Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 61 "Moonlight" Prelude

Chapter 61 "Moonlight" Prelude

After the three played in the villa for a while, they started to play on the island.

Except for the town and its vicinity that have been developed on Moon Shadow Island, most of the other places are primeval forests.

After leaving the villa.

Shengsi first took Ayumi and Xiaoxi around the town. On the way, the three of them stopped by the clinic where Honesty was. After seeing the three of them, Honesty nagged again.

After visiting the town, Shengsi took the two of them for a walk in the virgin forest. I have to say that the environment here is really nice and natural.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when the three of them came back. After arriving in the town, Shengsi was going to say hello to Honesty and then go home.

But when the three of them came to the door of the Honest Clinic, they found a few acquaintances.

These acquaintances are of course the trio of Conan, Xiaolan, and Uncle Maori.

At this moment, the three of them were talking with Honesty, when they saw the Holy Master, they went up to meet him.

"Hey! Seiji, Ayumi, and Xiaoxi. Why are you three here?" Xiaolan discovered them first. When she sent Conan home last time, Xiaolan had already met Xiaoxi, so she also knew Xiaoxi. name.

"Sage?!" Uncle Maori wondered, how could he see Shengsi on this small island?

Conan also had the same idea as Uncle Maori, why is that brat here?

The two of them turned their heads at the same time, what the fuck. It's really this brat!
"Hey! Conan, Uncle Mori, and Elder Sister Xiaolan. What a coincidence to meet you all here!" Seiji walked over with a smile on his face.

It turns out that today is the beginning of the plot of "Moonlight". Shengsi thought it would be a few days, but it doesn't matter.

Honestly watched the moment when Shengsi and Xiaolan recognized each other, and felt extremely nervous.

She was very afraid that Seiji would tell her what happened in the morning. You must know that Mr. Mori Kogoro, a famous detective, was in front of her. As long as Seiji told about her letter in the morning, Mr. Mouri would be able to find out who sent the letter. that's it!At that time, the plan may be exposed, and maybe he will go to jail!
So at this point she was very nervous.

Although honesty was very nervous, she still pretended to be relaxed and said: "Shengsi, so you guys know each other." Now she only hopes that Shengsi is just a child and has forgotten what happened in the morning.

"What? Doctor Honest, do you know them?" Before Shengsi answered, Uncle Maori said first. He really didn't expect Shengsi and the others to know Doctor Honest on this island.

"Yes, Shengsi and I met in the morning." Honest explained to Uncle Mao Li.

"Haha. So it's like this."

"That's right, Shengsi, what are you doing here?" Uncle Maori turned his head to Shengsi and said, he was very puzzled that Shengsi came here, Conan also looked at Shengsi curiously, to see how he would answer.

"We're here for a tour. How about you?"


After some conversation, the two parties probably figured out their respective purposes for coming here.

"Then keep playing, Xiaolan, let's go." Uncle Maori said goodbye to Shengsi and the others, and then walked towards the public hall.

Conan wanted to ask something, but was dragged away by Xiaolan.

Seeing the people in Maori walking away, Honest let out a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Shengsi didn't say anything. It seems that he should have forgotten about that incident. It was really dangerous just now!
After calming down, Honesty calmly said to Xiao Xi, "How is it? Is the island fun?"

"It's very good! The air is so fresh and the scenery is beautiful. It's much more fun than the one in Tokyo." Xiao Xi replied, this is what she said in her heart, this place is really good!
"Yes, yes! This place is really great! There are many animals on the island, and they are all very cute! There are rabbits, deer, and bears." Ayumi wanted to continue, but Seiji quickly covered her mouth.

This girl really dares to say anything. When I went to the virgin forest just now, there were countless poisonous snakes and beasts along the way, but they were all imprisoned in place by the holy priest with the power of thought, unable to move.

And these immovable wild boars, bears, rabbits and so on have become cute animals in Ayumi's eyes.
And she still said these things, I really don't know whether to call her stupid or stupid.

"What? A bear?! Have you met a bear?" Honesty asked with some uncertainty. She seemed to have heard a bear just now!
"No, honest sister, you heard it wrong, what Ayumi said just now was a little raccoon." Seiji didn't care if there was a little raccoon here, so he said it first.

"I see." Honesty did not doubt Shengsi's words.

"Oh, yes, Sister Honesty, I have something to tell you." Shengsi said suddenly, he remembered that Honesty was going to kill someone at night, so now he wants to stop her!
"What? Tell her." Honesty was a little confused, what would Shengsi have to say to her.

Shengsi didn't answer honestly, but turned to Ayumi and said: "Ayumi, you and sister go back to play first, I have something to talk about with honest sister."

Ayumi responded obediently, and she still listened to Brother Shengsi's words.

"Sister, Ayumi is counting on you."

"En!" Xiao Xi nodded, she probably guessed what Seiji was going to say to Honesty, so she took Ayumi back first.

After Ayumi and Xiao Xi left, Shengsi said to the slightly dazed honesty, "Sister Honesty, let's go in and talk about it."

Honesty nodded in a daze, and followed Shengsi into the clinic.

Shengsi waited for Cheng Cheng to enter the clinic, turned over the open sign and changed it to resting, and at the same time closed the clinic's door, and then set up a soundproof magic with a wave of his hand.

Seeing what Shengsi did, Honestly felt a little nervous, "Shengsi, what are you doing with the door closed?"

Shengsi didn't answer, but looked at Honesty with a smile on his face.

Honesty is a little flustered by Shengsi's different eyes. He is obviously just a child, why does it feel like he is being looked at.

Just when Honesty was flustered, Shengsi spoke up.

"Sister Honesty, what I'm talking about is Sister Aso Honesty. Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Seiji Miyamizu, and I'm a detective!" At this point, Shengsi paused, and then continued: "Also, you I know everything about it.”

When Honesty heard Shengsi call out her real name, her face changed. Has she been discovered?
"Aso Honesty, the second daughter of Aso Guier, lived in a hospital in Tokyo because of her frailty and sickness, so she was able to escape the fire and was adopted by others. When she grew up, she found out the mastermind of the fire. , so I came to Moon Shadow Island to plan to kill them to avenge my family! I’m right, sister Honest!” Shengsi explained the honest situation in one breath.

At this time, countless thoughts flashed through Honesty's heart: I can no longer avenge my family in the future!Are you going to be in jail soon?Or kill Shengsi and then kill those three people and commit suicide? .
"So, little detective Shengsi, you... want to arrest me?" Honesty instantly vetoed the option of killing Shengsi. It was impossible for her to kill an innocent person, and besides, Shengsi was just a child.

So she was already planning to go to jail.

(End of this chapter)

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