Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 67 Revisiting the Koizumi Family

Chapter 67 Revisiting the Koizumi Family
the next morning.

As soon as Shengsi entered the classroom, Conan suddenly rushed out from an unknown corner, and dragged Shengsi out.

Only Ayumi with a confused face was left standing at the door at a loss.
Conan dragged Shengsi all the way to the school playground. In the early morning, there were not many people on the playground.

"Conan, what are you going to do? I don't want to be gay!" Shengsi said sharply, while taking three steps back, looking at Conan with disgust.

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched, he resisted the urge to curse, and turned around and said, "Shengsi, did you already discover something about the case on Moon Shadow Island?!" Although it was a question, the tone was definitely abnormal.

After Conan returned home last night, because he hadn't solved the reason for this case, he kept thinking about the whole process of this case. After thinking about it, he found that no matter how he thought about it, this case looked like a very clever killer.

However, when Conan recalled the whole case for the seventh time, he discovered a problem. Seiji's behavior was too normal. Really kids!

However, is Shengsi a normal child?

Of course not, so Conan's intuition told him that Seiji must know something!
So early this morning Conan dragged Shengsi to the playground to ask him questions.

Seeing Conan's serious face, Shengsi's heart skipped a beat, could it be that he was discovered?
But the next second, Shengsi realized that his technique was so clever, and he was still killing people with pure mind power, it was impossible to leave any clues, there must be something wrong somewhere else.

Thinking about this, Shengsi pretended not to understand, and said innocently: "Conan, what are you talking about? What did I find?"

"Your behavior yesterday was too normal! It's completely different from your previous appearance, so you must know something!" Conan was also a little puzzled when he saw Shengsi pretending to be stupid. Could it be that his intuition was wrong?
No wonder Conan thinks so, because Shengsi pretends so realistically!In the previous life, Shengsi could even cry whenever he wanted to, but now he is just pretending, it's really nothing.

"What was I like before?" Shengsi asked with a cute face.

Seeing Seiji like this, Conan shook his head and didn't speak.

Conan has now completely dispelled the idea that Seiji knows something. After all, Seiji is just a six-year-old child. If you are serious with a six-year-old child, then you lose!

Seeing that Conan didn't talk to him, Seiji hurriedly asked, do you have to do a full set of acting.

"Conan, tell me what I was like before?"

"Say it soon"

Just when Conan's ears were almost calloused, the class bell rang.

"Okay, Seiji! Stop talking, let's go to class!"

"Well then."

in the afternoon.

On the way to school.

"Let's go to the park to play this afternoon!" Mitsuhiko said loudly, he was showing his sense of presence angrily. Since Conan turned around, everyone's center of attention has changed to Conan. As a competitive primary school student, Mitsuhiko is also very unwilling , so he wants to earn back the initiative.

"I agree!" Yuantai was the first to respond.

"I agree too!" Ayumi said second.

Seeing Seiji and Conan in the unresponsive state, Mitsuhiko asked, "Conan, Seiji, where are you two?"

"I agree!" Under the eyes of the three, Conan also compromised.

After Conan agreed, everyone turned their attention to Seiji.

"That... I have something to do with my sister later, so I can't play with you." Shengsi made an agreement with Xiao Xi yesterday, and they plan to visit the Koizumi family this afternoon, so they can't play together.

"Ah, that's it." There was dissatisfaction in everyone's tone.

"You can come to my house for a big meal tonight!" Seeing the unhappy faces of everyone, Shengsi said hastily.



Looking at the group of people who turned their faces faster than the book, the corners of Shengsi's mouth twitched, what a bunch of foodies!
After half an hour.


"Goodbye, Mom!"

"Goodbye, Mom!"

Xiao Xi and Shengsi said to their mother at the same time, when Shengsi got home, he took the magic book and prepared to set off with Xiao Xi.

And what they told their mother was to go out to play, and my mother didn't ask where to play, she was very relieved of them now.

Since Xiaoxi showed the "mighty power of the mountain god" a few days ago, mom and dad are more at ease.

"Well, you all pay attention to safety along the way, come back early, don't let Ayumi and the others wait too long." Mom reminded, just now Shengsi told him that Ayumi and the others would come to the house for dinner tonight.

"Well, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Shengsi closed the door, turned to Xiao Xi and said, "Okay, let's go."


When they came out of the house, the two came to a nearby alley with few people. When no one was paying attention to this place, Shengsi moved his mind, and the two of them soared into the sky and flew in the direction of Jiang Gutian
However, not long after the two left, a young man in gray clothes and a sun hat slowly passed by the alley.

"That kid Shengsi is really strange. I couldn't find any information about him. After asking a lot of people, I found out that their family lives in this area, but I still don't know where it is!" the young man murmured.

While talking, the boy walked through this alley and disappeared into the crowd.

Just as the boy left, another girl in red walked by the alley.

She frowned, tilted her head, and looked distressed.

"It's really hard to find Shengsi's house. I went to his school just now, but I didn't expect him to be out of school. What should I do now? Dad is still waiting, it's really nerve-wracking!"

She also walked into the crowd while talking.

ten minutes later.

Shengsi and Xiaoxi came to Jianggutian High School and walked around inside. Shengsi didn't find Hongzi's figure, not even Kaito. This appearance is very unscientific, and neither of them are at school during class time.

However, Shengsi saw Qingzi in the classroom, but now she is in class, so Shengsi did not bother her.

After staying in Jianggutian High School for a while, Shengsi didn't wait for Hongzi's figure at all, so he didn't plan to wait any longer. He thought it would be bad to go to someone else's house suddenly, and hoped that Hongzi would take him with him, but he didn't expect to see Hongzi , so I had to go straight to it.

A few minutes passed, and the two of Shengsi walked through the magic circle in the mountain and came to the valley where the Koizumi family was located.

As soon as he entered the valley, Shengsi noticed something unusual. Shengsi, who was already an intermediate magician, could clearly feel two powerful magic waves appearing in the valley with his mind power.

One of the holy priests knew that it was sent by Koizumi Diwen, while the other one was very strange!
From the looks of it, something must have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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