Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 76 The Kamen Rider Show

Chapter 76 The Kamen Rider Show
the following afternoon.

In front of a department store, Seiji and his party were looking at the building and sighing.

"Wow! That's great! Mitsuhiko, is this the place where you said you would perform Kamen Rider?" Ayumi said to Mitsuhiko on the side, her tone was full of excitement, but she was very excited about this Kamen Rider performance Full of expectations.

"That's right, it's because there will be a Masked Superman show here this afternoon, so I brought everyone here!" Mitsuhiko said proudly when he heard the words, and he also got the news by accident. As a Masked Superman fan, he must Come and see.

"Kamen Superman! Here we come! Oh! Oh! Oh!" Yuan Tai roared, and then rushed towards the gate.

Seeing Genta rushing in, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko hurriedly followed. Conan and Seiji who were walking behind smiled at each other, shrugged helplessly, and followed.

In fact, when Mitsuhiko proposed to come to the department store to watch the Masked Superman show after school in the morning, Seiji and Conan refused, but Seiji said to Ayumi, "Brother Seiji, if you don't go, Ayumi will ignore you." defeated.

And Conan is even simpler, Shengsi doesn't care whether he agrees or not, he pulls him over abruptly, just kidding, if Conan dares not go to Shengsi, tell Uncle Mao his secret!

As soon as Conan heard what Seiji said, it was fine, and he quickly agreed.Thus, the scene at the beginning appeared.

After everyone followed Yuan Tai into the building, they walked directly to the elevator.Because Kamen Rider's performance is upstairs, everyone has to take the elevator upstairs.


As soon as they entered the elevator, everyone saw a sister in red uniform standing in the elevator bowing to them.

Seeing this, Shengsi couldn't help curling his lips, he is really high-end, there are people in the elevator specially entertaining him.

"Sister, which floor is the Masked Rider show on?" Ayumi asked sweetly.

They only know that the performance is upstairs, but they don't know which floor it is, so they ask now.

"They're on the eighth floor!"

The elevator sister replied with a smile.

"Thank you so much!" Seiji said and pressed the elevator to the seventh floor.

"No thanks, this is what I should do."

After a while, the elevator reached the eighth floor.

"Sister, bye."

After getting out of the elevator, everyone politely said goodbye to the elder sister in the elevator.

"Have fun playing!"

It was a pleasure to meet this group of well-mannered children.

After getting out of the elevator, everyone saw a scene of huge crowds of people. There were adults leading children playing everywhere, and the children's laughter was filled with joy.

"The popularity here is really hot!" Shengsi couldn't help sighing.

Shengsi glanced at the notice board next to him just now, and found that this floor is the children's toy floor, no wonder there are so many people.

And Conan looked at the scene in front of him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. It's really a pain to follow them here!Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help gritting his teeth: "It's all the fault of Shengsi, that nasty brat! He even feels threatened! Next time, you must give him some color!"

"I see! It's over there! That's where Kamen Rider performed." Walking, sharp-eyed Mitsuhiko suddenly pointed at a sign in the distance and shouted.

In fact, Shengsi had already found out, but he didn't shout out so stupidly.

Taking a closer look, everyone could see clearly what was written on the sign.

Kamen Rider show: every hour, only 100 people can be accommodated each time.

The next start time: four o'clock sharp.

Ticket price: 500/person

Shengsi checked the time and found that it was only 03:30.

"I'll go buy the tickets first, you can just play around here, eat and drink whatever you want, just ask Conan for the money." Seiji said and gave Conan [-] yen, then turned around and went to the ticket office to buy tickets went.

Seeing the back of Shengsi leaving, Conan said bitterly: "Damn it! Shengsi is a brat! Isn't it just rich?! At worst, I will spend all your money!"

When Shengsi bought the tickets and came back, everyone was sitting on the chairs, eating cakes and drinking milk tea, very comfortable!
Seeing Shengsi walking towards them, Ayumi hurriedly said: "Brother Shengsi, this is for you, eat it quickly!"

Shengsi took the cake and milk tea from Ayumi, then smiled and patted her head and said, "Ayumi is awesome!"

Seiji is very happy about Ayumi's small thoughtful gesture.

Seeing Shengsi's actions, Conan rolled his eyes helplessly, neither he nor Xiaolan had ever been so bold, yet Shengsi openly showed his affection at such a young age!

Genta and Mitsuhiko also looked at Seiji and Ayumi with different eyes, Seiji was unaware of these gazes, and sat down to eat the cake in his hand with peace of mind.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Ayumi lowered her head slightly shyly, and ate the cake in her hands in a panic.

"That's right, here are the tickets I bought just now, one for each of you." Shengsi took out five tickets and divided one for each of them.

"Wow, it's the cover of Kamen Rider No.30 Episode [-]!"

"Really? I remember the episode was beat."

Everyone was eating cakes and discussing the plot of Masked Rider, and ten minutes passed in a while.

Ayumi regained her calm mood in the past ten minutes, but now he is cautious when talking to Shengsi, making Shengsi dumbfounded.

At [-]:[-], Shengsi led the crowd to the performance venue of Masked Rider. Just now, Shengsi asked the staff, starting at [-]:[-], and they can enter the venue at [-]:[-].

After entering the performance venue, Shengsi found that it was a small theater, with a small stage in the arena, and the auditorium in front of the stage, maybe because it hasn't started yet, there is no one here, so Shengsi and his party They directly occupied the entire front row!
Time passed quickly, and it was four o'clock in a short while. During this period, the audience entered the stage one after another, and the actors were all in their seats.

When the time is up, first of all, the host came to the stage and said a few words. After the host finished speaking, the actors entered the stage.

Watching Kamen Rider and several men in black enter the arena together, there was a burst of warm cheers in the arena.

"Kamen Rider! Kamen Rider!"

"Kamen Rider is great!"

Looking at the enthusiastic audience, the actors on the stage first bowed to the crowd, and then began to perform.

In the eyes of Shengsi and Conan, this performance can only be described as boring. It is really boring. Except for a few moves and a few lines, it is completely walking around on the stage, with nothing to watch.

Shengsi and Conan didn't buy it, but other viewers especially bought it!Especially Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta.

"Masked Kick! Masked Super Punch!"

"Defeat all the bad guys!"

"Kamen Rider Come on!"

The three of them yelled at the Masked Superman on the stage with great enthusiasm.

"Brother Seiji, Conan, don't you two like Kamen Rider?" Seeing that neither Seiji nor Conan cheered, Ayumi couldn't help asking.

Seiji and Conan immediately pretended to be happy when they heard the words, "Come on! Kamen Rider! Come on!"

"Ha ha.."

PS: Ask for a ticket.
(End of this chapter)

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