use his thoughts!

Walking into the gate of the villa, looking at the luxurious villa, Xiao Xi said with a bit of distress: "Shengsi, this is the house you rented?! It must have cost a lot of money!"

Xiao Xi didn't know that Shengsi was rich, so she felt a little distressed. As a wandering magician, Xiao Xi didn't have a lot of money like other magicians, so she had always lived frugally.

However, Ayumi didn't care about this, as soon as she entered the villa, she happily ran to the big sofa in the living room, and then jumped on it and shouted.

"So comfy! So soft! Awesome!"

Regarding Xiao Xi's question, Shengsi smiled and did not answer, but brought Xiao Xi to a square table.

Seeing this, Ayumi followed curiously.

Xiao Xi was a little puzzled by Shengsi's actions, she didn't know what Shengsi was going to do.

"Senior, what are you doing?"

"Look!" Seiji took out a world map from the magic space and spread it on the table. "I have many houses, and every red circle on this map is such a villa!"

I saw dozens of red circles scattered on the world map, which means that Shengsi has dozens of such villas!
You must know that villas like this are not cheap, one is at least more than [-] US dollars, and dozens of them add up to several million US dollars!
Xiao Xi was stunned at this time, she remembered that what Shengsi said just now was 'he has'!I didn't expect Shengsi to be so rich!But after thinking about it, Shengsi is so powerful, he should have so much money.

"Brother Seiji, are these the houses we will live in when we travel around the world?" Ayumi asked innocently.

Shengsi smiled slightly when he heard this, pinched Ayumi's small face and said, "That's absolutely natural!"

"I hate it, Brother Shengsi bullied Ayumi again and ignored you!" Ayumi ran away blushing.

Seeing Ayumi running away, Seiji shook his head helplessly.

"Xiao Si, how did you do it?" Xiao Xi was surprised and curious.

Shengsi is very rich, she just thought about it for a while and she understood, but there are so many villas in the world, she knows that Shengsi has been bought for a long time, how old was Shengsi at that time?This is what Xiao Xi was curious about!
"This is a secret!" Shengsi didn't want Xiao Xi and her parents to know about some things, and Shengsi didn't want to mention those things that had passed, so this could be regarded as a kind of white lie.

(End of this chapter)

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