Chapter 70
Hearing what Diwen said, did Hongzi go to find him?However, he didn't see Hongzi at all along the way!Also, I didn't tell them where they lived, Hongzi couldn't be lost, right?

Meanwhile, Tokyo, Rice Flower Hotel.

Hongzi who was eating suddenly sneezed.

"Um, those who are looking for Shengsi are about to catch a cold. Well, the food here is really delicious! It's much more delicious than the one at school. I'm going to bring some back to my father later!"

"I didn't see sister Hongzi, I came with my sister." Shengsi said suspiciously.

"Your sister? You still have a sister?!" Diwen was very surprised. Shengsi's aptitude is so heaven-defying, how can his sister be worse?

"En!" Shengsi nodded, and then shouted towards the door: "Sister, come in!"

He had already sensed that Xiao Xi had run to the gate of the castle, but was stopped by someone.

Now Shengsi roared, and the people at the door quickly let Xiao Xi in.

"Isn't this Miss Kawashima?"

As soon as Xiao Xi entered the door, Di Wen said in surprise that Xiao Xi had met Di Wen before. In Di Wen's eyes, Xiao Xi was a magician no less talented than her daughter, so the family had been wooing her, why now? What about Seiji's older sister?
Seeing that Shengsi dared to take a seat in front of Master Diwen, Xiao Xi couldn't help feeling suspicious. In Xiao Xi's mind, although Shengsi was powerful, he still had some gaps with Diwen.But now, Shengsi can actually sit on an equal footing with the patriarch of the Koizumi family, which really surprised her.

Just after thinking about this, Xiao Xi heard what Diwen said, Master Diwen actually talked to herself!Xiao Xi couldn't believe it, and replied somewhat cautiously: "Master Di Wen, Kawashima Xiao Xi is in the past tense, now I am Gongshui Xiao Xi, new meeting, please give me your advice!"

As soon as Xiao Xi finished speaking, Shengsi threw herself into Xiao Xi's arms, "Sister, go over and sit down, we still need to find Uncle Diwen to exchange books!"

Seeing Shengsi rushing over, Xiao Xi hurriedly opened her hands to hug him, and at the same time whispered: "Xiao Si, this is too rude."

"It's okay, big sister, come here!" Shengsi jumped out of Xiaoxi's arms, took Xiaoxi's hand and walked to the seat.

And Xiao Xi looked nervously at Di Wen on the high platform. There was no way, Di Wen had impressed Xiao Xi too much before, so now Xiao Xi was a little in awe of Di Wen, and she was a little cautious in front of him.

Looking at the movements of the two people in front of him, Diwen couldn't help but chuckled: "Shengsi, what do you mean by changing books?"

Change books?Is there something to exchange with him?Divin was a little curious about this.

After hearing Diwen's words, Shengsi stopped what he was doing, turned around and said, "My sister and I are here today to return the book that sister Hongzi lent me last time. By the way, borrow some more to read."

Saying that, Shengsi took out the book he borrowed last time from the dimension space and threw it on the table.

"So this is ah!"

Diwen suddenly realized that this was the case. He thought that Shengsi wanted to exchange something with him, which made him wait for some time.

Diwen casually glanced at the book that Shengsi put on the table, and he knew it, and then said, "Then what kind of book do you want to borrow, Shengsi?"

"I want to borrow "Advanced Learning in Magic" and "Advanced Magic Circle". Finally, I also want some books about family introductions and some books related to the history of magic." Shengsi didn't know what politeness was at all. He reported the names of all the magic books he wanted to read. He knew how much benefit he had brought to the Koizumi family just now, so he had a clear conscience about accepting these things.

Diwen smiled slightly when he heard the words, and with a big hand waved, he put away the books that Shengsi took out, and then left dozens of thick books in the original place.

"Here are all the magic books in our family that are useful to you, take them all!"

The books that Diwen took out are very important magic books in the clan. Except for some untold secrets and super important books, most of the books are in front of us.

If it was before, Diwen would never have taken out these things, but now, Shengsi helped him win four magic crystal mines. Compared with the four magic crystal mines, these books are nothing.

Seeing this, Shengsi put the book in front of him into the dimensional space without saying a word, and then smiled shyly at Diwen, "Thank you, Uncle Diwen."

"Ahahaha. It's me who should thank you!" Diwen laughed loudly, liking Shengsi, a polite child, even more.

"Oh, that's right, Uncle Diwen, do you have materials such as space stones, magic grass, and setting powder? I want some of them." Apart from the magic book, what Shengsi also wanted was these crafting spaces. The material of the ring, Ayumi complained to him all morning today, saying that Brother Shengsi lied to her and didn't teach her magic.

Shengsi was quite helpless about this, and originally planned to practice magic for a few days before coming to the Koizumi family to make a space ring for her, because Ayumi has not yet cultivated magic power, the main reason is that she is too restless and can't calm down at all Practice, so she hasn't practiced magic power yet, but she has already sensed magic power, so Shengsi came today.

"Why, Shengsi, do you want to make a space ring?" Diwen heard that these materials were used to make space rings, so he asked.

"Yes!" Shengsi admitted generously, since there was nothing to hide anyway.

"Then you don't have to bother, I just have one here, and I'll give it to you if you want it!" Di Wen took out a silver ring and handed it to Shengsi.

"Really? That's great!" Shengsi took it over happily. Today is really lucky. Shengsi didn't expect that things would go so smoothly today. It was as if he was favored by the goddess of luck.

After receiving the ring, Shengsi found that the ring was very beautiful, shining silver, engraved with some mysterious patterns, very delicate, Ayumi would definitely like it!
Shengsi injected a little magic power into the ring, and he could easily see the space in the ring. He found that the space of the ring is quite large, about five cubic meters, and it must have been built with a lot of space stones.

And Shengsi also found that the space ring is not empty, there is a pile of magic crystals in the corner, about 1000 or so, which should be put in by Diwen just now.

Seeing this, Shengsi was stunned, and thought to himself: This Diwen will really win people's hearts.

"Thank you, Uncle Diwen."

"You're welcome!" Di Wen said with a smile on his face.

"Uncle Diwen, we still have something to do at home, so let's go first!" Now that he got what he wanted, Seiji planned to go back, he still remembered that Ayumi and the others would come to eat at home later , and my mother told them to go back early when they went out.

"Well, I wanted to invite you to drink tea originally, but I didn't expect you to have something to do at home, so I will invite you next time." Di Wen said with some disappointment.

"Well, good! Then. Goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Shengsi took Xiao Xi and walked towards the door.

"Goodbye, no delivery!"

(End of this chapter)

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