Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 65 "Moonlight" After Song

Chapter 65 "Moonlight" After Song

It seems that this prisoner should be a professional killer, and he is also a top professional killer!He didn't leave any clues, and he killed three people in a row in just a few minutes!Like a ghost, haunting and haunting!

Conan was really at a loss what to do about this, at this moment, his eyes drifted to Seiji involuntarily.

But seeing Seiji and Ayumi playing, Conan shook his head helplessly.After all, Shengsi is just a child, even if he is a genius, he will only treat solving the case as a game, and Shengsi still believes in such nonsense as ghosts and gods, how can he solve this case?

Conan didn't think about Shengsi for now, but concentrated on looking for clues beside the corpse.

After a while, Xiaolan came in panting with an old man in police uniform.

"Dad, I called the police."

"What, it's so slow." Uncle Mao Li complained, he was so worried now, and now the police finally came, but why is he an old man?It looks very unreliable.

"Because he was not in the police department, I searched for a long time before finding him, so I came late." Xiaolan explained.

The policeman stepped forward, approached Uncle Mao Li, and said tremblingly: "You are that astronaut, right?!"

Uncle Mao Li slapped his forehead with his hand suddenly, yes, another one is looking for an astronaut to go to the sky!
"Please, I'm not an astronaut, I'm a detective!" Uncle Maori said helplessly, this is the first time
"Oh, so you are a detective, what can I do for you?" The old policeman still hasn't figured out the situation.

"It's like this, a serial murder happened here, just now."

A group of people chattered and chatted for a long time, but did not get any useful clues. Finally, Uncle Mao Li came to the conclusion that it was too late. Everyone, go back to your respective houses and go to sleep.

So, everyone went home, only Seiji and his group and the old policeman were left in the public hall.

"You mean the police in Tokyo will be back tomorrow morning, right?" Uncle Mori said to the old man.

"Well, yes!"

"Okay, I really trouble you today, it's so late, you should go back to bed soon!"

"Well, goodbye!" The old policeman waved his sleeves, not taking away a cloud.

After the old policeman left, Uncle Maoli looked at Shengsi with a smile on his face, "Shengsi, where is your home? Xiaolan and I haven't had dinner until now, should we go to your place for something to eat now?" ?”

"Speaking of which, I'm really a little hungry!" Xiao Lan rubbed her stomach that was already screaming, and said with a look of embarrassment.

"Well, let's go quickly! And Sister Honest, you can come too, it doesn't matter if you stay at our house today." Looking at Xiaolan's appearance, they must be starving. It's past nine o'clock now, and they already have I haven't eaten for eight or nine hours.

"Okay." Honesty, who was thinking about something, replied blankly.

Originally, Uncle Mao Li was going to eat here after finding the information about Aso Gui Er, but who knew that a murder case happened here, so they were hungry until now.

on the way home.

Xiaolan asked Conan quietly: "Conan, they said just now that the ghost of Aso Guier came back to take his life, is it true?"

"Of course it's fake! How can there be ghosts in the world!" Conan said with a smile, he had already figured it out, the slap on the shoulder just now should be an illusion caused by his excessive nervousness.

"So that's how it is." Xiaolan took a long breath, she was really afraid of death just now, she thought there was really a ghost!

Seeing Xiaolan's terrified expression, Shengsi remembered that Xiaolan seemed to be afraid of ghosts.

Therefore, Shengsi planned to scare Xiaolan well.

What is worth mentioning here is that when Shengsi first became a magician, he didn't know which department he was in. It seemed that he hadn't awakened, or he had already awakened, but it was a special department that no one had ever awakened. And the performance is not obvious, so it is the same as not awakening.

For this reason, Shengsi was surprised for a long time, because in the magic book he read, no one has ever awakened after becoming a magician, and Shengsi belongs to Scorpion Lababa—the only one.

However, Shengsi was surprised to find that his magic can be released arbitrarily within the scope of his own mind power, which is very powerful!The kind that is so powerful that it defies the sky!
Think about it, two magicians face to face, separated by a distance of tens of meters, one of the magicians can release magic from the back of the other magician, what a perverted ability!

So Shengsi is now familiarizing himself with how to release magic multiple times within the range of his mind power.

On Moon Shadow Island, there is no fluorescent night market in Tokyo. Except for the full moon hanging in the sky, there are only some street lights at a distance to illuminate the road. On the quiet road, there is less noise and more tranquility. .

Shengsi's thought power moved, and in a bush not far from the right side of the crowd, a small faint blue fireball quietly rose up. This fireball fluttered in the air with Shengsi's thought power, like a ball of will-o'-the-wisp!
"Sister Xiaolan, look! There is a will-o'-the-wisp flying over there, do you think it is Mr. Aso's ghost?!" Shengsi pointed at the will-o'-the-wisp with an innocent face.

Xiaolan looked around, and just in time saw the will-o'-the-wisp flying towards her.


Xiaolan yelled in shock, and her relaxed mood suddenly became tense again.

Seeing Xiaolan's panic-stricken appearance, Shengsi couldn't help but smiled slightly.


Xiaolan was so cute just now.

Everyone also saw the will-o'-the-wisp flying wildly. Seeing the will-o'-the-wisp approaching everyone, Uncle Mao Li took off his clothes and waved at the will-o'-the-wisp and shouted, "Go away! Go away!"

That way, as if driving away a mosquito, it's just a will-o'-the-wisp, and it's not like Uncle Maori has never seen it before.

Seeing Uncle Mao Li chasing away the will-o'-the-wisps, Shengsi moved his mind, and the will-o'-the-wisps hovered over everyone's heads under Shengsi's control, causing Xiaolan to scream again and again.

Xiao Xi knew at a glance that it was Shengsi's fault. Seeing Shengsi's mischievous appearance, she couldn't help saying: "Shengsi, let's go quickly!"

Shengsi heard the words and secretly manipulated the will-o'-the-wisp to float away from here. After seeing the will-o'-the-wisp's departure, everyone was relieved, took a short rest, and walked towards the villa.

Ten minutes later, everyone walked into the gate of the villa.

"Wow, the place you rented, Shengsi, is pretty good. I can't tell you have good taste!" Uncle Maoli praised him as soon as he entered the door. He knew that Shengsi was rich, so he rented it here unexpectedly. It is a villa.


"really not bad!"

Conan and Xiaolan also sighed.

Just when everyone was sighing non-stop, Honesty said quietly: "That... This villa was bought by Sheng Sita."

After speaking honestly, the atmosphere in the whole room was a little quiet for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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