Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 73 Now that everyone is here, let's die

Chapter 73 Now that everyone is here, let's die

"What's the license plate number?!" Shengsi yelled, he didn't want to hear so much nonsense from Conan, he just wanted to know the damn license plate number now!

"Tokyo 52-42-63! Hey Seiji! I haven't said which direction yet!" Before Conan finished speaking, Seiji ran out directly, and the speed was so fast that no one could see it within a second. up.

At the same time, Shengsi's voice came from afar: "You go directly to my house without calling the police! I'll get Ayumi back later!"

After hearing these words, the three of them stared at each other in a daze, not knowing what to do.

"This guy Shengsi! How disgusting! He ran so fast! Those people may be the murderers wanted on TV!" Conan said angrily as he watched the Shengsi go away and waved his small fist.

"Conan, let's go back first, Seiji will be back soon." Mitsuhiko suddenly said as if remembering something, he knew how powerful Seiji was, and it must be easy to rescue Ayumi.

Yuan Tai, who reacted a little slower, also echoed: "Yes! Yes! If Shengsi comes out, it will be no problem to rescue Ayumi!"

Seeing the affirmative faces of the two, Conan touched the back of his head, and said in a daze, "Shengsi, can he do it?"

After Shengsi left Conan, he directly used an intermediate magic, the object finding technique!
This is also a magic to find things. Although this magic is not as good as the water mirror technique, it is enough for the current situation.

Shengsi thought of the license plate number that Conan just mentioned, and then activated the magic, and a vague induction appeared in his mind, so that Shengsi could find the car in the direction of the induction.

The west!According to Seiji's induction, the car was in the west, and it seemed to be still moving.

Shengsi flew towards that side without saying a word. There was no anger in his heart at this time, but only boundless calmness. In his heart, those people were all dead!
Sheng Si flew very fast, directly increasing the speed to the limit, and even made bursts of explosions in the sky, causing pedestrians on the ground to look sideways, but when they looked back, all they saw was that Neat clouds.

After a while, Shengsi found the car.

In his telekinesis, there were four people in the car, two adults sat in the front, an adult and a child sat in the back, and the child could be seen from his body shape, it was definitely Ayumi!
Sensing the state of Ayumi, I found that she just passed out. Generally speaking, Ayumi is not in danger now.

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as long as Ayumi is fine, now that he is here, Ayumi can't be hurt a little bit!

After knowing this, Shengsi began to follow the car in the sky, he wanted to see where these people's lairs were, and kill all their accomplices by the way!

Because of the practice of magic, Shengsi has been able to control the power of thought very well, and can also hear the voice of people speaking through the vibration of the air.

Thus, Seiji heard every word of the conversations of those people in the car.

"Boss, those policemen are really stupid, so what if it's on the news? It's not like they can't catch us!"

"Of course, today we killed the little girl and dumped the body. After doing this, we will change places immediately!"

"Yeah, if we kill a person, we'll change places. It's no wonder the police can find us!"

"So, those policemen are idiots! Tell me, am I right?!"

"Yes! Of course!"

"Boss is right, the police in Tokyo are all idiots!"


Hearing these words, the corners of Shengsi's mouth turned up slightly, people are about to die, and their words are kind, this should be regarded as their last carnival before death.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped in front of an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs.

Seeing this, Shengsi smiled, and landed not far in front of the car. He flew around the warehouse just now, and there was no one else nearby except for an accomplice in the warehouse!

"Who are you?" Seeing Shengsi flying down from the sky, a person who just got out of the car shouted in shock.

Hearing the yell, the other two people in the car also ran out, and asked the accomplice who screamed, "What's wrong?"

They didn't see the scene of Shengsi flying down just now, so they were puzzled by the shouts of their companions.

"Then that kid can fly!!!" The man said in a panic, seeing a flying person simply overturned his worldview.

"What?! That kid can fly?" One of them looked at Shengsi who was not far away suspiciously. He didn't believe such absurd thing at all.

"You kid, when did you come here? Did the third child arrest you? The third child! The third child!." One of them asked Shengsi, and at the same time yelled a few times into the warehouse.

Shengsi looked at the group of people chattering here, he was not a little irritable, he just stood there with a smile on his face and didn't speak.

"Come on! What does the boss want from me?" Hearing the shout, a fat man walked out of the warehouse, and he was looking at Shengsi with a puzzled expression. "Boss, how did you catch a little boy back today?"

Hearing this, the man who spoke just now was about to say something, but Shengsi interrupted him.

"Is everyone here?"

Shengsi spoke very softly, but everyone could hear him.

The man who was about to speak just now was already extremely angry after being interrupted by Shengsi, but now seeing Shengsi's hanging look, he couldn't help cursing: "I said you brat...uh."

But before the man finished speaking, he suddenly fell down!
Shengsi just moved his mind, and this person's heart was turned into powder.

"Ah! Boss, you nasty brat! Is it you?" Seeing the man's fate, the fat man shouted, and pointed a pistol at Shengsi while talking.

But right away, this fat man known as the third child followed in the footsteps of the eldest.

"I said, are your people here?"

Shengsi's indifferent words sounded again, and the remaining two were not fools, and they immediately knew that the inexplicable deaths of the eldest and the third must be caused by this little boy.

For this unknown death, the two of them were extremely terrified.

"It's all here." The man who found Shengsi flying down just now said tremblingly.

"Do you have any other accomplices?" Shengsi asked again.

"It's gone. It's just the four of us!" The man continued, his tone even more flustered.

Because Shengsi is slowly walking towards them!The pace was slow, but every step made them both tremble with fear.

Frightened by Shengsi's approaching figure, the two turned around and ran away, because the boss and the others died so inexplicably just now, so now the two of them have no thought of resisting Shengsi at all, and they don't even have the courage to draw their guns.

Shengsi didn't pay attention to the two people who escaped at all, but walked into the car slowly, picked up Ayumi who was in a coma, and then turned around and flew towards home.

"Since everyone is here, let's go die."

The immature child's voice was mixed in the wind, inaudible.

PS: Two updates will resume next week.

(End of this chapter)

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