Chapter 75 Trivia
"Seiji, are the people who kidnapped Ayumi the murderers mentioned on TV?!" Conan bypassed the question just now and asked another question.

Seeing this, Shengsi didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Of course not, that's just Ayumi's uncle looking for her to play."

"Don't you think so, Ayumi?"

Ayumi heard the words and said loudly: "Yes! Brother Shengsi is right!"

She didn't care about the kidnappers, she only knew that everything Shengsi said was true!
uncle?Only ghosts will believe it!Have you ever seen an uncle drugging his niece?Conan immediately saw that Seiji was lying again!

However, Conan was also quite helpless about this. Seiji just didn't tell the truth, and Ayumi also spoke for him, so he really couldn't get him to tell the truth.

Shengsi looked at Conan who was about to ask again, and quickly said: "By the way, what did you play this afternoon?"

"Wow, we played a lot. We also ate eel rice." When it came to this topic, Yuanta became excited.

"And the cherry blossoms are about to bloom, and we saw cherry trees that are about to bloom in the park!" Ayumi interjected.

"Also, we also played a lot of games." Mitsuhiko was not to be outdone.

For a moment, the dinner table was filled with the immature voices of these three people.

Seeing this, Conan wisely didn't ask any more questions, but Shengsi became even more mysterious in his eyes!
And Kaito, who was silent at the side, saw all this in his eyes. From his slightly beating eyes, we can see that his heart is not peaceful.

After eating, Kaito bid farewell, he really had enough of this sad place, not only Seiji's weird family but also that annoying kid with glasses, he didn't want to Goodbye.

"Goodbye Brother Kaito!" Seiji shouted to Kaito from the door.

"Goodbye!" Kaito waved with a wry smile, goodbye?See you again, anyway, he doesn't want to come to this place again.

After Kaito leaves, Conan and the others will also leave. After playing outside for so long, the family members are also worried.

Therefore, Shengsi and Xiaoxi became the porters of the 'children' once again.

After the two sent everyone home one after another, it was already eight o'clock.

"Sister, let's go to the base!" Shengsi has already told Xiao Xi many things, including his building bases all over the world.

"Okay!" Xiao Xi nodded when she heard the words. She knew that Shengsi was going to train, and she could read the magic books that she got from the Koizumi family.

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at a base in Yokohama, perhaps because they were afraid of being seen by honesty, but Seiji did not go to the base on Moon Shadow Island.

The two have been to this base several times.

As soon as he entered the base, Shengsi took out the magic book he got from Diwen, threw it to Xiao Xi, and walked into the training ground under Xiao Xi's resentful eyes.

Even though he is already a saint of magicians, he has never neglected physical training. This is not a kind of training for him, but a kind of instinct!Every time he trains, Shengsi can clearly feel that his strength is increasing. Shengsi is very fascinated by this feeling, which makes him addicted to it.

Besides, physical training is also good for practicing magic.

Shengsi has a deep understanding of this. He can cultivate from an ordinary person to an intermediate magician in a few days. Although most of the reason is because of his own mind power, this physical training is still very useful.

After each training session, Shengsi felt that his whole brain was much better, and his practice efficiency was unbelievably fast, so Shengsi would still insist on training.

After a while, Shengsi's immature yelling sounded in the arena.

"Peng" was another training stake that was blown up by Shengsi.

Xiao Xi, who was reading the magic book at the side, looked sideways frequently.

Xiao Si really worked hard!Xiao Si has worked so hard, so he has to work hard to catch up with him.

Thinking of this, Xiao Xi read the magic book more seriously. She needs to learn more magic, so as to increase the activity of her magic power, so that she can get twice the result with half the effort when practicing.

For Shengsi, learning magic is actually very simple. The essence of magic is nothing more than constructing a magic model and then letting it condense, so that a magic can be released.

Because Shengsi often used mental power to simulate things in his previous life, it is not too easy for him to build a magic model. Also, he has been researching the essence of magic recently. Maybe after a while, Shengsi will be able to create his own magic up!

For example, for the basic magic of fireball, its magic model is very simple, it is a simple triangle. If Shengsi adds an extra corner to the original base, then, although the magic model is still fireball, it is just a simple triangle. Magic is not fireball at all, or tigers, or wolves, or ships, etc.

You can become whatever you want, you just need to add something to the condensed magic model.

Shengsi is very interested in the results of changing the magic model, so he has been learning the essence of magic recently.

More than an hour later, Sheng Sita had finished his training. After finishing his training, he no longer took a medicated bath, because meditation is much more effective than taking a medicated bath. Meditation can quickly restore physical strength and magic power, and can also absorb free spirits. The elemental particles in the air are much better than soaking in medicinal baths, so Shengsi doesn't take medicinal baths at all now.

"Xiao Si, I still can't master this white light technique, teach me." Xiao Xi said quickly after watching Sheng Si finish training.

Because Shengsi's magic comprehension ability is many times higher than she doesn't know, so she often asks Shengsi for some magic, and now she encounters doubts again.

"White Light Art, that's because you are a fire magician, you can practice it a few more times, if you want to master it quickly, then just change the magic model to this, this, promise! That's it, you Try it now." Shengsi replied directly after hearing the words, and at the same time condensed a magic model for Xiaoxi to remember.

"Wow, it's really possible! Xiao Si, you're so good!" Xiao Xi did as Sheng Si said, and she succeeded immediately, she shouted excitedly.

Seeing Xiao Xi's happy face, Shengsi said with a smile: "Okay, you can continue reading, you can ask me anytime if you don't understand, I want to practice too!"

Shengsi sat down beside him after speaking, and began to meditate.

"En!" Xiao Xi nodded obediently when she heard the words, suppressed the shock in her heart, and continued to read her magic book.

You must know that it is very difficult to change a stable magic model. For example, Sauvin Thun, who created the dimensional space, gradually perfected this extremely stable magic model after he became a magician. Now the company can transform a stable magic model at will!He is only six years old!

This talent!Really scary!
PS: Tomorrow will enter the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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