Chapter 69 Contract
Looking at Kawano again, the disdain on his face disappeared at the moment when Shengsi's power was released, and his face was replaced by a solemn face. He knew that this was a great magician who could not lose to him!

The expressions of the two people around Kawano had already changed drastically. When Shengsi released his aura, they cast a magic shield, so that they can now struggle under the pressure of Shengsi.

Shengsi's power is so powerful!
Looking at this scene, Shengsi nodded in satisfaction. After a few seconds, Shengsi withdrew his momentum, then sat down on the chair prepared for him with a smile on his face, and stared closely at Kawano.

Seeing this scene, Diwen on the high platform couldn't help laughing: "How is it? Brother Kawano? Should we have a good talk now?"

"En!" Kawano nodded heavily, but his eyes never left Seiji's body. The two looked at each other quietly, and Kawano's momentum was quietly gathering. It's really embarrassing to suppress the momentum!

Because of the pervasive magic power, electric sparks even appeared in the field!This is the power of Kawano!He is a great magician at the pinnacle of the thunder system, stronger than Divin!
Seeing that the atmosphere in the field was not right, Di Wen saw through Kawano's thoughts at a glance. He didn't even think about it, so he shouted directly: "Kawano-kun! Let's talk about the magic crystal mine first!"

There is still a little magical power in the loud shouting. Although Diwen doesn't know why Shengsi is only an intermediate magician but can show the power of a great magician, but Kawano's way of trying to regain his position is strongly opposed. .

After receiving Diwen's drink, Kawano suddenly became alert, quickly restrained his aura, and became honest.

Now that the Koizumi family has acquired such a genius, it seems that the rise is inevitable. In recent years, the Ozawa family has been taking advantage of Diwen by virtue of being a great magician of the thunder system. However, judging from the current situation, in the future It should be the other way around, the Ozawa family was suppressed by the Koizumi family.

"I'm sorry, I was rude just now, my name is Ozawa Kawano! Please give me your advice!" Kawano stood up and bowed to Seiji.The original arrogant attitude was put away by him, but now he is under the eaves, so he has to bow his head.

Shengsi didn't get up when he heard the words, but nodded slightly, and said flatly: "My name is Gongshui Shengsi, please give me your advice."

Seeing Shengsi's attitude, Kawano blushed suddenly, as if he had eaten shit, he was actually underestimated by a junior!But in an instant he remembered Di Wen's yell just now, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart, put on a smiling face, and slowly sat down on the seat.

"Di Wenjun, just pretend I didn't say anything about today's matter! Erwu, Qianjing, let's go!"

Kawano stood up as soon as he sat down, and after saying a word, he wanted to take the two of them away.

He knew that it was impossible to talk about today's matter, and it would be useless for them to stay here any longer, they might as well leave.

But how could Diwen let them go? Looking at the three people who were about to leave, Diwen said in a deep voice: "Kawano-kun, today's matter can't be left alone! You just said that you will lose to five of us at the magician conference. What about the magic crystal mine now?"

"What?! Di Wenjun, please don't go too far!" Kawano turned his head and yelled angrily when he heard the words, and at the same time, the magic power in his whole body was surging wildly. The whole person was like a thunder ball, and there were bursts of thunder in the hall. sound.

At the magician conference, there is a standard for each family to compete for resources, and the minimum bet for each battle between first-class families is three magic crystal mines. For the Koizumi family of the nine magic crystal mines, it was a moderate bet.

So like the battle between Koizumi and the Ozawa family, Diwen will definitely only be the top three, because he knows that he can't beat Kawano.

There is a rule in the Magician Conference that if a family challenges the same family twice in a row, the other party has the right to refuse. This is to ensure the balance of each family's strength.Also, each family is challenged up to three times at each magician conference.

Because Kawano defeated Diwen once in the last magician conference, Diwen can directly reject their family's challenge at this magician conference, and the purpose of Kawano's visit today is to make the Koizumi family agree to follow him at the magician conference. They're just fighting.

But now Diwen told him that it is impossible for his family to lose the five magic crystal mines!There are only [-] magic crystal mines in their family. If five of them are exported, the development of their family will stagnate. That's why Kawano is so angry!
Seeing Kawano's angry face as if he was going to run away, Shengsi was secretly on guard. At the same time, his mental power was spinning rapidly in the castle, condensing into mental power cyclones one by one, looking for a chance to kill with one blow.

On the high platform, Di Wen's eyes were fixed, "Kawano-kun, this is the Koizumi family!"

Now Diwen really has the idea of ​​taking advantage of the situation to kill Kawano and the others, but after thinking about it, let it go, the magician conference is coming soon, if this matter gets out, those old guys will take advantage of the situation Doing something to the Koizumi family would not be worth the candle.

Hearing Diwen's slightly murderous words, Kawano's aura instantly dissipated, turning from a ferocious tiger into a house cat.

He felt a deadly danger just now, and this danger did not come from Diwen on the high platform, but from all directions!Like a pack of hungry wolves, as long as you make a slight movement, you will be torn to pieces immediately!That's why Kawano became honest.

After thinking for a while, Kawano knew that the three of them would not be able to get out of this valley if they didn't leave something behind today!
"Three seats! No more!"

"Three?! Even if you borrowed the three magic crystal mines you won from our family in the last Magician Conference, the interest added up is not only three! Five! No less!" Di Wen sneered, three Just want to send him away?What a joke!

Hearing what Diwen said, Kawano was also a little embarrassed. He paused for a while, and then said seriously: "Seat four! This is the bottom line!"

Diwen thought for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay! Only four seats! This is a contract!"

A piece of parchment full of patterns floated into Kawano's hands. Kawano looked at it and stamped a magic mark on it, indicating that the contract was signed!
After Kawano signed the contract, he threw the contract on the table beside him, "Hmph! Let's go!"

He doesn't want to stay here for a moment, what a shame!

"Go slowly! Don't send it off! Hahahaha" Diwen's mood was beyond words.

After the two left, Diwen laughed even more in the hall.

"Hahahahaha Seiji, thank you so much this time!"

After speaking halfway, Diwen suddenly said: "By the way, why didn't Hongzi come with you? Didn't I tell her to find you?"

"Hongzi is looking for me? What the hell?" Shengsi was taken aback when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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