Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 81 Haunted House

Chapter 81 Haunted House
The next morning.

Recess time at Didan Primary School.

"Brother Shengsi, when I went shopping last night, I saw a ghost fire in an old house nearby! Do you think there are monsters in it!" Ayumi said to Shengsi excitedly.

"Monsters? There are monsters in this world, but I don't know if there are any monsters in that room." Shengsi said, there are still many kinds of monsters in the world. Last night, Shengsi and Xiao Xi discussed for a while After magic, he began to read some miscellaneous books.

He has read "History of Magic", "A Family History of Magic", "Modern History of Magic" and so on.From it, Shengsi learned many magical places that he had never known before, as well as many mysteries.

For example, there is a family called the Miyamizu family, with the same surname as Seiji. This family is very ancient and has the power of time and space. It is very powerful. I heard that there have been powerful wizards who can travel through time and space!But for some unknown reason, it is now in decline and has become a third-rate family. After reading the introduction of this family, Shengsi is very interested in it and plans to find some time to take a look.

Monsters, monsters and other things are also recorded in books. There is a legend of a monster called "Kechart" that came out of the mysterious underground world "Yagotai", and Yagotai is the magic world. It is the only place that seems to have produced a sage, because it is recorded in ancient books that people who have been dead for a long time can be resurrected in Yagotai. This kind of magical power definitely does not belong to wizards!
But now several clans in Yagotai have closed the entrance to Yagotai for some reason, and now, no one knows where the entrance to Yagotai is, and, even if you know where the entrance is, Can't get in without a key!
Speaking of the word monster, Shengsi thought of so many at once.

"Since we don't know if there are any monsters in it, let's go exploring together!" Ayumi blinked her small eyes with a curious expression on her face. After being exposed to the magical world, Ayumi is now very interested in those strange things.

"Okay!" Seiji also wanted to see the so-called haunted house, since he had nothing to do anyway, so it would be nice to accompany Ayumi.

"I'm going too!" Genta shouted from the side, he had been listening to Ayumi just now, and he was more interested in monsters.

"Monsters and everything are deceiving! In this scientific world, so-called ghosts or monsters will only appear in comics and TV." Mitsuhiko couldn't help but interjected when he heard Ayumi's words, what did he say to monsters? I don't believe it at all. In his eyes, only science is supreme, but Shengsi is an exception!

Just after Mitsuhiko finished speaking, Motota, who had been listening to Ayumi, quit immediately. He slammed the table and shouted at Mitsuhiko: "What do you mean?! Are you doubting Ayumi?! "

"No, no, I... I mean..." Yuan Tai's loud shout scared Mitsuhiko very much.

"If this is the case, you have to come together to prove the fact that there are no monsters in this world!" Genta directly interrupted Mitsuhiko, then lifted Mitsuhiko up, and threatened: "If you don't go !So"

"I'll go." Seeing Yuanta's vicious look, Mitsuhiko had no choice but to agree.

Seeing that both Mitsuhiko and Genta agreed, Ayumi turned her gaze to Conan, "Conan, you don't seem to believe what I said!"

Conan was taken aback when Ayumi came, wouldn't he, and want to play that boring adventure game with a group of kid again?Originally, he was going to refuse, but he suddenly met Genta's expression of "wait and see if you don't agree", so Conan also succumbed to Ayumi's "majesty".

"Okay! Then let's go together after lunch!" Seeing that everyone agreed to her proposal, Ayumi jumped up happily.

"Okay! After eating, everyone, go home and prepare, and then gather there!"

Today is a cloudy day, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and it looks like a storm is about to come.

in the afternoon.

In front of the so-called haunted house.

"I brought a lot of food!" Ayumi opened her schoolbag and said, with a happy face, she was looking forward to this adventure.

"This is the baseball bat I used to destroy monsters!" Genta shouted, holding up a big baseball bat.

"I prepared five flashlights! And a compass." Mitsuhiko took out five flashlights and a compass from his schoolbag.

After the three finished speaking, they found that Shengsi and Conan had not spoken, so they asked, "Shengsi and Conan, what did you two bring?"

Conan was a little embarrassed seeing this, "I didn't bring anything"

"Ah, that's it, I don't know how to die by then!" Yuan Tai said with a frightened face.

"Genta is right, if you are accidentally killed by a monster, you will be finished!" Ayumi also echoed.

"I'll just try not to die." The corners of Conan's mouth twitched. These kids thought they were going to the devil's castle. They looked so nervous.
"Conan didn't bring it with you, Shengsi, you didn't bring anything, did you?" Mitsuhiko couldn't help but squinted his eyes at the empty-handed Shengsi, with a look of suspicion.

And Shengsi was more straightforward, spreading his hands, "I brought myself! When the monster comes, I will beat him to the ground!"

"It's fine!" Everyone expressed their strong feelings for Shengsi's words.

"Okay, let's go in!"

Mitsuhiko couldn't wait to embark on this adventure.

Then he led the crowd to the door.

"Why can't this door be opened?" Guangyan walked in the front, shook the big iron door, and found that it couldn't be opened at all.

Seeing this, Shengsi took a step forward, "I'll do it!"

"Oh." Mitsuhiko moved out of the way wisely.

Shengsi first took three steps back, then raised his leg and kicked towards the iron gate.

With a sound of "Bang!", the iron gate was kicked flying by Shengsi, and hit the grass not far away. Due to inertia, the iron gate still rolled on the grass.

"Amazing!" Everyone was stunned seeing Shengsi's supernatural power. Is this still human?
"It seems that I used too much force." Shengsi looked at the iron door being kicked away by him, with a look of embarrassment on his face. Shengsi originally only planned to kick the door open, but he didn't expect to lose control and kick the door. flew.

But it doesn't matter, no one lives anyway.

Thinking of this, Shengsi quickly said: "Okay, let's go in quickly!"

"En..." Everyone hadn't reacted to the scene just now, they nodded in a daze, and followed.

Shengsi is simply a humanoid Tyrannosaurus!It's really scary!

Walking into the gate is a yard overgrown with weeds. It can be seen from the appearance that no one has been here for a long time. When passing the yard, everyone looked at the iron gate kicked by Shengsi, and everyone's face was full of smiles. With a surprised expression.

(End of this chapter)

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