Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 60 So What... Divination

Chapter 60

"Okay, let's go in! And honesty, come in and have a cup of tea and have a light meal by the way, we bought a lot of ingredients!" Xiao Xi smiled and said to the stunned honesty.

Seeing honesty surprised, Shengsi couldn't help being a little excited, you are finally speechless now!Hahaha!

"Home!" Ayumi cheered and ran towards the gate.

Seeing this, Shengsi hurriedly followed, after all, he wanted to 'open the door'.

"Um...Xiao Xi, your family really lives here?!" She trembled a little when she spoke honestly. She just heard Xiao Xi and the others say that they were just here to play, and they bought a villa just to play. How rich is that? money? !
"Our home is in Tokyo, and we just came here today." Xiao Xi explained, and then walked towards the door, and shouted to the dazed honesty as she walked: "Let's go in too, Shengsi and the others are waiting! "

"Good!" Honesty nodded and hurriedly followed.

"Wow! It's really nice here!" Honestly exclaimed as soon as he walked in the door.

I have to say that although the villa looks the same from the outside, it looks very ordinary, but the inside of the villa is very low-key and luxurious. After all, most of the decorations in this villa are arranged by Shengsi himself.

Seeing Cheng Cheng lamenting this villa, Xiao Xi couldn't help but smile, "It's very good, I was surprised to come here this morning!"

After honesty followed everyone in, he put the things in his hands in the living room, and then started to visit the house.

"This flowerpot is so pretty."

"This sculpture is really charming, it looks so majestic!"

"Wow! This study is so elegant!"

For a moment, the entire villa was filled with honest and continuous praise.

At the beginning, Shengsi still listened with a smile on his lips, and was praised by others, which showed that he still had vision, but later, Shengsi got tired of listening.

Honesty is really a talent, I have said almost 100 words of praise, but I have never repeated a single word!

on the sofa in the living room.

Ayumi was looking at Seiji with an aggrieved expression.

Seiji couldn't help being a little funny looking at Ayumi like this.

After honesty visited the villa just now, Xiao Xi poured her a cup of tea and went to cook, leaving Shengsi and Ayumi to accompany honesty.

This is a pain for Seiji. Faced with the nagging of honesty, Seiji told her two or three words and then stopped talking. At this time, Ayumi answered a sentence very innocently, so. Mei started talking, Shengsi hurriedly stepped aside and kept silent.

At the beginning, Ayumi was very happy chatting with Honesty, but after a while, Ayumi turned into a crying expression.

To be honest, this mouthpiece is really powerful!Almost made the little girl cry.

"Okay! Dinner is ready! Everyone, come and eat!" Xiao Xi's voice was like a life-saving voice to Ayumi!It was so timely.

After Ayumi heard it, she quickly left the range of honesty's magic sound, and sat down on the stool at the dining table.

Then sweetly called: "Brother Shengsi, sister Honesty is coming to eat soon!"

Seeing Ayumi running away quickly, Honesty said to Shengsi with a confused face: "Shengsi, am I that scary? Why does Ayumi have that scared expression?"

"Sister Honesty, it's because Ayumi is too hungry that she runs so fast, don't think too much." Seiji said with a weird face, hehehe.
"Really?" Honesty smiled awkwardly, as if he realized that he was talking too much.

The dinner table.

The four of them were eating in silence, and no one made a sound. For a while, the atmosphere was a little weird.

"On the night of the next full moon, shadows will start to disappear again on Moon Shadow Island." Shengsi suddenly said a rather weird sentence.

Seiji is not talking nonsense, this sentence is a passage from a letter that Honesty sent to Mori Kogoro.

If Shengsi has an abnormal reaction after reading this sentence now, then Shengsi will know that honesty is about to kill someone!

Because in the plot, Uncle Maori came to this island shortly after receiving this letter, and then honestly started killing people!
The moment Shengsi just said these words, Honesty's expression changed.

"Senior, where did you read this sentence?"

Shengsi looked at the change of honesty, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, it seemed that honesty had already sent the letter.

"It's on a piece of paper~" Shengsi said innocently.

"Then do you know Mr. Mori Kogoro, the famous detective?" I honestly guess that Seiji saw it from the Mori detective. After all, her letter has been sent out for more than a week. If they know the Mori detective, they may still see it. of.

Before Seiji could speak, Ayumi hurriedly replied, "Of course I do, that's where Conan lives!"

As soon as Ayumi finished speaking, she quickly covered her mouth, her heart was extremely flustered, it was miserable, and honest sister wouldn't talk to herself for a long time after answering the words.

Honesty breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Ayumi said, that's it.
I thought it was Shengsi who discovered something, but it turned out to be just like this!

The stone in Honesty's heart fell, and he immediately said with a relaxed face: "Shengsi, why did you suddenly say this?"

"It's nothing, I just read it for fun." Shengsi already knew the progress of the matter, so he didn't continue to discuss this topic, and he planned to have a good talk with Honesty later.

"So it's just like that"

After speaking honestly, he ate in silence and did not speak again.

After watching this scene, Xiao Xi frowned, but did not speak.

And Ayumi found that honesty did not talk to her again, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then ate in silence
Shengsi: ".!"

After eating, Honesty offered to leave, after all, it is not good that there is no one in her clinic for so long.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't hold back either.

Watching Honesty walk away, Xiao Xi said: "Bumi, there is a recreation room next to the study, you can go there and play for a while."

"Really? Then I'll go play!" Ayumi ran over excitedly.

After Ayumi walked away, Xiao Xi quietly looked at Shengsi.

"Okay, okay, let me say." Seeing Xiao Xi take Ayumi away, Shengsi knew that she had a question to ask, and now seeing Xiao Xi's expression of "I see through you", he quickly asked the truth.

"Honest, she is." Shengsi told Xiao Xi everything he knew about honesty. As for why he knew, Shengsi let the legendary divination technique take the blame.

"Oh, that's it, that honesty is a poor girl, but I remember that divination can't divination so many things! And your divination can also predict the future?!" After listening to Shengsi's words , Xiao Xi also feels that honesty is very pitiful, but she feels that Shengsi's divination is so perverted!It made her a little puzzled.

She also knows divination magic herself, but she is already very good at divination of a person's name, but it is really rare to see someone as awesome as Shengsi!
"This is a secret!" Shengsi showed a shy smile, playing helplessly.

Anyway, I just don't say it, let's see what you can do.

"Eh, alright!" Xiao Xi twitched the corner of her mouth, and it was this trick again.
(End of this chapter)

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