Chapter 74
Seiji who flew into the air woke up Ayumi immediately.

I saw her rubbing her small eyes, as if she had just woken up.

"Eh?! Brother Shengsi, why are you here? Are you here to play peek-a-boo with us?" Ayumi was a little confused, because she was directly stunned and brought into the car, so in her memory , he was playing peek-a-boo just now.

"Hide-and-seek is already over, I'm here to pick you up for dinner!" Scratching Ayumi's little nose, Seiji was amused by her confused look.

"Huh? Pick me up? But why aren't Conan and the others together?"

"Conan and the others have already arrived at home and started eating!"

"That's it, then if we go now, don't we have no food to eat? Conan and the others are really disgusting! They went back to grab my food first!" Ayumi clenched her fists in Seiji's arms, with a cute look on her face, It seemed that he realized that he was being hugged by Shengsi, so his face was a little red. .

"Ahahahaha, you little greedy cat, I won't lose your share, at worst, I'll do it for you!" Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help laughing.

"I'm not a kitten! I'm cute Ayumi!" Ayumi protested loudly.

"Protesting is invalid, you are a greedy cat!"


"that is!"

A few minutes later, Seiji opened the door with Ayumi.

Because Ayumi has been hugged by Shengsi in the sky, she just put it down now, so her whole face is red at this time, which is really cute.

"Ah?! Shengsi, why did you bring Ayumi back alone? What about Conan and the others?" Seeing the two Shengsi who entered the door, Xiao Xi questioned.

"Eh?! Conan and the others haven't arrived yet?" Seiji noticed that Conan and the others hadn't come back, and clearly asked them to leave first, why haven't they arrived yet?
At the same time, the three of Conan just got off the bus at the bus platform on Mihua Avenue.

It is the rush hour for get off work, so the car is very crowded.Because the three of them chased Ayumi for a long time, they had to come back by car, but this really uncomfortable.

Yuan Tai who just got off the bus couldn't help complaining: "The bus is really crowded!"

"Yes! But the subway is even more crowded!" Mitsuhiko said after hearing the words.

Looking at the two people who were still discussing these trivial matters, Conan shook his head, "Okay, let's go to Shengsi's house, I don't know if Shengsi rescued Ayumi after all! This damn guy doesn't even want us Call the police."

"It must have been rescued, maybe they are already waiting for us at home!" Yuan Tai said with affirmative expression, her eyes were still bright.

"Really?" Conan asked in disbelief.

"It must be!"

Seiji just went to find Ayumi and came back. It took about 10 minutes in total. Calculating the time, if Conan and the others took the bus, they would almost come back.

Thinking of this, Shengsi said: "It's okay, they are almost here, let's wait."

"That's it, okay then!" Xiao Xi nodded.

Sure enough, after a while, Conan and the others knocked on the door.

"Let me just say, Ayumi and Seiji have come back a long time ago, Conan, you still don't believe it!" Genta shouted loudly as soon as he entered the door.

Mitsuhiko also looked at Conan with an expression of 'I don't believe what I told you'.

"How could it be that Shengsi and you guys came back first?!" Conan looked at Ayumi and Shengsi in the living room and said with disbelief.

After speaking, Conan saw Kaito watching TV in the living room again, and suddenly shouted: "Also, why is this guy here?!"

Conan didn't even call 'Kaito-san' due to over-excitement, but directly called 'this guy'!Conan was still a little upset about Kaito holding Xiaolan's hand last time, so he reacted like this now when he saw Kaito, and even put the question of why Seiji came back so quickly behind him.

"What did you say?! You nasty brat! How dare you call me a 'guy'! It's disgusting!" Kaito jumped up from the sofa and ran towards Conan with his violent temper.

The last time Kaito saw Conan, he felt that this kid looked at him strangely, but he didn't expect to find this kid so rude when they met for the second time today.

"No, what I mean is why is Brother Kaito here?" Conan looked at the approaching Kaito, and instantly put on a cute expression. Now that I am a child, I won't fight with you!
Conan's words immediately hit Kaito's sore spot, and he froze in place, "What about me?"

Kaito is not good at lying at all, so he doesn't know how to answer Conan, mainly because today's situation is too special, otherwise he must teach this brat a lesson!

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay! The dishes are getting cold, everyone, let's eat!"

Conan and Kaidou, the enemies, would quarrel as soon as they met. Fortunately, Xiaolan and Qingzi were not here, otherwise I don't know what will happen.

"Good! Good!"

"Time to eat!"

As soon as Shengsi finished speaking, everyone cheered in the room. Sure enough, the charm of food is endless.

"Wash your hands first!" Mom reminded me at the right time.

"Okay!" A group of children responded.

Conan also went to wash his hands obediently after hearing the words. As a snack food person, he can only eat more if he is obedient!
A group of children answering loudly in front of you makes Kaito feel as if he has come to a kindergarten, it is really uncomfortable!
Especially when my mother said, 'Kaito-san, you have to wash your hands too', which made Kaito even more uncomfortable!
The dinner table.

"By the way, Seiji, why did you and Ayumi come back first?" Conan suddenly asked, he was very curious about this, he was interrupted because of Kaito, but now he remembered, so he continued to ask.

Kaito also looked over curiously when he heard the words. He knew the general situation from the discussion of the crowd just now, so he also wanted to know why Seiji came back before Conan and the others.

"This is a secret!" Ayumi frowned, and then said, she knew that Seiji would definitely say that, so she told him first.

"What Ayumi said is awesome! This is a secret!" Seiji praised Ayumi for her wit, and at the same time gave Ayumi a big piece of meat, which made Ayumi laugh again and again.

"What, this trick again!" Conan was extremely dissatisfied with Shengsi's answer!Even this delicious meal is like chewing wax.

Seeing Conan's displeased look, everyone immediately burst out laughing, Kaito also laughed embarrassingly, he didn't even know why he was laughing.
After laughing for a while, everyone stopped laughing unanimously, except Kaito, of course.

So Kaito's super embarrassing laughter was the only thing left in the room.

"Hehe. Hehe."

Conan just stared at Kaito silently without speaking.

For a moment, Kaidou was extremely embarrassed, and there were hundreds of millions of alpacas running past in his heart, and he turned around and said 'baa' to you every time he ran past one!

(End of this chapter)

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