Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 82 Villager Conan

Chapter 82 Villager Conan
A group of people walked through the overgrown yard and came directly to the gate of the haunted house, but when everyone stopped at the gate, there was a thunder in the sky.

The thunderbolt was so swift that everyone staggered and ran into the gate, Ayumi was so frightened that she hugged Shengsi tightly, and Shengsi had no choice but to hug her into the gate with a happy face.

This is not what I wanted to hug, it was Ayumi who took the initiative!

"Boom!" As soon as he entered the door, there was another thunder.

There are seven or eight statues of demons in the hall. At this moment, they are extremely terrifying under the light of lightning.

"Ah! Ghost!" Ayumi exclaimed. As soon as she entered the gate, Ayumi saw the scene of these demon statues being illuminated by lightning, and she was frightened.

Seeing this, Shengsi quickly hugged Ayumi tightly, and comforted him: "It's okay, those are just statues! Besides, you don't have to be afraid if I'm here!"

"En!" Ayumi nodded blushing in Shengsi's arms. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, and quickly pushed Shengsi away. She looked at Conan and the others shyly, and found that they were not paying attention to this side. After that, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seiji just smiled when he saw Ayumi's actions, Ayumi was shy again.

"There is a lot of dust on these statues and on the ground. It seems that no one has been here for a long time!" Conan took a flashlight and took a photo in the hall casually, and then said.

"Yeah, I just touched it, and my hands were covered with dust." Guang Yan foolishly touched the statue, and found that his hands were all covered with dust, which was very uncomfortable. "Is there a toilet here? I'm going to wash my hands!"

"There should be in the front, let's move on, and we should be able to see it later." Conan said uncertainly, he didn't know if there would be water in the house that had been abandoned for so long.

"Then let's go!" Mrs. Yuan waved her stick.

As he spoke, he took the lead and walked forward, and Shengsi and the others hurriedly followed.

"Hey! There's a toilet here!" After walking for a while, Yuan Tai found the toilet.

Mitsuhiko ran in with a happy face when he heard the words, "It's great, I can finally wash my hands! It's really uncomfortable to get dust on my hands."

Seeing Mitsuhiko washing his hands, Conan was puzzled, isn't this an abandoned house?Why hasn't the water stopped?If the water is not cut off, then who pays the water bill?

Although Conan was puzzled in his heart, he was just thinking about it, and it was none of his business. What did he care about?
After a while, Mitsuhiko finished washing his hands, and everyone began to continue exploring.

While walking, Yuan Tai suddenly said: "It seems that we are really performing a mission, don't you think so?"

Ayumi echoed the words: "Yes, we are an expedition team!"

"I am a brave man!" Yuantai began to play role-playing.

"I am a cute female warrior!" Ayumi always has the word cute.

"I am a smart magician!" Mitsuhiko expressed his opinion.

"I'm a super soldier!" Shengsi also got a second shot.

Seeing what everyone said, Conan was not to be outdone: "Then I am."

But before Conan finished speaking, Yuan Tai interrupted him, "You are a villager!"

Conan was a little unconvinced, "I'm not a villager, I'm a wise man!"

"What? Mental retardation?!" Shengsi also made up for it.

"It's a wise man!" Conan shouted, he was almost driven crazy, what a bunch of nasty little devils, especially Shengsi!

Seeing Conan like this, everyone burst out laughing, and the tense atmosphere immediately dissipated.And this is what Shengsi wanted.

As for Conan who was looking unhappy, Seiji just ignored it, Conan's unhappiness is everyone's happiness, ahahahaha.
what the hell!What a contempt!Conan curled his lips, saying that he doesn't care about it like a child!
Skipping this little episode, everyone continued to explore in this old house.

As he was walking, suddenly, a wooden door in front of him opened by itself, making a piercing creaking sound, which looked terrifying.

Startled by the sound, the group of people backed away in an instant, and Seiji was dragged back by Ayumi without knowing why, leaving Conan alone in front who was not frightened.

What does it mean, a group of brave men hiding behind the villagers?Conan complained inwardly.

"Go and have a look, villager!" Yuan Tai whispered to Conan.

"Come on! Conan!" Ayumi was still cheering on Conan.

Seeing this, Conan had no choice but to move forward.

After everyone followed Conan into the room, they found that it was just the wind blowing in through the window, and then the door was blown open.

"What, it turned out that it was just the wind blowing the door open from the window. I think this is the true face of the monster!" Seeing this, Mitsuhiko hurried up and closed the window, and at the same time explained the principle scientifically to everyone.

"I don't think so! Look at the traces on the window, it's so new, it means that the window was opened recently, it means that someone has been here in the past few days! Or the monster just opened it!" Shengsi looked Glancing at the brand new scratch on the edge of the window, he said, and finally Shengsi used a terrifying tone.

"Oh yes. Really? Where is the monster?" Mitsuhiko was taken aback by Shengsi's words.

Not only Mitsuhiko was frightened, but Genta and Ayumi were also looking at the window with fearful faces, only Conan curled his lips in disdain, and didn't take Shengsi's words to heart at all!It's okay to scare Ayumi and the others with these words, but if you want to scare my famous detective Kudo Shinichi, it's still too tender!
"I'm lying to you, there are no monsters here, but people have lived in this house all the time, so it's not a haunted house." Shengsi smiled evilly, with an inscrutable look on his face.

The moment he heard this, Conan was startled, did Seiji also find out?As expected of the famous detective Seiji who can spot murders at a glance.
"Ah~ there are people living here, so don't we trespass on private houses?" Ayumi said in a panic when she heard the words, because trespassing on private houses in Japan is a crime, and it seems that the crime is not light, so Ayumi was really caught at this time scared.

"What?! Breaking into a private house!!! Then will we be arrested by the police uncle? I haven't eaten eel rice today, can you let me eat eel rice before arresting me?!" Yuan Taigeng I was so scared that I wanted to eat eel rice, it looked like a real treasure.

Shengsi slapped his forehead with his hand, with a helpless expression on his face, "We won't be caught in prison, Yuantai, can you stop for a while and pay back? This is very noisy!"

"Ah? What? We won't go to prison anymore?" Yuan Tai became quiet after hearing this.

"Yes, the people in this room are special! Didn't you whisper to me this morning that the owner of this house committed suicide five years ago? His son and wife also moved away, but I think That person didn't commit suicide, but was killed by his son or wife, so they concealed the matter and lived a life of seclusion here!" Shengsi just swept away the brand new traces on the window with his thoughts. After looking at the whole house, he finally found out that there is a basement here, and there is a prison cell in the basement, and a person is imprisoned in it!

(End of this chapter)

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