Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 77 Cargo Building

Chapter 77 Department Store
Ten minutes later, Kamen Rider finally finished his performance.

"Let's go, let's go to Kamen Rider and ask for his autograph!" Seeing this, Mitsuhiko shouted loudly.

"it is good!"

"I agree!"

A few minutes later, Seiji and his team surrounded Kamen Rider, holding a piece of Kamen Rider's signature in their hands.

After everyone set up the poss, the photographer shouted: "OK, 1, 2, 3, eggplant!"

"Okay, the photos are finished, the next batch!"

After taking the photos, Shengsi paid for the photos.

It's really no profiteering, this photo actually cost Shengsi 1000 yuan!But looking at Ayumi's happy look holding the photo, even 1 yuan is worth it.

After watching Kamen Rider's performance, everyone started to shake around in the playground on this floor. Everyone played on the trampoline, swings, and foam beds.

At about 05:30, seeing that everyone was tired from playing, Shengsi proposed to go home.

When taking the elevator to go downstairs, everyone met the elevator sister again.

"Thank you very much for coming to our company, and look forward to your next visit!"

When everyone got out of the elevator, the sister bowed again.

"If it's fun, I'll come back next time!" Shengsi said.


on the way home.

Everyone was still shouting the slogan of Kamen Rider.

Suddenly, Genta stopped, touched his schoolbag and shouted: "It's gone, it's gone! The signature Kamen Rider gave me is gone!"

"What's wrong? Did you lose it?" Ayumi wondered.

"I wanted to keep it as a souvenir, but now I lost it! My God!" Yuan Tai sat paralyzed on the ground with a dejected look on his face.

"But I remember, we were still there when we took a photo with Masked Rider!" Mitsuhiko said thoughtfully.

"I really can't do anything about you, Ayumi, can you give me the photo?" Conan looked helpless when he saw this.

Ayumi took out the photo and handed it to Conan.

After looking at the photo for a while, Conan said: "I remember that time, Genta, you said you were hungry, and then..."

"Ah! I remember it! I dropped it there when I went to buy a hot dog!" Conan said halfway, and Genta remembered.

"I'm going to get it back! Are you going?" Yuan Tai looked deathly at home.

Seeing this, Conan said helplessly: "It's almost six o'clock now, and the department store will close soon, let's go get it tomorrow!"

"It's okay, we can get it now!" Shengsi suddenly interjected from the side.

Yuan Tai, who was originally unhappy, immediately smiled when she heard the words: "Sheng Si is right! Let's go! Let's go back soon." After saying that, he ran back.

"Yuantai, don't run so fast, wait for us!"

Everyone quickly chased after him.

Seeing this, Conan sighed helplessly and had no choice but to follow.

By the time everyone returned to the entrance of the department store, it was already [-]:[-], and it was now March, it was getting dark early, and the street lights were on.

It was almost closing time at the entrance of the department store, and now there was a guard standing at the entrance to prevent people from entering again.

"Please hurry up, the security system will start to activate in 10 minutes!"

The guard at the door yelled at those who hadn't come out yet.

"Genta, the opening of the security system means that the gate will be closed!" Ayumi reminded Genta after hearing the words.

"Hmph! I can get it in just 10 minutes!" Yuan Tai turned her head and clenched her fists, with a confident look on her face.

However, Shengsi looked at Yuantai's physique and shook his head slightly.

"Yuantai, why don't you just wait here and I'll get it for you?"

"No need, I've troubled you so many times, let me do it myself this time!" Yuan Tai said with an embarrassed expression.

Shengsi helped him so many times that Yuantai felt embarrassed.

After Yuan Tai finished speaking, she turned her head and glanced at the gate of the department store, and found that someone just came out from there.

"Okay, let's rush in now!"

Yuan Tai let out a low drink, and rushed in while the guard was talking to others.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly followed, they couldn't let Yuantai go in alone, how could it make them feel at ease?
In just a second or two, a group of people rushed in from behind the guards.

A series of subtle footsteps made the guard puzzled, but when he turned around, he didn't find anyone. He shook his head slightly, probably because he heard it wrong, the guard thought.

"Shengsi, Conan, why are you here?" Yuan Tai asked the people behind him in the corner of the hall.

"Okay, we'll come as soon as we come, stop talking nonsense, time is running out, let's go get our things and leave!" Shengsi waved his hands.

Yuan Tai was taken aback when she heard the words, and then said with a smile: "Okay, time is running out, let's go!"

After speaking, he took the lead and walked to the elevator, because it was almost time to get off work, and the elevator sister they met just now was not here anymore.

After reaching the eighth floor, everyone searched for a while and found the signature card placed in the corner.

Yuan Tai picked it up and said happily: "Great! My baby is back!"

"Don't just be happy, it's going to be 10 minutes soon, the elevator went down again for some reason, now the door is almost closed after the elevator comes up and then goes down!" Shengsi's words were like a bucket of cold water poured on Yuantai's face. body.


Yuan Tai blinked her peasy eyes, her face was bewildered.

"Let's run down the stairs!" Conan suddenly thought of a way and said loudly.

After saying that, he led everyone to run downstairs, and Shengsi smiled and easily chased after him.

After more than a minute, although everyone ran very fast, when they reached the door, the door just closed!

"Ah, the door has been closed!" Ayumi said with a disappointed expression as she looked at the door that had just closed, what a pity, it was just a little bit close to catch up, but now there is no way to go out.

As soon as Ayumi finished speaking, the lights of the entire department store were turned off. From what it looked like, the so-called security system should have been activated.

"That's it, then what should we do?" Yuan Tai touched the back of his head and said with an embarrassed face, he was fully responsible for everyone being locked up this time.

But at this time, no one will blame him.

"Let's go to the security room in the store and tell them the truth. At most, they will scold us and let us out!" Conan's mind was spinning quickly.

"That's it, then let's go!" Yuan Tai said impatiently.

"That. The security room is on the second basement floor!" Shengsi said with a strange expression.

Because in his telekinesis, it seemed that four people were tied up in a room on the second basement floor, and one of them seemed to be the elevator sister they had met many times.

In addition to the four people who were tied up, there were four people standing in the room, and they were discussing something around a table at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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