Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 68 The Ozawa Family

Chapter 68 The Ozawa Family
"Sister, something is wrong here, you wait for me here, I'll go and have a look first." Shengsi turned to Xiao Xi and said, Xiao Xi is only an intermediate magician, Shengsi didn't want her to be in danger.

Xiao Xi also felt something unusual in the valley. When she came here before, the rice fields were full of farmers working, and there were patrolling magicians in the sky, but today, there were none.

Xiao Xi nodded, she knew Shengsi was very strong, so she didn't worry about what would happen to Shengsi.

Seeing Xiao Xi nodding, Shengsi flew directly towards the castle, and he noticed that the two powerful auras came from the castle.

As soon as he flew to the entrance of the castle, Shengsi found dozens of people dressed as magicians standing at the entrance, both men and women, all staring at the door with nervous expressions, including the one who stopped Shengsi last time Those two patrolling magicians.

Seeing an acquaintance, Shengsi planned to go up to say hello.

However, when Shengsi just approached, someone in the group of magicians spotted Shengsi, and then said something.

The dozen or so people in front of them immediately put on smiling faces, saluted together and said, "Lord Shengsi!"

What the hell is this? !Shengsi was taken aback by this formation.

He was puzzled, why are these people saluting him, what kind of trouble is this?
In fact, this is not to blame for Shengsi, since he came here last time, Hongzi has spread his affairs throughout the whole family.A genius magician Shengsi joined the Koizumi family, and he is a great magician at just a few years old!This matter is now known to everyone here, everyone knows it, but Shengsi doesn't know it at all, so he is a little confused.

"Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, just call me Shengsi, you don't need to call me Shengsi!" Shengsi said loudly, he felt very uncomfortable being called Shengsi.

After Shengsi finished speaking, everyone in front of him was stunned for a while, and a thought came to his mind at the same time: Why does this great magician feel so strange, he doesn't play cards according to the routine at all!
Looking at the stunned people, Shengsi didn't care so much, and asked directly: "What's going on inside? Why did you all look nervous just now?"

Just now Shengsi sensed the castle with his mind power, but he found that his mind power seemed to be disturbed, he couldn't see the situation inside the castle clearly, he could only see a general idea.

"Master Shengsi. Oh no, Shengsi, it's the people from the Ozawa family!" One of them said, originally intending to call him Master Shengsi, but under the eyes of Shengsi, he finally changed his mind.

This person is about thirty years old, tall and big, looks very wild, Shengsi remembers that he seems to be called Koizumi Enze, Hongzi said, he is a very strong senior magician!
"The Koizumi family?"

Shengsi questioned, he had never heard of this family, and all the magic books he read were related to magic, and he hadn't read those record books, so he didn't know anything about these families.

Seeing that Shengsi was puzzled, Enze continued: "The Ozawa family, like our Koizumi family, is a first-class magic family, and their sphere of influence is connected to ours, but their family's strength is stronger than ours, so We used to suffer a bit when we fought for the magic crystal mine with them, and they came here today to talk about the distribution of the magic crystal mine at the magician conference!"

Hearing what Enze said, Shengsi almost understood more than half of it. It seems that this Ozawa family is here to grab things!

At this moment, the door of the castle opened suddenly.

"Shengsi, since you're here, come in quickly!"

Diwen's calm words reached everyone's ears, but everyone could hear that there was a touch of excitement in the suppressed calm.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled at everyone and walked into the gate of the castle.

After entering the gate, Shengsi finally saw the situation in the hall clearly.

Diwen was still sitting on the high platform, but behind the high platform, Shengsi still saw a few black shadows, which were very hidden, if he hadn't learned magic, he really couldn't see it.

Besides Diwen, there were three strangers sitting in the hall.

They are all middle-aged men in their 40s and [-]s, wearing scarlet robes with unknown patterns carved on them, giving people a mysterious feeling.

Since Shengsi entered the door, the eyes of the three people have been looking at Shengsi, full of scrutiny.

At the same time, Shengsi was also carefully observing the three people, and the killer's instinct told him that the man sitting at the top had a dangerous smell on him.

In Shengsi's induction, the first man was another strange and powerful aura that he sensed just now when he first entered the valley, and he seemed to be a very powerful magician!
And the two people sitting next to the man were much weaker, they should be just senior magicians!

"Is this the genius magician you mentioned? It's just an intermediate magician." Suddenly, the man sitting at the top spoke, his tone was full of disdain, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

He had already seen just now that Shengsi was just an intermediate magician. Although such a young intermediate magician was also a genius, he was not as scary as the rumored 'seven or eight-year-old great magician'.

Hearing what the man said, Diwen also looked at Shengsi with a puzzled expression, and he could see that Shengsi was only an intermediate magician at this time.

But last time he obviously couldn't see the true strength of the holy priest. The magicians he couldn't see the strength were at least the top magicians, so he was very confident in the strength of the holy priest!
But what is going on now?Cultivation obsession?
Although Diwen was very puzzled, he still said with a smile on his face: "Kawano, you are wrong! Shengsi is a great magician no worse than you! Also, it would be too much for you not to introduce yourself to Shengsi. I'm sorry!"

"Oh? Really?! Do you want me, a big magician, to introduce myself to him, a little middle-level magician? Is he qualified?" Kawano didn't believe Diwen's words at all, and said with a look of contempt for Shengsi. But the heart is secretly trying to figure it out.

Did Diwen fabricate this genius called Shengsi to scare him, or is there really something wrong?
Based on my own understanding, Diwen doesn't seem like a person who can lie.However, it is impossible for a seven or eight-year-old great magician!

Hearing the conversation between the two, Seiji felt as if he was underestimated.

Looking at Kawano's haughty look, he must be looking at people through the cracks of the door, looking down on them.

Shengsi just smiled when he saw this, and at the same time his brain was shaken, his thoughts mixed with magic to form an aura that belonged to or even surpassed that of a great magician, and immediately rushed towards Kawano. The power was like a demon king descending into the world.

The entire castle was shaken by Shengsi's rushing momentum. If it wasn't for the protection of the magic circle, it would have collapsed.

The magicians outside the castle were also affected by this terrifying momentum, and they were all forced to retreat a hundred meters away.

Even the shadows behind Diwen were forced by this power to escape and hide.

"Mr. Kawano, am I qualified now?!"

Under the pressure of boundless magic, Shengsi's calm words had a hint of sacrosanct.

PS: There will be easter eggs soon. If there are no accidents, there will be three easter eggs in this book.

(End of this chapter)

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