Chapter 83 Basement

Regarding Shengsi's wonderful reasoning, Conan raised his question, "How do you know so much, Shengsi?!"

At most, he can only deduce that there are people in this house, and he doesn't know anything else, but Shengsi has already told everything at this time, and Conan is shocked by this!
In fact, the fact that Shengsi can tell so much is just based on the situation in the telepathy and the memory of the previous life, so that he can tell most of the whole situation.

But for Conan's question at this time, Seiji still wants to answer it perfectly.

"Of course I have observed these! Just now, Mitsuhiko was able to receive water from the faucet in the toilet, which means that there are still people paying the water bill for this house. Also, when we came in through the gate just now, I was in the yard. I saw a newly added small wooden door next to it and there are traces of people walking nearby, plus the traces of this newly opened window, so I guess someone should live here often!"

"And when I passed a room just now, I glanced inside and saw a photo. There are three people in the photo. They should be the family in this house. Plus what Ayumi told me this morning, so I came to the conclusion just now."

Shengsi spoke out his reason in one breath.

As soon as Seiji finished speaking, Ayumi clapped her hands and praised: "Shengsi is amazing, he really deserves to be a detective!"

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko also said that Shengsi is really powerful.

"Where is it?" Shengsi said with a smile.

Conan also nodded secretly when he heard the words. If what Shengsi said is true, then Shengsi's reasoning is almost [-]% correct. The only achievement is that they have visited almost all of this house, but they did not find a single person. people.

"What you said, Shengsi, seems to be correct, but have you noticed that we walked around the entire house, but we didn't see the two people you mentioned!" Conan asked, guessing in his heart. The two of them were hiding in a secret room or living nearby, and he wanted to see what Shengsi would say.

"Judging from the situation of this house, people should come in and out frequently, but there is no sign of people's activities in the room, so this house must have a basement or secret room or something, and people must be in it!" In fact, the situation is very good Guess, even if Shengsi has not read the original work, he can easily guess it.

"I think so too, then let's find out this secret room!" Conan clenched his fists and said to everyone.

"Okay! Find the secret room expedition team, let's go!" Mrs. Yuan echoed loudly, her tone was full of excitement, and she was about to go out as she said.

"Okay! Let's go!" Mitsuhiko also cheered endlessly.

Ayumi was also about to cheer loudly, but was stopped by Shengsi immediately, he didn't want Ayumi and Motota to be like that, it's too stupid, cheers are wool, is it necessary to be so excited to find someone?I really don't understand what Yuantai and the others are thinking.

"The secret room! The secret room! The secret room!" Guang Yan and Yuan Tai yelled as they walked out. The scene was like a cult, very terrifying.

Looking at this scene, the corners of Conan's mouth twitched. Genta and Mitsuhiko are really unreliable. They shouted so loudly because they were afraid that others would not hear them. He shook his head slightly and followed.

Mitsuhiko and Yuanta walked in front, as if they were taking the lead, and Shengsi and the others walked behind, and started the journey to find the secret room.

A few minutes later, under various "coincidence reminders" from Shengsi, everyone quickly discovered the entrance to a basement.

"Wow! Shengsi, you are so amazing. You found the entrance to the secret room in no time. You are indeed a super soldier!" The moment Yuan Tai saw the basement, Yuan Tai turned around and praised Shengsi endlessly.

"It's nothing." In fact, what Shengsi wanted to say was that finding the entrance to the basement had nothing to do with whether he was a super soldier or not? !

"Then let's go in and explore, it feels like it's fun inside!" Ayumi grabbed La Shengsi's hand, looking eager.

Seeing this, Shengsi also said: "Okay, let's go in quickly!"

He sensed with his thoughts just now that there are two people in this basement, one is locked in a cell, and the other is standing outside talking to the people inside, but the person inside seems very excited, just They kept shouting loudly, the one outside seemed to be persuading, it seems that the content of the quarrel between the two is actually probably known to Shengsi, the one standing outside is the mother of the man locked inside, Because her son accidentally killed her husband, but she didn't want this to be exposed, so she locked her son up and lived this kind of secluded life.

But her son can't stand this kind of life anymore, he wants to surrender himself!But the wife disagreed, she didn't want to lose her son, so the two quarreled.

Because the door of that room was closed, the sound inside did not reach everyone's ears. Generally speaking, there was no danger here.

Shengsi led everyone into the basement.

The basement wasn't that big, and Shengsi went straight to the occupied door.

"Is there anyone inside this door?" Conan asked when everyone reached the door.

"should have!"

"Should there be?!" When Conan was still thinking about the meaning of Shengsi's words, Shengsi had already opened the door.

"Ah! Who is it?! It's a group of brats? How did you guys get in here?!" As soon as they entered the door, the two who were arguing froze for a moment, and then looked at them at the same time. Among them, the person standing outside He also shouted at them, with a look of surprise on his face, obviously surprised by the sudden appearance of other people here.

After entering the door, Shengsi finally saw the faces of the two people clearly. They both had such long faces. Because they hadn't dressed up for a long time, their faces were extremely pale. fear.

This terrifying appearance startled everyone.

These two people should be the mother and child in that photo, but the current appearance is really scary, Conan thought, just now Conan went down to look at the photo under the leadership of Shengsi, and now he saw the two people instantly. Recognizing these two people, although the changes have been great, but the mole on the son's face is absolutely unmistakable!
"Madam, you have to be sensible about your son killing your husband by accident five years ago, even if you keep him here and don't let him turn himself in, it might be good for you, but , Have you ever thought about your son's feelings? How guilty is he for this? Do you know what he thinks?!" Shengsi ignored his wife's shouting, but asked back.

The moment she heard these words, the madam, who was originally stern and indifferent, was suddenly struck by lightning, and she froze on the spot, with a look of panic on her face, and murmured: "Who are you? How do you know this?!"

"My name is Seiji Miyamizu, and I'm a detective!" Seiji said Conan's often pretentious words, with a sense of pride in his tone.

(End of this chapter)

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