Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 62 "Moonlight"

Chapter 62 "Moonlight"
Hearing honesty say that, Shengsi couldn't help being a little funny, how could it be possible to arrest you?

"No, I'm not here to catch you, I'm here to tell you good news!"

"What news?!" Honesty was a little surprised, telling himself good news at this time?

Seeing Honesty's dumbfounded look, Seiji smiled.

"You don't have to kill them, they will die soon"

"What?! They're going to die? How did you know that?!" Honesty yelled in surprise. Fortunately, soundproof magic had been arranged in advance, otherwise if someone passed by the door of the clinic at this time, they should be heard.

Honestly, I was ready to be caught and sent to prison just now. It is still very easy for this kind of premeditated murder case to be locked up for a few years. In that case, revenge will be far away!
But when Shengsi said such a sentence, honesty was surprised but also a little puzzled, why did Shengsi know that they were going to die?

"As for how they died, you don't need to know. Anyway, they will die soon, and you can get your wish without committing a crime!" Shengsi had already planned to kill those three people himself.

These three people not only smuggled a large amount of drugs, but each of them took his own life, but in Japan, even if they committed such a crime, they would not be sentenced to death.

So Shengsi intends to kill these three people himself!
On the one hand, it was for honest revenge, after all, these three people killed her whole family back then!On the other hand, the death of these three people is not a pity at all!

When Shengsi took over the task in the previous life, he would not kill anyone who was not evil, and sometimes he liked to fight against injustices. Now this time helping honesty is this kind of fight against injustices.

"Is that so?" Honestly murmured, although she didn't know why those three people died, she vaguely guessed that this matter should have something to do with the holy priest in front of her.

Seiji is a small detective, whose family can afford a villa, and he also knows the famous detective Mori Kogoro, the most important thing is that he can see through his entire plan!These few conditions made Honesty believe in Shengsi's words.

After Shengsi finished speaking, he kept looking at honesty quietly, and honesty was thinking about something, bowing his head in silence.

For a while, needles could be heard in this small clinic that was already quiet. Only the occasional chirping of birds and insects outside the window made people feel that time was still passing.
To be honest, what I think at this time is: Shengsi is the son of a big consortium or a gangster, and that consortium or gang has a grudge against the person she wants to kill, so Shengsi will find a way to kill them, by the way. Do yourself a favor, so that you can explain why Shengsi wanted to help you for no reason.

After a long time, Honesty raised his head.

"Thank you, Seiji!"

His eyes were full of sincerity, mixed with a hint of relief.

Seeing that Honesty figured it out, Shengsi chuckled, "You're welcome, Sister Honesty, then I'll go first, and you can come to my house for dinner at about noon tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, Shengsi removed the soundproof magic, opened the door, turned the sign at the door back to open, and then strode out.

Watching Shengsi walk away, a smile from the heart appeared on Honesty's face
"You can go to him for dinner at noon tomorrow. What does the priest mean. Do you want to do it between today and noon tomorrow?"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

When Shengsi returned to the villa, Xiao Xi had already started cooking.

"Are you back?" Xiao Xi came out of the kitchen and saw Shengsi who had just entered.

"Well, I'm back."

"Ayumi is playing video games!"

Xiao Xi didn't ask what Shengsi said to Honesty, she knew that Shengsi would make everything right.

"Then I'll go find Ayumi." Seiji nodded towards Xiao Xi, and then ran to the entertainment room to find Ayumi.

Looking at Shengsi's back, Xiao Xi thought to herself: What a cute little brother.

After Shengsi came to the recreation room, he played video games with Ayumi for a while, and then Xiao Xi called them to have dinner.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Xi's cooking skills are very good!

Because of the reason of living alone, Xiao Xi has practiced a good cooking skill. Therefore, the task of cooking at home is not for my mother alone. Now that I have an extra helper, my mother is much happier.

at the dinner table.Ayumi was full of praise for Xiaoxi's dishes, and Xiaoxi also gave Ayumi some dishes with a smile.

The three of them ate and ate happily, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After dinner, Ayumi proposed to play with Conan, and Seiji readily agreed.

Seiji remembered that Uncle Mori would not be going back tonight, as if they were going to participate in the ritual ceremony on the third anniversary of the death of the former village head, Mr. Kameyama, and they were investigating Aso Guier there.

Now the few of them rushed over just in time to see everyone in the plot of "Moonlight"!

When the three of Shengsi arrived at the public hall, there were already many people here.

In the crowd, Shengsi saw the death trio at a glance. There was no way, their clothes were too conspicuous. Everyone else was wearing black clothes and trousers. Only a few of them were not wearing black, how could they not be conspicuous? what.

Shengsi took Xiaoxi and Ayumi directly to Conan and the others.

"Conan! Is it fun here?" Ayumi shouted as Seiji approached Conan and the others.

"Conan, you troublesome brat! You still want to play with other people's rituals?!" When Uncle Mori heard what Ayumi said, he punched Conan directly in the head regardless of who said it.

Is it possible to play in this kind of place?On someone else's death day, why don't you play it for me? !
Conan was wondering who was calling him, when he was suddenly punched by Uncle Mao Li, causing a big swelling on his head.

"Pain! Pain! Pain!"

Conan screamed in pain.

"Where did the kid come from! Stop making noise, this place needs to be quiet!" A fat man in black not far from Conan shouted towards him.

Conan had no choice but to keep his mouth shut, and then looked at Xiaolan with an aggrieved expression.

"Really, Dad, you hit Conan again! What if you beat him stupid? Besides, Ayumi said that sentence just now, and Conan didn't say anything at all, okay?" Xiaolan said with a smile, looking at Shinichi like this , it's really interesting.

"Is that so?" Uncle Maori touched the back of his head with embarrassment when he heard what Xiaolan said and also noticed Shengsi and the others.

"By the way, are you, Seiji, also here to participate in Mr. Kameyama's ceremony?" Uncle Maoli hurriedly diverted everyone's attention, he really couldn't stand Conan's eyes, it was really scary!


Shengsi looked at Uncle Mouri with strange eyes, and I said, Uncle, is it really okay for you to bully Conan like this?Be careful that the god of death will use his strength to destroy you!
Uncle Maori didn't care about Shengsi's strange gaze, and continued, "That's a coincidence, we won't be going back tonight, so can we live at your place?"

The corner of Shengsi's mouth twitched, and he said, my coming here to participate in other people's rituals has nothing to do with whether you return to Tokyo or not.

PS: Fengyun emphasizes it again!There will be no eunuchs in this book, please rest assured to collect it!
(End of this chapter)

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