Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 63 "Moonlight"

Chapter 63 "Moonlight"
When Shengsi talked with Uncle Maori just now, he said that they will not go back tonight and they have a house to live here.

Uncle Maori and the others didn't find their employer Aso Guier, so they had no place to live. Originally they planned to stay in a hotel, but now it seems that they have a place to live.

Although Shengsi felt that Uncle Maori was a bit brazen and shameless, he still said: "Of course it's okay, we have a lot of empty houses there!"

"Really? That's really great!" Although Xiaolan was a little speechless to her father, she was very happy to hear that she had a place to stay at night. After all, sleeping in a hotel is not as comfortable as living in a house.

While everyone was talking, Honesty and a tall, thin middle-aged man came from behind Shengsi.

"Oh, you are still here! And Shengsi, you are also here to participate in the ceremony?"

Honesty was a little surprised that Uncle Maori and the others were still here, especially when she looked at Shengsi, she was stunned for a moment.

"Yes!" Seiji blinked.

Honesty looked at Shengsi and blinked, he was taken aback for a moment, then as if thinking of something, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

"Is Miss Honesty also here to attend the ceremony?" Xiaolan asked.

Honestly returned to God and replied: "When I came to Moon Shadow Island, the first autopsy was done by Mr. Guishan, so I wanted to come over and burn incense to pay my respects."

After speaking honestly, he seemed to have noticed something, and quickly pointed to the middle-aged man beside him and said, "This is Mr. Shimizu."

"It's the first time we meet, I'm Shimizu, please give me your advice." Qingshui introduced himself.

"You are the candidate for village chief, right? I've heard your name before! My name is Mori Kogoro, and I'm from Tokyo." Uncle Mori said quickly after listening to Shimizu's introduction.

After Uncle Mao Li finished speaking, he had an expression of 'you call me a detective'.

"Oh! You are that...that astronaut!" Shimizu looked surprised.

Uncle Mao Li still had a happy expression at first, thinking he was recognized, but when he heard the word astronaut, he suddenly looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, and his face was decadent.

"Clear water, come quickly, the ceremony is about to begin!" Just as Uncle Mao Li was looking unhappy, a voice came from behind him.

"Come on!" Qing Shui responded, and then said to everyone: "I'm so sorry, I'm going to attend the ceremony, so I'll go first!"

Qing Shui walked towards the hall as he said that, and honesty quickly followed after seeing this, and even smiled at Sheng Si when he passed by.

Watching the two walk away, Uncle Mao Li started the mode of thoughts, "What, I'm so ignorant."

Seeing this, Xiaolan hurriedly said: "Okay, let's continue to look here to see if there is any useful information. Do you want to join me, Shengsi?"

"Of course!" Shengsi said with a smile, and at the same time, he secretly activated his telekinetic induction and wrapped up the entire community hall. He planned to use his telekinetic power to kill those three people, so quietly that no clues would be left at all!
Out!Under Shengsi's telekinesis, Mr. Shimizu who introduced himself just now came out of the hall, apparently going to the bathroom.

In order to avenge honesty more thoroughly, Shengsi planned to let them die the same as in the original book according to honesty's plan.

When Qingshui came to the toilet alone, Shengsi directly imprisoned him with his thoughts, dragged him out of the window, threw him into the sea, and let him drown!

Qing Shui didn't even have a chance to resist, and was killed directly!

After Qingshui died, Shengsi used his thoughts to drag him from the sea to the piano of Aso Guier. At the same time, he took out the tape recorder he had prepared in advance and played "Moonlight"!
When Shengsi used his mind to do these things, people kept talking to Conan and Ayumi. It was nothing to Shengsi.

Just after Seiji pressed the play button of the tape recorder, the piano piece of "Moonlight" resounded throughout the public hall.

When they heard this piece of music, most people looked puzzled, but Mr. Nishimoto and Mr. Kawashima looked terrified, and honestly, she was a little surprised at this time. Has this already started?
Conan, who was talking to Shengsi, suddenly changed his face, "Oops!"

After speaking, he ran towards the room where the sound came from.

Seeing this, the corners of Seiji's mouth turned up slightly, and then led Ayumi to follow.

Xiao Xi and Uncle Mao Li also hurriedly followed.

When everyone rushed to that room, there was already a group of people around. In the center of the room, Mr. Shimizu was lying on the piano with wide-eyed eyes, and a recorder on the piano was emitting the sound of the piano.

"The ghost of Aso. Aso Guier has come back to kill people!" A man in the crowd yelled in horror.

Seeing the terrified look of the man, Shengsi couldn't help sighing, it seems that the foreshadowing done by Honesty is sufficient.

"How could there be a ghost? That sound was just from the tape recorder." Uncle Mao Li turned off the tape recorder, and then turned to the crowd and said, "Look, are you all right? Honest doctor, please check the body. Also, Xiaolan, go to the police!"

"En!" Honestly replied, and then walked towards the corpse with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Xiaolan also obediently ran towards the public detention center in the village.

Looking at the uncle Maoli who was in control, Shengsi smiled, and his thoughts moved slightly.


The play button of the tape recorder was pressed, and the sound of "Moonlight" echoed in the room again.

For a while, the voices of everyone talking about it quietly disappeared, and an atmosphere called panic permeated.

Honesty, who was examining the body, was also taken aback. Why did the tape recorder play by itself? !Could it really be Papa's ghost? !

"Sure enough, the ghost of Aso Guier has returned! He came back to claim his life!" The person who said it was the ghost who killed him just now shouted again in horror.

After Uncle Mao Li heard it, he suppressed the feeling of fear in his heart, and said with some lack of confidence: "It's just that the tape recorder is broken, it can't be a ghost or something!"

As he said that, Uncle Maori turned off the tape recorder again and took out the tape.

After a while, looking at the tape recorder that was no longer producing sound, Uncle Mao Li laughed and said, "Look, it was just a coincidence, I said it couldn't be a ghost!"

After everyone heard it, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was really just a coincidence that they hadn't made a sound for so long!

But just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the voice of "Moonlight" sounded again, but this time the voice was not from the tape recorder in front of them, but from a room behind.

Seeing this, everyone who had just breathed a sigh of relief became nervous again.

"Kawashima. Kawashima is gone! Aso must have returned!" Mr. Nishimoto in the crowd yelled, and ran out of the door frantically as he spoke.

As for the third broadcast of "Moonlight", of course it was Seiji who made a mess of it.

(End of this chapter)

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