Chapter 71

After leaving the gate of the ancient castle and greeting a group of people at the gate, Shengsi took Xiao Xi and left the valley.

After leaving the valley, the two first went to Ekoda High School, and found that Hongko and Kaito were not there, and Aoko was still in class, so the two of them had to fly to Tokyo again in disappointment.

Halfway through the flight, Shengsi was startled suddenly. He found that the warning magic arranged at home had been triggered by someone!Shengsi speeded up without saying a word, and flew towards home.

And because of the sudden acceleration, Xiao Xi was so frightened that she screamed.

But after a few seconds, Seiji resumed his original speed, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, it turned out to be Kaito!
Okay, you can find your own home, there is a way.

Seeing the change of Shengsi's expression, Xiao Xi couldn't help saying: "What's wrong? Xiao Si."

"It's nothing, it's just that brother Kuai Dou is coming to my house as a guest." Shengsi waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to worry.

"Huh?! Kaito is going to be a guest at home?" Xiao Xi was baffled by Shengsi.

Seeing this, Shengsi just smiled and said nothing.

After a while, Shengsi and Xiao Xi came to the door of the house.

Xiao Xi opened the door.

"We're back!"

Mom came out of the living room after hearing the door opening, "Xiao Xi and Xiao Si are back, by the way, it's almost five o'clock now, why aren't Ayumi and the others here?"

"Should be still playing, they should come over soon." Shengsi said with some uncertainty, he was not sure how long they would play, but under the temptation of delicious food, they should come back soon !
While Seiji was talking to his mother, he was watching Kaito with telekinesis.

Under Shengsi's induction, Kaidou hid in the closet in Shengsi's room the moment Shengsi and Xiao Xi entered the door.

Seeing this, Shengsi just smiled slightly, and said to himself: "Well, you Kaito, you actually came to your own home. I must let you remember it today."

"Oh, so that's the case, then wait a little longer." My mother nodded upon hearing this.

"Don't wait, sister, you and mom can cook first. I'll go back to my room and put away my things. If they haven't come later, I'll go find them."

After Shengsi finished speaking, he walked towards the bedroom. At this moment, he was thinking about how to play Kaito later, and how he would care about Conan and the others.

"Okay." Xiao Xi replied from behind, and then walked towards the kitchen with her mother.

And Shengsi opened the bedroom door straight, walked in, and then closed it.

These three movements were done in one go, so fast that Kaito didn't even have time to react, and Seiji entered the bedroom.

After Kaidou heard the door closing in the closet, he didn't dare to move an inch, he was afraid that he would be discovered by Shengsi if he made a sound.

"Oh, I bought a lot of clothes today, should I put them in the closet or on the bed?" Shengsi who had just entered made a cute voice.

He knew that the wardrobe at home was made of solid wood, and he couldn't see the outside from inside, so Shengsi threatened Kuidou with words, to see if he could hold back.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Kaito was startled in the closet, should he put it in the closet or on the bed?Do you even need to think about it?Put it on the bed of course!Wouldn't he be discovered if he put it in the cabinet?So Seiji, you must obediently put it on the bed, Kaito shouted silently.

"Put it in the closet! Mom said the clothes should be put in the closet!" Saying that, Seiji walked towards the closet, and when he walked, he deliberately aggravated the sound of his footsteps.

Hearing Seiji's words and the sound of approaching footsteps, Kaito gradually became nervous, this kid, Seiji, is really hateful!He was disobedient and wanted to put it in the cabinet, and at the same time, he was also thinking about what to do, should he escape with smoke bombs or use camouflage to hide?
Just as Kaito was thinking, Seiji's immature voice sounded again.

"Oh, there are so many clothes, it's a waste of time to hang them up one by one, I'll just put the clothes on the bed! I'll let my mother hang them up later!"

Hearing these words, Kaito couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, as if Seiji had given up the idea of ​​opening the closet, now, he just needs to wait for Seiji to leave the bedroom, and then find another chance to leave.

However, Seiji's next words made Kaito, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, tense up again.

"Why did this window open by itself? I clearly remembered to close it when I went out!" Shengsi said suspiciously beside the closet.

Seiji knew that Kaito came in through the window, but he was puzzled, this is the thirteenth floor, how did Kaito get in?Could it be flying?So Shengsi was puzzled by this.

"Mom said to lock the doors and windows, I'm going to lock the windows now! Then sit on the chair and wait for my mother to call me to eat!" Seiji said loudly, he said it to Kaito on purpose.

After Kaito heard Seiji's words, he was in a bad mood.

My little ancestor, you should leave quickly, this cabinet is not very breathable, if you don't leave, I will be suffocated to death!

Kaidou was funny and angry in the closet. The one who laughed was that Shengsi spoke so cutely, like a child, but the one who was angry was that Shengsi suddenly stayed here and didn’t leave, which made him in a dilemma. It’s not good to go out, it’s okay to stay here all the time. No, he had no choice but to pray that Shengsi's mother would tell him to go out for dinner soon.

After Shengsi said this, he didn't speak, but quietly flew to the side of the closet, he was going to squat here and get scared.

And Kaito in the closet didn't dare to make a sound.

For a moment, the whole room fell into a silence.

After a few minutes.

Why is there no sound in the room?Could it be that Shengsi fell asleep?Kaito was thinking wildly in the closet, he had to go out now, Shengsi didn’t buy anything in the closet, he wanted to buy solid wood, and now the air here is almost gone, if he doesn’t go out, he will be suffocated to death !

Kaito quietly opened a crack in the closet, he did it very carefully, without making the slightest sound.

From the gap, Kaito didn't find Seiji's figure, did he go out?Doubts arose in Kaito's heart, and he gradually opened the door of the closet. Kaito quickly glanced at the bedroom, and he found that Seiji wasn't there!

Could it be that Shengsi quietly went out just now?After thinking about it, Kaito walked out of the closet, glanced at the bedroom again, Kaito nodded, now he was almost sure that Seiji had really gone out.

However, when Kaito turned his head and was about to close the closet door, he was stunned!Wasn't it Seiji who was squatting next to the closet and looking at him with a smile on his face? ? ? ! ! !
when did he get here? !Now that he was caught, what should he do?What a headache!

Seiji smiled back at the shocked Kaito, and said sweetly, "Brother Kaito!"

PS: The first easter egg is "Your Name", and it will enter the easter egg after a few episodes.

(End of this chapter)

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