Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 78 Kamen Rider Robbery

Chapter 78 Kamen Rider Robbery
"However. The situation there seems to be a little different from what we thought." Listening to what the people in the guard room said, Shengsi's face became even weirder.

Is this a robbery?The four people in the security room were discussing how to search for valuables such as jewelry and rings in department stores.

"What's wrong?" Conan asked suspiciously after listening to Shengsi's words.

"It's nothing. It's nothing." Shengsi smiled, he wouldn't tell Conan, anyway, it's not a big deal, let's take a look first.

"Okay, then let's go to the second basement floor to find the security room!"


A few minutes later, the group arrived at the second basement floor.

Following the light from the security room, everyone came to the door of the security room.

"Kamen Rider!" Ayumi said in surprise when she saw a person in a masked Rider costume through the crack of the door.

Shengsi instantly covered her mouth, and he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the group of four performing Masked Superman this afternoon came to rob!

"Strong bandit group?!"

Conan looked at the few people in the house and said in surprise, looking at the orderly division of labor of these people, it is definitely an organized robbery gang!
"It would be miserable to be discovered!" Guang Yan whispered.

"Let's go quickly! If we are discovered, we will be killed!" Yuan Tai also panicked.

"But, what about the sister in the elevator?" Ayumi said worriedly to everyone, and then she turned her eyes to Shengsi, "Brother Shengsi, you must have a way to save them, right?!"

"Yes, yes, but." Shengsi nodded his head pretending to be profound, but Ayumi didn't give him a chance to pretend. "Hurry up and save them, that elevator sister is so pitiful!"

Shengsi choked on Ayumi's words, and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll save them right away!"

In fact, he wanted to say that the elevator sister had a gun in her hand, and the rope that tied her was fake at all, it was not tied tightly at all, it was just put on it at will, and the kind that could be broken off as soon as it was pulled.

This woman, Shengsi, knew at a glance that there must be a problem!But Shengsi didn't take it seriously at all, because in his eyes, these people were no threat at all!

After Shengsi finished saying that he wanted to save them, he yelled directly at the group of people in the room: "I have arrested you all! Hurry up and arrest them!"

"Hey! I said Shengsi. What's the difference between this and death?!" Because Shengsi spoke quickly, it was too late for Conan to stop him.

Shengsi just smiled at Conan when he heard the words, "Watch me perform!"

"Performing? What the hell?" Conan was puzzled.

"What?! Is it the police?! Where did a group of brats come from?!" The four people were startled when they heard Shengsi's loud shout, thinking that the police were coming, but they immediately relaxed when they saw who was coming. in one breath.

"Catch them quickly!" The man dressed as Masked Rider waved his hand, signaling his accomplices to catch Seiji and the others.

The three accomplices rushed towards Shengsi and the others with a relaxed look on their faces. In their eyes, catching a group of children is not too easy.

Looking at the three people running towards them, Conan tensed up and shouted: "Run!"

After shouting, Conan turned and ran.But when he ran a few steps, he realized that there was no one following him!
"What's wrong with you all? Run!" Conan turned around and shouted anxiously.

Seeing Conan's anxious look, Ayumi smiled and explained: "Don't be afraid, Conan, Brother Shengsi can beat them all to the ground!"

Is it?Conan stopped when he heard the words, and turned to look at Seiji with a puzzled expression.

Ayumi means Seiji is very powerful?But Shengsi seems to have nothing special except for greater strength and a more flexible mind.

Not to mention Conan's confusion here, Shengsi looked at the three people running towards him and shook his head, "I said, you were arrested by me, just kneel down obediently, but you insist on forcing me Shot!"

Saying that, Shengsi ran towards the three of them.

After trotting for two steps, Shengsi approached the three of them, and then took off directly, jumping nearly two meters high!

Then Shengsi kicked his legs with a fork, and with a bang, he hit the heads of the two of them!

In an instant, the two of them were beaten into a severe coma by Shengsi. Shengsi was very measured in his actions. After these two kicks, at most they will be beaten into vegetative states, and they will not die.
The remaining one who ran slowly didn't react yet, and continued to charge towards Shengsi with a forward momentum. Seeing this, Shengsi kicked him flying and smashed it on the table.


Judging from the sound of the bone breaking, it was at least a powder fracture!
Shengsi's series of actions only took less than two seconds.

"Brother Shengsi, you are amazing!"

"Sage is amazing!"

"Sage is awesome!"

After knocking down the three of them, Ayumi and the others' admiration came over my face, and Conan was shocked by Seiji's move.Even stronger!
Ayumi and the others were extremely happy, while the robbers were almost scared to pee their pants!Only one remaining Kamen Rider fled to the corner tremblingly. He had seen clearly just now that it took less than two seconds for Seiji to finish off his three accomplices, and he might not be faster than him with a gun!So he has lost the courage to resist.

"I surrender, surrender!"

Seeing Shengsi gradually approaching, he shouted quickly, his panic looked like he was about to be frightened to death!
Seeing this, Shengsi also felt bored, walked slowly to his side, and patted his shoulder, "It's fine to be obedient earlier, I insist on taking action! Alright, call the police yourself!"

"Nani?! Call the police yourself?"

Shengsi glared!
"Yes!. Yes." Trembling, the man took out his mobile phone and called the police under Shengsi's gaze.

After a while, the call was connected.

"I am on the second basement of the department store, I... I am a robber, please... please take me away!"

"It's a robber to me, right in a department store!"

"Why do you care so much?! I'm going to rob you! Just catch me!"

Under Shengsi's watchful eyes, the man couldn't speak fluently, and said that the police couldn't help him in the end, and he was almost dying of panic!There is a killing god standing beside him, so whoever is not in a hurry? !
After talking on the phone, Kamen Rider looked at Shengsi with an aggrieved expression, waiting for Shengsi's trial.

Shengsi ignored him, but said to himself: "If I were you, I wouldn't take out a gun!"

At the end, Shengsi looked back at the elevator sister who was tied up.

Just after Shengsi finished speaking, the movements of the elevator sister's hands froze. Under Shengsi's calm gaze, fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. She had a feeling that as long as she made even one unnecessary movement at this time , will step into the footsteps of those three people just now!So she dare not move now.

After hearing what Shengsi said, Conan also turned his attention to the elevator sister. After careful observation, he also found that there was something wrong with this woman!At the same time, a big doubt popped up in his heart, how could Shengsi know this?She even knew she had a gun!
You must know that I haven't found out where the gun is hidden on her body now, Shengsi's observation skills are really terrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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