Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 66 "Moonlight" End

Chapter 66 "Moonlight" End

The silence lasted only a moment.

"What?! The villa that Seiji bought?!" Uncle Maori looked at Seiji in surprise. He obviously lives in Tokyo, so he bought a villa just to travel? !It is too exaggerated!
Shengsi shrugged and said with a smile: "It's no big deal, it's just a villa. By the way, sister, go and cook for them!"

The appearance of Shengsi's local tyrant was clearly evident for a moment.

Seeing Shengsi's calm expression, the corners of Uncle Maori's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say.

As for Conan and Xiaolan, after the initial surprise, they were not so surprised at this time. Shengsi was someone who would give away 1000 million dollars casually, a villa or something is nothing!
Half an hour later, under the leadership of Shengsi, everyone also chose their own rooms, and at the same time, Xiao Xi's supper was just finished.

Because it was a late night snack, Xiaoxi cooked more casually, that is, some lotus leaf rice, sushi, rice balls, and sashimi, some standard Japanese dishes.

"I'm going to start!"

Noon the next day.

Civic Hall.

"Brother Maoli, this case is very weird. If the culprit cannot be found, it can only be treated as a murder case or a supernatural incident." Police Officer Mu Mu said helplessly to Uncle Maoli.

The entire morning, Shengsi and the others were spent being questioned by the police.

The scene of the crime was also checked and checked by the police, but there was no clue at all. Conan didn't find any useful clues, but found that the murderer's modus operandi was super clever!

This situation made Police Officer Megure very troublesome, so he said this to Uncle Mao Li.

Uncle Mao Li was a little embarrassed when he heard the words. He is a 'famous detective' anyway, but he didn't expect to be able to solve even a case, so he had to type haha: "Yeah, this case is very weird, because I received a letter from Aso The letter from Gui Er, maybe the ghost of Aso Gui Er has returned."

In the end, Uncle Mao Li's voice became quieter, he couldn't even believe what he said, how could there be ghosts in this world!
"How can there be ghosts in this world!" Conan muttered softly, but his eyes drifted to Shengsi beside him from time to time. He always felt that there was something wrong with Shengsi, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Seiji sensed Conan's gaze, and looked back at him suspiciously.

Conan noticed that Seiji turned his head, and quickly looked away, whistling and looking away.

Seeing Conan like this, the corners of Seiji's mouth turned up slightly, what a suspicious little brat!

"Since this is the case, let's deal with it as a supernatural incident." Police Officer Mu Mu said, and then turned around and shouted: "Close the team!"

Uncle Mao Li pursed his lips and looked unhappy, but he didn't say anything. This time he really lost his face as a 'famous detective'!
"Wait a minute!" Conan yelled.

"What's the matter?" Officer Mu Mu asked suspiciously.

"It's all right!" Conan said after thinking about it. Although he felt that the case was not simple, he didn't find any useful clues, and he didn't even see the shadow of the prisoner, so he really didn't know what to say.


"Damn kid! Don't disturb Police Officer Megure to close the team!" Maori punched Conan.

"It hurts! Ah! It hurts so much!" Conan wailed while covering his head.

Conan's episode didn't affect anything. Those who closed the team continued to close the team, and those who cleaned the scene were still cleaning the scene.

After half an hour.

Moon Shadow Island Pier.

"Shengsi, Ayumi, Xiaoxi, and Doctor Honest, goodbye!" Xiaolan waved to Shengsi on the police boat.

"Goodbye!" Everyone in Shengsi also waved and shouted.

Seeing the police boat gradually moving away, Shengsi shook his head slightly.

Thinking of the scene just now, Seiji felt amused, Uncle Mori is really a weirdo.

In the public hall, Uncle Mori heard police officer Meguro say that they were going back to Tokyo by police boat, so he quickly said that he wanted to take a boat, and finally this happened.

In the eyes of Shengsi, other than the policemen on the police ship, they are all criminals!I really don't know where Uncle Maori got the courage to let him build this boat.

"Let's go back too!" Xiao Xi said as she watched the police boat go away.


that evening.

Villa door.

"You're going back to Tokyo now?! But it's so late and there's no boat!" Honesty had another dinner at Shengsi's house, and when he heard them say they were going to leave, he said in surprise, because there's no boat now, I don't know How are they going to go back.

"You don't have to worry about this, we have a solution." Shengsi said with a smile.

"That's right, Sister Honest, I have something to ask you."

"Tell me, what's the matter? As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you!" Said honestly and sincerely, Shengsi helped her avenge her bloody sea of ​​blood!Not to mention helping, even her life can be taken away!
Honesty's only wish is to avenge her family, and now that she has finally got her wish, she has no regrets.

Shengsi took out a key from his pocket and handed it to Honesty, "Sister Honesty, this is the key to this villa. You can take your parents here to live here, it is very suitable for them to retire!"

After Shengsi finished speaking, he took Ayumi and Xiao Xi to a distance.

After honestly finding out that Shengsi gave her the key to the villa, he was stunned for a moment. Did he give her the villa?

"Wait! Wait a minute!"

Seeing the three Shengsi going away, Honesty quickly chased after them, shouting while chasing them back.

But no matter how she ran, she kept a distance from the three people in front.

"Sister Honest, go back, goodbye!"

Shengsi turned his head and shouted at Honesty, and then walked to the side path.

After honesty ran over, he found that the three Shengsi had disappeared.

After looking around for a while, honesty did not find any trace of them.

After searching for a few more minutes, they were not found, and then honestly walked back to the villa alone, she knew that this should be the last time they met.


Honesty opened the door of the villa, and the moment she looked up, she was stunned!
The first thing you see is a black piano, placed in the middle of the hall, it is very eye-catching!She knew that this was her father's one!
She remembered that Shengsi seemed to have said something to a person in charge of the public house in the morning. She didn't think much about it at the time, but thinking about it now, it turned out to be like this!

Honesty ran over with a look of disbelief, lying on the piano and carefully touching every key.

"The Dori Mystery Solasi"

A crisp voice sounded.

After trying the sound, honest fingers began to dance happily on the keys, and the familiar music played on the piano, which was "Moonlight", the smell of father!

Playing and playing, the teardrops from the corners of Honesty's eyes slipped quietly, and quietly fell on the white keys, mixing with the beautiful piano sound, crisp and sweet.


Honesty staggered out of the gate of the villa, stood at the gate of the villa, and shouted to the sky: "Thank you! Shengsi! Thank you so much!"

Far away in Tokyo, Shengsi, who had just opened the door of his house, seemed to have sensed it, looked back at the direction of Moon Shadow Island, and murmured: "Sister Honest, you have to live well."

(End of this chapter)

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