Chapter 80 Moved
After separating from the crowd, the two walked towards Ayumi's house together.

After walking for a while, Shengsi suddenly said: "Ayumi, how is the meditation practice I taught you?"

"Brother Shengsi, I have cultivated magic power, do you think I am powerful?!" Ayumi said proudly upon hearing this.

"Of course it's amazing! My Ayumi is the best!" Seiji smiled and patted Ayumi's head.

Ayumi jumped up happily when she heard the words, obviously she was very happy with Seiji's praise.

"Since you have cultivated your magic power, I will give you a gift!" Seeing the happy Ayumi, Seiji said.

"What gift?!" Ayumi was delighted.

"Dangdang! It's this ring!"

Shengsi took out the space ring that Diwen gave him from the dimensional space.

Under the blessing of Shengsi's magic power, the ring glowed white, twinkling, very dazzling in this dark night.

"Ah! Ring! Brother Shengsi, are you proposing to me?" Ayumi yelled, covering her face in embarrassment.

Seeing Ayumi's shy look, Shengsi's mouth twitched, "No, this is a storage ring, you can sense it with magic power, and you can put things in it like me!"

As he spoke, he handed the ring to Ayumi.

"Ah, so it's like this!" Ayumi said with a disappointed expression, and even her tone was full of unhappiness, which made Seiji baffled.

But after she took the ring and learned how to use it under Shengsi's guidance, she became happy.

"Yeah! This thing is great! I won't have to carry a schoolbag anymore! Thank you! Brother Shengsi!"

Ayumi used this ring to put things in and take them out, having a great time playing.

Seeing Ayumi's happy face, Shengsi reminded: "Ayumi, you have to remember, don't let others know about this! You have to use it quietly."

Ayumi nodded obediently when she heard the words: "I know, Brother Shengsi! I will use it quietly, hahaha."

"Okay, you go home quickly, uncles and aunts are waiting impatiently!" Seiji pinched Ayumi's little nose, and the two of them had already reached the door of Ayumi's house.

"Well, see you, Brother Shengsi!" Ayumi waved her hand to Shengsi.


After bidding farewell to Ayumi, Seiji hurried back to his home.

"Why did Xiao Si come back so late today? Have you eaten yet?" Dad put down the newspaper in his hand and said as soon as Sheng Si entered the door.

"I was delayed by something on the road, and I haven't eaten yet!" Shengsi said while changing his shoes.

"Xiao Si hasn't eaten yet?! Then let me help you do it now!" Seeing that Sheng Si hadn't eaten, the mother who was sitting next to her hurriedly got up.

"Just make something casually, thank you mom!" Shengsi said sweetly.

After Mom entered the kitchen, Shengsi asked Dad, "Dad, where is sister?"

"She is reading in the bedroom. I heard from your mother that since she came home, she has been reading in the bedroom. Except for one meal, she has been in the bedroom." Dad continued to read his newspaper and answered casually. road.

"Oh, then I'll go and see her." Shengsi said and walked towards Xiao Xi's bedroom.

Opening the door of Xiao Xi's room, Shengsi saw Xiao Xi who was concentrating on reading the magic book. Seeing her serious face, Shengsi couldn't bear to be disturbed, so he sat down beside her, quietly waiting for her to finish reading.

Because Xiao Xi read the magic book very seriously, she didn't find Shengsi by his side at all.

A few minutes later, Xiao Xi seemed to have finished watching a spell and was about to experiment. When she raised her hand and was about to cast a spell, she suddenly found Shengsi who had been staring at her beside her.

"Ah?! Xiao Si, why are you here? You have been waiting for a long time." Xiao Xi was startled, and said with a blushing face. It seems that Sheng Si should have been waiting for her for a while, and she has been staring at her. She, so she's a little bit shy.

"It's okay, my sister looks very good-looking when she is serious." Shengsi said with a smile.

Hearing what Shengsi said, Xiao Xi blushed even more, "Where?"

"Right, sister, why don't you use magic crystals when you practice magic? Whenever I use magic, I will use magic crystals, so that I can increase my upper limit of magic power faster!" There is no need for magic crystals, but Shengsi remembered to give her hundreds of magic crystals for her to use as she pleases.

"Magic crystals are very rare, so it's good to be able to save a little bit. Besides, I'm just understanding magic now, and I don't need to consume magic crystals." Xiao Xi said with a heartbroken face when she heard the words, Shengsi is really a waste, she used to be a homeless When she was a magician, because of the high value of magic crystals, she couldn't afford them at all, and she had never even seen them, so she cherishes them very much now.

Seeing Xiao Xi's heartbroken face, Shengsi couldn't help but smiled, "My silly sister, magic crystals can greatly increase your speed of magic cultivation, even if you understand magic, you can unconsciously absorb the magic crystals. The magic power increases the upper limit of magic. If the magic crystal is gone, I will go to Uncle Diwen to get it again. You will not be missing, so you can use it boldly!"

When Xiao Xi heard what Shengsi said, her nose turned sore for some reason, she was obviously just a child, but she gave herself the warmth of a big brother.

"Thank you! Xiao Si." Xiao Xi nodded heavily, tears flashed in her eyes.

"Thank you, what my sister wants in the future, as long as I can get it, I will definitely give it to you!" Shengsi said, patting his small chest.

The moment Xiao Xi heard these words, the tears that were already glistening in her eyes overflowed like a flood that had opened its gates.

Looking at the crying Xiao Xi, Shengsi asked suspiciously: "Sister, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying suddenly? Did Shengsi make you unhappy?"

"No, Shengsi, I'm just happy! I'm very happy now. Xiaosi, can you let me hug you for a while?" Xiao Xi hugged Shengsi in her arms, stopped crying, and whispered, she I don't know how to describe my current mood. There are mixed flavors. All kinds of unhappiness in the past are mixed with the happiness now. Generally speaking, she is very happy now!
"En" Shengsi replied in Xiao Xi's arms, he feels very comfortable now, just like being in his mother's arms, very warm and comfortable.

For a moment, the entire room fell silent, only the breathing of the two people was still echoing.

A few minutes later, my mother's cry broke the tranquility.

"Xiao Si, come and eat!"

"Coming!" Shengsi responded in Xiao Xi's arms.

"Xiao Si, let's go eat!" Xiao Xi's mood had calmed down at this time, and she blushed slightly and hugged Sheng Si out of her arms.

"Well, then I'm going to eat first, and I'll come back later to learn magic with you."


Seeing Shengsi's leaving back, Xiao Xi smiled, very sweetly and seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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